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File metadata and controls

193 lines (150 loc) · 12.1 KB

Mitigation Strategies Analysis for bcit-ci/codeigniter


  1. Global Enablement: In application/config/config.php, ensure $config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE;. This leverages CodeIgniter's built-in CSRF protection.
  2. Token Inclusion (Automatic with form_open()): Use CodeIgniter's form_open() helper function to generate HTML forms. This automatically includes a hidden CSRF token field. Do not create forms manually without including the token.
  3. AJAX Token Handling (Using CodeIgniter Functions): For AJAX requests:
    • Retrieve the token name and value using CodeIgniter's functions: $csrf_name = $this->security->get_csrf_token_name(); and $csrf_hash = $this->security->get_csrf_hash();.
    • Include the token in every AJAX request (POST, PUT, DELETE), preferably in the request headers (e.g., X-CSRF-TOKEN).
  4. Selective Exclusion (Using CodeIgniter's Configuration): If specific routes must be excluded, use $config['csrf_exclude_uris'] in application/config/config.php. Provide precise URI patterns. Example: $config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array('api/v1/webhook');.
  5. Token Regeneration (Using CodeIgniter's Session Library): After significant actions (login, password change), regenerate the token. If using CodeIgniter's session library, use $this->session->sess_regenerate();. If not using sessions, call $this->security->get_csrf_hash(); again to get a new hash, and ensure this new hash is sent to the client.
  6. Double Submit Cookie (If no sessions): If you are not using CodeIgniter sessions, implement the Double Submit Cookie pattern. Generate a cryptographically secure random value. Set this value in both a cookie (HttpOnly, Secure) and a hidden field in the form/request body. Server-side, verify that both values match.

Threats Mitigated:

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): (Severity: High)
  • Session Riding: (Severity: High)


  • CSRF: Risk significantly reduced (90-95%) with correct usage of CodeIgniter's CSRF protection features.
  • Session Riding: Risk reduced to a similar extent as CSRF.

Currently Implemented:

  • config.php: $config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE;
  • Views: Forms use form_open().
  • JavaScript (main.js): AJAX requests include X-CSRF-TOKEN.

Missing Implementation:

  • API Controllers: Broad CSRF exclusion (api/*). Needs refinement.
  • User Controller: Token regeneration missing after login/logout/password changes.
  • Double Submit Cookie is not implemented.


  1. Database Driver: In application/config/config.php, set $config['sess_driver'] = 'database'; (or 'redis', 'memcached'). Avoid the files driver in production.
  2. Table Creation (for Database Driver): Ensure the session table (default: ci_sessions) exists and matches the CodeIgniter documentation's schema.
  3. Configuration (Using CodeIgniter's Settings): In application/config/config.php:
    • $config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'unique_session_name';
    • $config['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
    • $config['sess_save_path'] = 'ci_sessions'; (table name for database driver)
    • $config['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE; (Initially FALSE; consider alternatives to IP matching)
    • $config['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
    • $config['sess_regenerate_destroy'] = TRUE;
    • $config['cookie_httponly'] = TRUE;
    • $config['cookie_secure'] = TRUE; (Essential for production)
    • $config['cookie_samesite'] = 'Lax'; (or 'Strict')
  4. Session Regeneration (Using CodeIgniter's Function): In your authentication logic (e.g., User controller), call $this->session->sess_regenerate(); after login, logout, and privilege changes.
  5. Data Storage: Store only a user identifier in the session. Retrieve sensitive data from the database using this identifier.

Threats Mitigated:

  • Session Fixation: (Severity: High)
  • Session Hijacking: (Severity: High)
  • Session Prediction: (Severity: High)
  • Data Leakage: (Severity: High)


  • Session Fixation, Hijacking, Prediction: Risk significantly reduced (80-90%) with correct CodeIgniter session configuration.
  • Data Leakage: Risk minimized by not storing sensitive data in the session.

Currently Implemented:

  • config.php: Most session settings are correctly configured.
  • Database: ci_sessions table exists.

Missing Implementation:

  • User Controller: Session ID regeneration not consistent after all privilege changes.
  • config.php: $config['sess_match_ip'] = TRUE; - Needs review and potential change.


  1. Prioritize Active Record: Use CodeIgniter's Active Record class for all database interactions whenever possible. Example: $this->db->select('username, email')->from('users')->where('id', $user_id)->get();.
  2. Query Bindings (If Raw SQL is Necessary): If you must use raw SQL, use CodeIgniter's query bindings: $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?"; $this->db->query($sql, array($username));. Never concatenate user input directly into SQL strings.
  3. Database Configuration: In application/config/database.php, ensure you are using a supported database driver (e.g., mysqli, pdo) and that it's configured to use prepared statements (usually the default).

