Objective: Gain unauthorized access, control, or disrupt the CodeIgniter application and its underlying systems by exploiting CodeIgniter-specific vulnerabilities, focusing on high-risk attack vectors.
Attack Goal: Compromise CodeIgniter Application [CRITICAL NODE]
├───[AND] Exploit CodeIgniter Weaknesses [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[OR] Exploit Publicly Disclosed Vulnerabilities (CVEs) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[Action] Exploit Vulnerability (e.g., RCE, XSS, SQLi in framework code) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[Insight] Keep CodeIgniter Framework Updated to Latest Stable Version. Regularly monitor security advisories. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ ├───[OR] Exploit Default/Insecure Configurations [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ ├───[AND] Exploit Debug Mode Enabled in Production [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ │ └───[Action] Leverage Debug Information Leakage (Path Disclosure, Configuration Details) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ └───[Insight] Disable Debug Mode in Production Environments. Implement proper error handling and logging. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ │ ├───[AND] Exploit Insecure Encryption Keys/Settings [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ │ └───[Action] Attempt to Retrieve/Guess Weak Encryption Keys (Default keys, easily guessable) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ └───[Insight] Use strong, randomly generated encryption keys. Securely store and manage keys. Use recommended encryption libraries and configurations. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ │ ├───[AND] Exploit Insecure Session Management [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ │ ├───[Action] Exploit Weak Session Cookie Security (e.g., HTTP-only, Secure flags missing) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ ├───[Action] Session Hijacking (If predictable session IDs or insecure storage) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ └───[Insight] Configure secure session handling (HTTP-only, Secure flags, strong session ID generation, regenerate session IDs on privilege escalation). Consider using database or Redis for session storage for better security and scalability. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ │ ├───[AND] Exploit Insecure File Upload Configurations [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ ├───[Action] Bypass File Type Restrictions (If poorly implemented) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ ├───[Action] Upload Malicious Files (Webshells, malware) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ └───[Insight] Implement robust file upload validation (file type, size, content). Store uploaded files outside web root. Sanitize file paths. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ │ ├───[AND] Exploit Database Configuration Issues [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ │ ├───[Action] Attempt to Access Configuration Files (If misconfigured web server or exposed files) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ ├───[Action] Exploit Weak Database Credentials (Default credentials, easily guessable) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ └───[Insight] Securely store database credentials. Use strong, unique passwords. Restrict access to database configuration files. Follow least privilege principles for database users. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ │ └───[AND] Exploit Misconfigured Routing
│ │ └───[Action] Identify Insecure Route Configurations (e.g., exposing admin panels, sensitive functions without authentication) [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[Insight] Carefully design and review routing configurations. Implement proper authentication and authorization for sensitive routes. Avoid exposing internal functionalities through easily guessable routes. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ ├───[OR] Exploit Vulnerabilities in Custom Helpers [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ └───[Action] Exploit Identified Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[Insight] Follow secure coding practices when developing custom helpers. Conduct security reviews and testing of custom code. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ └───[OR] Exploit Insecure Usage Patterns Encouraged/Allowed by CodeIgniter [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[AND] Misuse of CodeIgniter's Security Features (e.g., XSS Filtering Bypass) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ ├───[Action] Identify Weaknesses in Implementation or Bypasses in XSS Filtering [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ ├───[Action] Exploit Bypasses to Inject Malicious Scripts [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[Insight] Understand limitations of security features. Implement layered security. Validate and sanitize data at multiple points (client-side and server-side). [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ ├───[AND] Insecure Data Handling Practices (Allowed by CodeIgniter, not enforced against) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ ├───[Action] Identify Areas Where Data is Not Properly Sanitized or Validated [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ ├───[Action] Exploit Lack of Sanitization (e.g., SQL Injection, XSS, Command Injection in user-written code - while general, CodeIgniter doesn't prevent bad user code) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[Insight] Emphasize secure coding practices within the development team. Use CodeIgniter's input class and database abstraction properly. Conduct code reviews and security testing. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
│ └───[AND] Reliance on Client-Side Security [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ ├───[Action] Identify Over-Reliance on Client-Side Validation or Security [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[Action] Bypass Client-Side Security Controls [CRITICAL NODE]
│ └───[Insight] Implement server-side validation and security controls as the primary defense. Client-side security is for user experience, not security. [CRITICAL NODE] (Mitigation)
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Publicly Disclosed Vulnerabilities (CVEs) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Attack Vector: Exploiting known security vulnerabilities in specific versions of the CodeIgniter framework that have been publicly disclosed (CVEs).
- Critical Nodes:
- Exploit Vulnerability (e.g., RCE, XSS, SQLi in framework code) [CRITICAL NODE]: This is the point where the attacker leverages a known CVE to compromise the application. Examples include Remote Code Execution (RCE), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) within the framework itself, or SQL Injection vulnerabilities in the framework's database handling (less common in the framework core, more likely in user code using it).
- Why High-Risk: Outdated frameworks are easy targets. Exploits for known CVEs are often publicly available, lowering the skill and effort required for attackers. Impact can be severe, leading to full application compromise.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Keeping the CodeIgniter framework updated to the latest stable version and regularly monitoring security advisories is crucial to patch these vulnerabilities.
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Default/Insecure Configurations [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Attack Vector: Exploiting common misconfigurations in CodeIgniter applications, often stemming from default settings or developer oversights.
- Critical Nodes:
- Exploit Debug Mode Enabled in Production [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Leverage Debug Information Leakage (Path Disclosure, Configuration Details) [CRITICAL NODE]: Debug mode, if enabled in production, can leak sensitive information like server paths, configuration details, and database credentials in error messages or debug pages.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Disable Debug Mode in Production Environments. Implement proper error handling and logging to avoid information leakage.
- Exploit Insecure Encryption Keys/Settings [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attempt to Retrieve/Guess Weak Encryption Keys (Default keys, easily guessable) [CRITICAL NODE]: Using default or weak encryption keys makes it easier for attackers to decrypt sensitive data like session cookies or encrypted data.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Use strong, randomly generated encryption keys. Securely store and manage keys, ideally outside the web root. Use recommended encryption libraries and configurations.
- Exploit Insecure Session Management [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Exploit Weak Session Cookie Security (e.g., HTTP-only, Secure flags missing) [CRITICAL NODE]: Missing
flags on session cookies make them vulnerable to client-side scripting attacks (XSS) and Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks, respectively. - Session Hijacking (If predictable session IDs or insecure storage) [CRITICAL NODE]: Predictable session IDs or insecure session storage mechanisms (like default file-based storage without proper security) can allow attackers to hijack user sessions.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Configure secure session handling. Use
flags. Implement strong session ID generation. Regenerate session IDs on privilege escalation. Consider using database or Redis for session storage for better security.
- Exploit Weak Session Cookie Security (e.g., HTTP-only, Secure flags missing) [CRITICAL NODE]: Missing
- Exploit Insecure File Upload Configurations [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Bypass File Type Restrictions (If poorly implemented) [CRITICAL NODE]: Weak or client-side file type validation can be easily bypassed, allowing attackers to upload malicious files.
- Upload Malicious Files (Webshells, malware) [CRITICAL NODE]: Uploading webshells or malware can lead to Remote Code Execution (RCE) and full system compromise.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Implement robust server-side file upload validation (file type, size, content). Store uploaded files outside the web root to prevent direct execution. Sanitize file paths to prevent path traversal.
- Exploit Database Configuration Issues [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attempt to Access Configuration Files (If misconfigured web server or exposed files) [CRITICAL NODE]: Misconfigured web servers or exposed configuration files can reveal sensitive database credentials.
