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File metadata and controls

151 lines (124 loc) · 7.84 KB

Mitigation Strategies Analysis for carrierwaveuploader/carrierwave

  • Description:

    1. extension_allowlist: In your CarrierWave uploader class (e.g., app/uploaders/my_uploader.rb), define the extension_allowlist method. This method should return an array of lowercase file extensions that are permitted. This is CarrierWave's primary mechanism for extension-based filtering.
      def extension_allowlist
        %w(jpg jpeg gif png pdf doc docx) # Example: Only these are allowed
    2. content_type_allowlist: Define the content_type_allowlist method. This method should return an array of allowed MIME types. CarrierWave uses this to check the declared content type.
      def content_type_allowlist
        [/image\//, 'application/pdf', 'application/msword', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document']
    3. Integrate MIME Type Validation (using Marcel): While content_type_allowlist checks the declared type, you should use a library like Marcel to check the actual content. This is done via a before :cache callback, but it integrates with CarrierWave's processing pipeline.
      before :cache, :validate_mime_type
      def validate_mime_type(file)
        detected_type = Marcel::MimeType.for
        unless content_type_allowlist.any? { |type| type === detected_type }
          raise CarrierWave::IntegrityError, "Invalid file type: #{detected_type}"
    4. Reject Files with No Extension: Add a check within your uploader, potentially within validate_mime_type or as a separate validation, to reject files that lack an extension. This leverages CarrierWave's validation system.
  • Threats Mitigated:

    • Remote Code Execution (RCE) (Critical)
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (High)
    • Bypassing Security Controls (High)
    • Data Leakage (Medium)
  • Impact:

    • RCE: Risk significantly reduced.
    • XSS: Risk reduced (in conjunction with filename sanitization).
    • Bypassing Security Controls: Risk significantly reduced.
    • Data Leakage: Risk moderately reduced.
  • Currently Implemented:

    • extension_allowlist in ImageUploader and DocumentUploader.
    • content_type_allowlist and Marcel integration in ImageUploader.
  • Missing Implementation:

    • content_type_allowlist and Marcel integration missing in DocumentUploader.
    • Explicit rejection of files with no extension missing in all uploaders.
  • Description:

    1. filename Method: Override the filename method in your CarrierWave uploader. This is the core CarrierWave mechanism for controlling filenames. Generate a unique, random filename using SecureRandom.uuid.
      def filename
        "#{SecureRandom.uuid}.#{file.extension}" if original_filename.present?
    2. store_dir Method: Review and ensure your store_dir method does not use any user-supplied input. This is a CarrierWave method that controls the storage location.
      def store_dir
    3. Sanitize Original Filename (if used): If you display the original filename, sanitize it. While this isn't directly a CarrierWave API call, it's crucial in the context of using CarrierWave. Use a dedicated library or CarrierWave's sanitize_regexp (with caution).
  • Threats Mitigated:

    • Directory Traversal (Critical)
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (High)
    • File Overwriting (High)
    • Information Disclosure (Medium)
  • Impact:

    • Directory Traversal: Risk almost eliminated.
    • XSS: Risk significantly reduced.
    • File Overwriting: Risk almost eliminated.
    • Information Disclosure: Risk moderately reduced.
  • Currently Implemented:

    • filename randomization in all uploaders.
    • store_dir correctly configured in all uploaders.
  • Missing Implementation:

    • Consistent, robust sanitization of the original filename (for display) is missing.
  • Description:

    1. Limit version Definitions: Within your uploader, define only the necessary image processing version blocks. Each version represents a potential processing pathway. Minimize these.
      version :thumb do
        process resize_to_fit: [50, 50] # Only a thumbnail is needed
    2. Restrict process Calls: Within each version, use only the essential process calls (e.g., resize_to_fit, resize_to_fill). Avoid complex or unnecessary transformations. This directly controls which MiniMagick/ImageMagick commands are executed.
    3. Dimension Validation (using before :cache): Use a before :cache callback to validate image dimensions before CarrierWave sends the image to MiniMagick/ImageMagick. This integrates with CarrierWave's processing.
      before :cache, :validate_image_dimensions
      def validate_image_dimensions(file)
        image =
        if image[:width] > 8000 || image[:height] > 8000
          raise CarrierWave::IntegrityError, "Image dimensions are too large"
  • Threats Mitigated:

    • ImageTragick and Similar Exploits (Critical)
    • Denial of Service (DoS) (High)
    • Resource Exhaustion (Medium)
  • Impact:

    • ImageTragick: Risk reduced (effectiveness depends on limiting operations and external library updates).
    • DoS: Risk significantly reduced.
    • Resource Exhaustion: Risk moderately reduced.
  • Currently Implemented:

    • Basic dimension validation in ImageUploader.
  • Missing Implementation:

    • More granular control and restriction of version and process calls could be improved. A review of the necessity of each processing step is needed.
  • Description:

    1. download_whitelist: If using CarrierWave::Downloader, define the download_whitelist method in your uploader. This is CarrierWave's direct mechanism for controlling allowed download sources. Return an array of fully qualified domain names (including protocol).
      def download_whitelist
        ['', '']
    2. URL Validation (Integrate with CarrierWave): While not a direct CarrierWave method, you should validate the URL before passing it to CarrierWave. This can be done in a before :cache callback or a custom validation.
  • Threats Mitigated:

    • Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) (Critical)
    • Denial of Service (DoS) (High)
    • Data Exfiltration (High)
  • Impact:

    • SSRF: Risk significantly reduced (almost eliminated with a strict whitelist).
    • DoS: Risk significantly reduced.
    • Data Exfiltration: Risk significantly reduced.
  • Currently Implemented:

    • Remote file downloads are not currently used.
  • Missing Implementation:

    • N/A (not used). If implemented, download_whitelist is essential.