Threats Mitigated:

  • SQL Injection: (Severity: Critical)


  • SQL Injection: Risk drastically reduced (95-99%) with consistent use of Active Record or query bindings.

Currently Implemented:

  • Controllers/Models: Majority use Active Record.
  • database.php: mysqli driver with prepared statements.

Missing Implementation:

  • Legacy Controller: Contains raw SQL queries without proper binding. Needs refactoring.


  1. Configuration (Within Your Controller):
    • $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/'; (Crucially, this must be outside the web root. Use an absolute path like /var/www/uploads/).
    • $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; (Strict whitelist of extensions).
    • $config['max_size'] = '2048'; (Maximum file size in KB).
    • $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; (Rename files to random, encrypted names).
  2. Load Library: $this->load->library('upload', $config);
  3. Perform Upload: $this->upload->do_upload('userfile');
  4. Error Handling: Check for errors using $this->upload->display_errors();.
  5. File Serving (Separate Controller - Using CodeIgniter's Output Class): Create a controller to serve files:
    • Sanitize and validate the requested file name.
    • Verify user authentication and authorization.
    • Read the file from the non-web-accessible upload directory.
    • Use CodeIgniter's Output class to set headers and output the file content: $this->output->set_content_type()->set_output(file_get_contents($file_path));.
  6. Image Manipulation (CodeIgniter's Image Library): If handling images, use $this->load->library('image_lib') to process images after upload and before storing.

Threats Mitigated:

  • Arbitrary File Upload: (Severity: Critical)
  • Directory Traversal: (Severity: High)
  • Denial of Service (DoS): (Severity: Medium)
  • Image-Based Vulnerabilities: (Severity: Medium)


  • Arbitrary File Upload: Risk significantly reduced (90-95%) with correct use of CodeIgniter's File Uploading Class and secure configuration.
  • Directory Traversal: Risk minimized by serving files through a controller.
  • DoS: Risk reduced by limiting file size.
  • Image-Based Vulnerabilities: Risk reduced by image processing.

Currently Implemented:

  • Upload Controller: Uses File Uploading Class.
  • config: allowed_types, max_size, encrypt_name configured.

Missing Implementation:

  • Upload Path: Files stored within web root. Critical issue.
  • File Serving Controller: Not implemented. Files accessed directly. Critical issue.
  • Image Manipulation: Not used.


  1. Output Encoding (Primary - Using PHP Functions): Always use htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() when displaying user data in HTML. Use context-specific encoding (e.g., json_encode() for JavaScript).
  2. xss_clean() (Secondary - CodeIgniter's Security Helper): Use $this->security->xss_clean($data); as an additional layer of defense, before storing data in the database (if storing potentially HTML-containing data). Do not rely on it as the sole XSS protection.

Threats Mitigated:

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): (Severity: High)


  • XSS: Risk significantly reduced (90-95%) with consistent output encoding. xss_clean() provides an additional, limited layer.

Currently Implemented:

  • Views: Some views use htmlspecialchars(), but not consistently.
  • Controllers: xss_clean() used in some controllers, but not consistently.

Missing Implementation:

  • Views: Comprehensive review needed for consistent output encoding.
  • Controllers: Consistent use of xss_clean() as a secondary measure.


  1. Avoid User Input in Paths: If possible, avoid using user input directly in file paths.
  2. Sanitization (Using CodeIgniter's Function): If user input must be used, use $this->security->sanitize_filename($user_input); to remove dangerous characters.
  3. Whitelist Validation: If you have a limited set of allowed files/directories, validate against a whitelist.

Threats Mitigated:

  • Directory Traversal: (Severity: High)


  • Directory Traversal: Risk significantly reduced (85-95%) with sanitization and whitelist validation.

Currently Implemented:

  • File Download Controller: sanitize_filename() is used.

Missing Implementation:

  • Image Gallery Controller: User input used in image paths without sanitization. Critical vulnerability.


  1. Avoid eval(): Do not use eval() with untrusted input.
  2. Secure File Inclusion (Using CodeIgniter's View Loading): Do not include files based directly on user input. Use a whitelist and CodeIgniter's view loading mechanism:
    $allowed_pages = array('home', 'about', 'contact');
    $page = $this->input->get('page'); // Use CodeIgniter's Input class
    if (in_array($page, $allowed_pages)) {
        $this->load->view($page); // Use CodeIgniter's view loader
    } else {

Threats Mitigated:

  • Code Injection: (Severity: Critical)


  • Code Injection: Risk almost entirely eliminated by avoiding eval() and using secure file inclusion.

Currently Implemented:

  • Application: No instances of eval().

Missing Implementation:

  • Plugin System: Includes files based on user input without validation. Critical vulnerability. Needs redesign using a whitelist and CodeIgniter's loading mechanisms.