Objective: Compromise Application Using Searchkick
[CRITICAL NODE] Compromise Application Using Searchkick [HIGH-RISK PATH START] ├── [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Search Query Handling [HIGH-RISK PATH START] │ ├── [CRITICAL NODE] Elasticsearch Query Injection [HIGH-RISK PATH START] │ │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Malicious JSON Query [HIGH-RISK PATH] │ │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Bypass Input Sanitization/Validation [HIGH-RISK PATH] │ └── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Denial of Service (DoS) via Complex Queries [HIGH-RISK PATH] │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Craft Resource-Intensive Queries [HIGH-RISK PATH] ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Index Poisoning [HIGH-RISK PATH START] │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Malicious Data during Indexing [HIGH-RISK PATH START] │ │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject XSS Payloads [HIGH-RISK PATH] │ │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Data to Cause Application Errors [HIGH-RISK PATH] │ │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Data to Manipulate Search Results [HIGH-RISK PATH] │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Exploit Insecure Data Handling during Indexing [HIGH-RISK PATH] ├── [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Elasticsearch Interaction [HIGH-RISK PATH START] │ ├── [CRITICAL NODE] Unauthorized Access to Elasticsearch [HIGH-RISK PATH START] │ │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Exploit Weak Elasticsearch Authentication/Authorization [HIGH-RISK PATH] │ │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Network Exposure of Elasticsearch [HIGH-RISK PATH] │ │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Credential Leakage (Searchkick's Elasticsearch credentials) [HIGH-RISK PATH] ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Application Logic Flaws Leveraging Searchkick [HIGH-RISK PATH START] │ ├── [HIGH-RISK PATH] Displaying Search Results without Proper Output Encoding [HIGH-RISK PATH]
Attack Tree Path: 1. [CRITICAL NODE] Compromise Application Using Searchkick
- Description: This is the root goal of the attacker. Success means gaining unauthorized access, control, or causing damage to the application utilizing Searchkick.
- Attack Vectors (Sub-Nodes): Exploiting Search Query Handling, Index Poisoning, Exploiting Elasticsearch Interaction, Application Logic Flaws Leveraging Searchkick.
Attack Tree Path: 2. [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Search Query Handling
- Description: Attackers target the way the application processes and translates user search queries into Elasticsearch queries. Vulnerabilities here can lead to direct interaction with Elasticsearch in unintended ways.
- Attack Vectors (Sub-Nodes):
- [CRITICAL NODE] Elasticsearch Query Injection: Injecting malicious code or syntax into Elasticsearch queries.
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Malicious JSON Query:
- Goal: Data Breach, Data Manipulation, Denial of Service (DoS).
- Likelihood: Medium - High (Common web application vulnerability).
- Impact: High (Data breach, data corruption, service disruption).
- Effort: Low - Medium (Tools and techniques readily available).
- Skill Level: Medium (Understanding of JSON and Elasticsearch query syntax).
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Can be subtle, requires query analysis and anomaly detection).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Bypass Input Sanitization/Validation:
- Goal: Enable Elasticsearch Query Injection.
- Likelihood: Medium - High (Common weakness in web applications).
- Impact: Medium (Enables Elasticsearch Query Injection, see above impacts).
- Effort: Low (Identifying and bypassing validation often straightforward).
- Skill Level: Low - Medium (Basic understanding of web request manipulation).
- Detection Difficulty: Easy - Medium (Input validation failures can be logged, but bypass attempts might be harder to detect).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Malicious JSON Query:
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Denial of Service (DoS) via Complex Queries:
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Craft Resource-Intensive Queries:
- Goal: Application/Elasticsearch Denial of Service (DoS).
- Likelihood: Medium (Relatively easy to craft).
- Impact: Medium - High (Application and/or Elasticsearch service disruption).
- Effort: Low (Simple scripting or manual crafting of queries).
- Skill Level: Low (Basic understanding of search query syntax).
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Requires monitoring of Elasticsearch resource usage and query patterns).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Craft Resource-Intensive Queries:
- [CRITICAL NODE] Elasticsearch Query Injection: Injecting malicious code or syntax into Elasticsearch queries.
Attack Tree Path: 3. [HIGH-RISK PATH] Index Poisoning
- Description: Attackers aim to inject malicious or manipulated data into the Elasticsearch index used by Searchkick. This can affect search results and application behavior.
- Attack Vectors (Sub-Nodes):
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Malicious Data during Indexing:
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject XSS Payloads:
- Goal: Client-Side Compromise (Users viewing search results).
- Likelihood: Medium (Depends on data validation during indexing and output encoding during display).
