Objective: Gain Unauthorized Access to User Data and/or Administrative Control [CRITICAL]
Gain Unauthorized Access to User Data and/or Administrative Control [CRITICAL]
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Exploit Vulnerabilities in Core Server Code Compromise 3rd-Party Apps/Integrations Abuse Server Configuration/Features Physical Access to Server
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RCE [CRITICAL] RCE [CRITICAL] Misconfigured Weak/Default
Sharing Credentials
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(Examples) (Examples) (Examples)
- Unpatched known - App-specific RCE [CRITICAL] - Publicly - Default
vulnerability -> HIGH RISK -> accessible admin/user
shares password
-> HIGH RISK-> - Overly -> HIGH RISK->
permissive - Easily
sharing guessable
settings passwords
->HIGH RISK-> - No 2FA
Direct Access to Server
Hardware [CRITICAL]
Attack Tree Path: 1. Exploit Vulnerabilities in Core Server Code
- RCE (Remote Code Execution) [CRITICAL]
- -> HIGH RISK -> Unpatched known vulnerability:
- Description: Exploiting a publicly known and documented vulnerability in the Nextcloud server code for which a patch is available but has not been applied.
- Likelihood: High (if patching is not diligent).
- Impact: Very High (complete system compromise).
- Effort: Medium (exploit code may be publicly available).
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard.
- -> HIGH RISK -> Unpatched known vulnerability:
Attack Tree Path: 2. Compromise 3rd-Party Apps/Integrations
- RCE (Remote Code Execution) [CRITICAL]
- -> HIGH RISK -> App-specific RCE:
- Description: Exploiting a vulnerability within a third-party Nextcloud app to execute arbitrary code on the server.
- Likelihood: Medium (depends on app security and popularity).
- Impact: High to Very High (potential for full system compromise).
- Effort: Medium.
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard.
- -> HIGH RISK -> App-specific RCE:
Attack Tree Path: 3. Abuse Server Configuration/Features
Misconfigured Sharing
- -> HIGH RISK -> Overly permissive sharing settings:
- Description: Users or administrators configuring file shares with overly broad permissions (e.g., public shares with write access), allowing unauthorized access or modification of data.
- Likelihood: High (due to user error or lack of awareness).
- Impact: Low to High (depends on the sensitivity of the shared data).
- Effort: Very Low.
- Skill Level: Novice.
- Detection Difficulty: Easy to Medium.
- -> HIGH RISK -> Overly permissive sharing settings:
Weak/Default Credentials
- -> HIGH RISK -> Easily guessable passwords:
- Description: Using weak, easily guessable, or default passwords for user or administrator accounts.
- Likelihood: Medium to High (common security lapse).
- Impact: Very High (complete account compromise, potential for full system compromise).
- Effort: Very Low.
- Skill Level: Novice.
- Detection Difficulty: Easy (through failed login attempt monitoring).
- Default admin/user password [CRITICAL]
- Description: Using default administrative or user passwords that come with the software.
- Likelihood: Medium to High.
- Impact: Very High.
- Effort: Very Low.
- Skill Level: Novice.
- Detection Difficulty: Easy.
- -> HIGH RISK-> No 2FA enabled:
- Description: Not enabling Two-Factor Authentication, which significantly increases the risk of account compromise if credentials are stolen or guessed.
- Likelihood: Medium (depends on administrative policy).
- Impact: High (amplifies the impact of credential compromise).
- Effort: N/A (vulnerability, not an attack step).
- Skill Level: N/A.
- Detection Difficulty: N/A.
- -> HIGH RISK -> Easily guessable passwords:
Attack Tree Path: 4. Physical Access to Server
- Direct Access to Server Hardware [CRITICAL]:
- Description: Gaining physical access to the server hardware, allowing bypassing of software-level security controls.
- Likelihood: Very Low to Low (depends on physical security).
- Impact: Very High (complete system compromise).
- Effort: Medium to High.
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
- Detection Difficulty: Very Hard.