- Exploit Weak Database Credentials (Default credentials, easily guessable) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]: Using default or weak database credentials allows attackers to gain full access to the database.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Securely store database credentials. Use strong, unique passwords. Restrict access to database configuration files. Follow least privilege principles for database users.
- Exploit Misconfigured Routing:
- Identify Insecure Route Configurations (e.g., exposing admin panels, sensitive functions without authentication) [CRITICAL NODE]: Incorrect routing configurations can expose administrative panels or sensitive functionalities without proper authentication, allowing unauthorized access.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Carefully design and review routing configurations. Implement proper authentication and authorization for sensitive routes. Avoid exposing internal functionalities through easily guessable routes.
- Exploit Debug Mode Enabled in Production [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Why High-Risk: Default configurations are often insecure. Misconfigurations are common developer errors. Exploiting these weaknesses requires relatively low skill and effort, while the impact can range from information disclosure to full application compromise.
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Vulnerabilities in Custom Helpers [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Attack Vector: Exploiting security vulnerabilities introduced in custom helper functions written by developers.
- Critical Nodes:
- Exploit Identified Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE]: This is the point where vulnerabilities like XSS, SQL Injection, or Path Traversal in custom helpers are exploited.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Follow secure coding practices when developing custom helpers. Conduct security reviews and testing of custom code to identify and fix vulnerabilities.
- Exploit Identified Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE]: This is the point where vulnerabilities like XSS, SQL Injection, or Path Traversal in custom helpers are exploited.
- Why High-Risk: Custom code is often less rigorously tested than framework code. Developers may introduce vulnerabilities due to lack of security awareness or coding errors. Impact depends on the nature of the vulnerability in the helper.
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Insecure Usage Patterns Encouraged/Allowed by CodeIgniter [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Attack Vector: Exploiting insecure coding practices that are possible or even subtly encouraged by the framework's design or documentation, or simply not explicitly prevented by the framework.
- Critical Nodes:
- Misuse of CodeIgniter's Security Features (e.g., XSS Filtering Bypass) [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Identify Weaknesses in Implementation or Bypasses in XSS Filtering [CRITICAL NODE]: Developers might misunderstand the limitations of CodeIgniter's XSS filtering or implement it incorrectly, leading to bypasses.
- Exploit Bypasses to Inject Malicious Scripts [CRITICAL NODE]: Attackers can bypass XSS filters to inject malicious scripts, leading to XSS vulnerabilities.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Understand limitations of security features. Implement layered security. Validate and sanitize data at multiple points (client-side and server-side). Don't solely rely on framework's built-in security features.
- Insecure Data Handling Practices (Allowed by CodeIgniter, not enforced against) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Identify Areas Where Data is Not Properly Sanitized or Validated [CRITICAL NODE]: Developers may fail to properly sanitize and validate user inputs, even when using CodeIgniter's input class, leading to injection vulnerabilities.
- Exploit Lack of Sanitization (e.g., SQL Injection, XSS, Command Injection in user-written code - while general, CodeIgniter doesn't prevent bad user code) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]: Lack of proper sanitization directly leads to injection vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, XSS, and Command Injection in user-written application code.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Emphasize secure coding practices within the development team. Use CodeIgniter's input class and database abstraction properly. Conduct code reviews and security testing to ensure proper data handling.
- Reliance on Client-Side Security [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Identify Over-Reliance on Client-Side Validation or Security [CRITICAL NODE]: Developers might mistakenly rely on client-side validation or security controls as the primary defense.
- Bypass Client-Side Security Controls [CRITICAL NODE]: Client-side security controls are easily bypassed by attackers.
- Mitigation Insight [CRITICAL NODE]: Implement server-side validation and security controls as the primary defense. Client-side security is for user experience, not security.
- Misuse of CodeIgniter's Security Features (e.g., XSS Filtering Bypass) [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Why High-Risk: These issues stem from developer practices and misunderstandings, which are common. CodeIgniter, while providing tools, doesn't enforce secure coding. Impact can be high, leading to various vulnerabilities including injection flaws.