- Impact: Medium (Client-side compromise, user data theft, website defacement).
- Effort: Low - Medium (Simple injection techniques, readily available XSS payloads).
- Skill Level: Low - Medium (Basic understanding of XSS and web requests).
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Requires input validation monitoring and XSS detection tools).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Data to Cause Application Errors:
- Goal: Application Instability, Denial of Service (DoS).
- Likelihood: Medium (Depends on application's error handling and data validation during indexing).
- Impact: Medium (Application instability, potential DoS).
- Effort: Low - Medium (Trial and error, basic understanding of application data model).
- Skill Level: Low - Medium (Basic understanding of application behavior).
- Detection Difficulty: Easy - Medium (Application errors and instability are often logged and noticeable).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Data to Manipulate Search Results:
- Goal: Misinformation, Business Logic Bypass.
- Likelihood: Medium (Depends on data validation and business logic relying on search results).
- Impact: Medium (Misinformation, business logic bypass, potential financial/reputational damage).
- Effort: Medium (Requires understanding of search ranking algorithms and data manipulation).
- Skill Level: Medium (Understanding of search relevance and data manipulation).
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Difficult (Subtle manipulation might be hard to detect, requires monitoring search result integrity).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject XSS Payloads:
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Exploit Insecure Data Handling during Indexing:
- Goal: Index Poisoning.
- Likelihood: Medium (Common weakness if data processing pipeline is not secure).
- Impact: Medium (Enables Index Poisoning, see above impacts).
- Effort: Low - Medium (Identifying and exploiting data handling flaws can vary in complexity).
- Skill Level: Medium (Understanding of data processing and potential vulnerabilities).
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Requires monitoring data processing logs and data integrity checks).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Inject Malicious Data during Indexing:
Attack Tree Path: 4. [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Elasticsearch Interaction
- Description: Attackers target the communication and security of the Elasticsearch instance that Searchkick interacts with. Compromising Elasticsearch directly has severe consequences.
- Attack Vectors (Sub-Nodes):
- [CRITICAL NODE] Unauthorized Access to Elasticsearch:
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Exploit Weak Elasticsearch Authentication/Authorization:
- Goal: Direct Elasticsearch Access, Data Breach, Manipulation, Denial of Service (DoS).
- Likelihood: Medium (Default Elasticsearch setup often lacks strong security, misconfigurations common).
- Impact: Very High (Full control over Elasticsearch data and service).
- Effort: Low (Exploiting default credentials or common misconfigurations is easy).
- Skill Level: Low (Basic knowledge of Elasticsearch and network scanning).
- Detection Difficulty: Easy - Medium (Authentication failures and unauthorized access attempts can be logged).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Network Exposure of Elasticsearch:
- Goal: Direct Elasticsearch Access, Data Breach, Manipulation, Denial of Service (DoS).
- Likelihood: Low - Medium (Depends on network configuration, firewalls, cloud deployments).
- Impact: Very High (Full control over Elasticsearch data and service).
- Effort: Low (Simple network scanning to identify exposed services).
- Skill Level: Low (Basic network scanning skills).
- Detection Difficulty: Easy (Network monitoring and port scanning can detect exposed services).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Credential Leakage (Searchkick's Elasticsearch credentials):
- Goal: Direct Elasticsearch Access, Data Breach, Manipulation, Denial of Service (DoS).
- Likelihood: Low - Medium (Depends on secure credential management practices).
- Impact: Very High (Full control over Elasticsearch data and service).
- Effort: Low - Medium (Searching for credentials in config files, logs, code repositories).
- Skill Level: Low (Basic file system and code searching skills).
- Detection Difficulty: Difficult (Credential leakage can be hard to detect proactively, requires secure development practices and secret scanning).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Exploit Weak Elasticsearch Authentication/Authorization:
- [CRITICAL NODE] Unauthorized Access to Elasticsearch:
Attack Tree Path: 5. [HIGH-RISK PATH] Application Logic Flaws Leveraging Searchkick
- Description: Vulnerabilities arise from how the application uses Searchkick and displays search results, even if Searchkick itself is secure.
- Attack Vectors (Sub-Nodes):
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Displaying Search Results without Proper Output Encoding:
- Goal: XSS Vulnerability.
- Likelihood: Medium - High (Common web application vulnerability, especially with dynamic content).
- Impact: Medium (Client-side compromise, user data theft, website defacement).
- Effort: Low (Simple injection techniques, readily available XSS payloads).
- Skill Level: Low - Medium (Basic understanding of XSS and web requests).
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Requires output encoding checks and XSS detection tools).
- [HIGH-RISK PATH] Displaying Search Results without Proper Output Encoding: