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301 lines (266 loc) · 16.7 KB

File metadata and controls

301 lines (266 loc) · 16.7 KB


  • Business Priorities and Goals:

  • Goal: To provide developers with a simple and efficient way to manage and run Procfile-based applications locally, mimicking a production-like environment.

  • Priority: Ease of use and developer productivity.

  • Priority: Consistency between development and production environments.

  • Priority: Support for various application types and dependencies managed through Procfiles.

  • Business Risks:

  • Risk: Misconfiguration of local development environments leading to discrepancies with production, causing deployment issues.

  • Risk: Security vulnerabilities in Foreman itself or its dependencies could expose developer machines or local development environments.

  • Risk: Lack of standardization in development environments across teams can lead to inconsistencies and collaboration challenges.

  • Risk: Potential for developers to inadvertently expose sensitive data if Foreman is not properly secured or configured.


  • Existing Security Controls:

  • security control: Operating system level security controls on developer machines (e.g., user permissions, firewalls). Implemented by: Operating System.

  • security control: Network security controls on developer networks (e.g., firewalls, network segmentation). Implemented by: Network Infrastructure.

  • security control: Code review processes for contributions to the Foreman project itself. Implemented by: Foreman project maintainers (GitHub repository).

  • accepted risk: Reliance on developer machines' security posture, which can vary significantly.

  • accepted risk: Potential vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies used by Foreman.

  • Recommended Security Controls:

  • security control: Dependency scanning for Foreman and its dependencies to identify and mitigate known vulnerabilities.

  • security control: Regular security audits of Foreman codebase to identify potential security flaws.

  • security control: Secure configuration guidelines for Foreman to minimize potential security risks.

  • security control: Least privilege principle applied to Foreman processes and file system access.

  • security control: Consider signing releases of Foreman to ensure integrity and authenticity.

  • Security Requirements:

  • Authentication:

  • Requirement: Foreman itself does not require user authentication as it is primarily a local development tool.

  • Requirement: If Foreman is extended or used in a shared development environment, consider adding authentication mechanisms to control access.

  • Authorization:

  • Requirement: Foreman should operate with the least privileges necessary to manage processes and access required resources.

  • Requirement: Access to Foreman configuration and control should be limited to authorized developers.

  • Input Validation:

  • Requirement: Foreman should validate inputs from Procfiles and command-line arguments to prevent injection attacks or unexpected behavior.

  • Requirement: Handle errors and exceptions gracefully to avoid exposing sensitive information.

  • Cryptography:

  • Requirement: Cryptography is not a primary requirement for Foreman in its core functionality as a local process manager.

  • Requirement: If Foreman is extended to handle sensitive data or network communication, appropriate cryptographic measures should be implemented to protect data in transit and at rest.



graph LR
    subgraph "Development Environment"
    D["Operating System"]
    E["Application Processes"]

    A --> B
    B --> C
    B --> D
    B --> E
    C --> B
    D --> B
    E --> D

    linkStyle 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  • Elements of Context Diagram:
    • Name: Developer
    • Type: Person
    • Description: A software developer who uses Foreman to manage and run applications locally during development.
    • Responsibilities: Defines application processes in a Procfile, interacts with Foreman to start, stop, and manage these processes.
    • Security controls: Operating system user account controls, strong passwords, multi-factor authentication for developer accounts (managed by the organization, outside of Foreman).
    • Name: Foreman
    • Type: Software System
    • Description: A Ruby gem that manages Procfile-based applications, allowing developers to easily run and manage multiple processes locally.
    • Responsibilities: Parses Procfile, starts and stops application processes, manages process lifecycle, forwards signals, provides basic process monitoring.
    • Security controls: Input validation of Procfile content, least privilege execution of managed processes, dependency scanning, code reviews.
    • Name: Procfile
    • Type: Configuration File
    • Description: A text file that specifies the types of processes required to run an application.
    • Responsibilities: Defines process commands, dependencies, and startup behavior for Foreman to manage.
    • Security controls: File system permissions to restrict access to Procfile, input validation by Foreman when parsing Procfile content.
    • Name: Operating System
    • Type: Infrastructure
    • Description: The operating system (e.g., macOS, Linux, Windows) on which Foreman and the application processes are executed.
    • Responsibilities: Provides the runtime environment for Foreman and application processes, manages system resources, enforces security policies.
    • Security controls: User account management, access control lists, firewalls, security patches, system hardening.
    • Name: Application Processes
    • Type: Software System
    • Description: The individual processes defined in the Procfile that constitute the application being developed and managed by Foreman.
    • Responsibilities: Execute the application logic, interact with system resources, and provide the application's functionality.
    • Security controls: Application-level security controls (authentication, authorization, input validation within the application code itself), process isolation provided by the operating system.


graph LR
    subgraph "Developer Machine"
        subgraph "Foreman Container"
            A["Foreman Process"]
            B["Process Manager"]
            C["Procfile Parser"]
            D["Signal Handler"]
        G["Operating System"]
        H["Application Processes"]

    A --> B
    A --> C
    A --> D
    A --> E
    B --> H
    C --> F
    D --> H
    E --> G
    F --> C
    G --> A
    H --> G

    linkStyle 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  • Elements of Container Diagram:
    • Name: Foreman Process
    • Type: Process
    • Description: The main Ruby process running the Foreman application. It orchestrates all other components within the Foreman container.
    • Responsibilities: Initializes and manages Foreman components, handles user commands, and coordinates process management.
    • Security controls: Input validation, error handling, logging, least privilege execution.
    • Name: Process Manager
    • Type: Component
    • Description: Responsible for starting, stopping, and monitoring application processes defined in the Procfile.
    • Responsibilities: Process lifecycle management, process monitoring, signal forwarding.
    • Security controls: Process isolation (provided by OS), resource management, secure process execution.
    • Name: Procfile Parser
    • Type: Component
    • Description: Parses the Procfile to extract process definitions and commands.
    • Responsibilities: Reads and interprets Procfile syntax, validates process definitions.
    • Security controls: Input validation of Procfile content, secure file handling.
    • Name: Signal Handler
    • Type: Component
    • Description: Handles signals (e.g., SIGINT, SIGTERM) sent to Foreman and forwards them to managed application processes.
    • Responsibilities: Graceful shutdown of application processes, signal propagation.
    • Security controls: Secure signal handling, preventing signal injection vulnerabilities.
    • Name: Logger
    • Type: Component
    • Description: Handles logging of Foreman events and process output.
    • Responsibilities: Logs events, errors, and process output for debugging and monitoring.
    • Security controls: Secure logging practices, preventing log injection vulnerabilities, log rotation and management.
    • Name: Procfile
    • Type: Configuration File
    • Description: Same as in Context Diagram.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in Context Diagram.
    • Security controls: Same as in Context Diagram.
    • Name: Operating System
    • Type: Infrastructure
    • Description: Same as in Context Diagram.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in Context Diagram.
    • Security controls: Same as in Context Diagram.
    • Name: Application Processes
    • Type: Process
    • Description: Same as in Context Diagram.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in Context Diagram.
    • Security controls: Same as in Context Diagram.


  • Deployment Architecture:
  • Foreman is primarily a development tool and is not typically deployed in a production environment in the same way as an application. However, it is deployed on developer machines. We will describe the deployment on a developer's local machine.
graph LR
    subgraph "Developer Machine"
        A["Operating System"]
        subgraph "Foreman Environment"
            B["Foreman Executable"]
            C["Ruby Runtime"]
            D["Dependencies (Gems)"]
            F["Application Processes"]

    A --> B
    A --> C
    C --> B
    C --> D
    A --> E
    B --> E
    B --> F
    A --> F
    D --> B

    linkStyle 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  • Elements of Deployment Diagram:
    • Name: Operating System
    • Type: Infrastructure
    • Description: The operating system (e.g., macOS, Linux, Windows) on the developer's machine.
    • Responsibilities: Provides the base environment for Foreman and its dependencies.
    • Security controls: Operating system security controls (user accounts, firewalls, security updates).
    • Name: Foreman Executable
    • Type: Software
    • Description: The Foreman Ruby gem executable file installed on the developer's machine.
    • Responsibilities: Runs the Foreman application logic.
    • Security controls: File system permissions, integrity checks (if signed releases are used).
    • Name: Ruby Runtime
    • Type: Software
    • Description: The Ruby interpreter required to run Foreman, typically installed via system package manager or a Ruby version manager (e.g., rvm, rbenv).
    • Responsibilities: Executes the Foreman Ruby code.
    • Security controls: Keeping Ruby runtime updated with security patches, secure installation practices.
    • Name: Dependencies (Gems)
    • Type: Software Libraries
    • Description: Ruby gems that Foreman depends on, installed via gem install.
    • Responsibilities: Provide necessary functionalities for Foreman.
    • Security controls: Dependency scanning, using trusted gem sources, keeping dependencies updated.
    • Name: Procfile
    • Type: Configuration File
    • Description: Same as in Context and Container Diagrams. Located in the application's project directory.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in Context and Container Diagrams.
    • Security controls: File system permissions.
    • Name: Application Processes
    • Type: Software Processes
    • Description: Same as in Context and Container Diagrams. Run as child processes of Foreman.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in Context and Container Diagrams.
    • Security controls: Process isolation, application-level security controls.


graph LR
    A["Developer"] --> B["Code Changes"]
    B --> C["Git Repository (GitHub)"]
    C --> D["Build System (e.g., GitHub Actions)"]
    D --> E["Dependency Resolution (Bundler)"]
    D --> F["Linters & SAST"]
    D --> G["Build Artifacts (Gem)"]
    G --> H["Gem Hosting ("]
    H --> I["Developer Machine (gem install)"]

    style B fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style G fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

    linkStyle 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  • Build Process Description:

    1. Developer makes code changes and commits them to a Git repository (e.g., GitHub).
    1. A Build System (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or manual build process) is triggered upon code changes (e.g., push to repository, tag creation).
    1. Dependency Resolution: The build system resolves and downloads project dependencies using a dependency management tool like Bundler for Ruby gems.
    1. Linters & SAST: Static analysis security testing (SAST) tools and linters are run to identify potential code quality issues and security vulnerabilities.
    1. Build Artifacts: The project is built, and build artifacts are created. For a Ruby gem, this would be a .gem file.
    1. Gem Hosting: The build artifact (gem file) is published to a gem hosting service like, making it available for download and installation.
    1. Developer Machine: Developers install Foreman on their machines using gem install foreman, downloading the gem from the hosting service.
  • Build Process Security Controls:

  • security control: Secure coding practices followed by developers. Implemented by: Developer training, code reviews.

  • security control: Code repository access control (e.g., GitHub permissions). Implemented by: Git repository hosting platform.

  • security control: Branch protection and pull request reviews. Implemented by: Git repository hosting platform.

  • security control: Automated build pipeline (e.g., GitHub Actions) to ensure consistent and repeatable builds. Implemented by: CI/CD system configuration.

  • security control: Dependency scanning during build process to identify vulnerable dependencies. Implemented by: Dependency scanning tools integrated into CI/CD pipeline.

  • security control: Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools integrated into the build pipeline to detect code-level vulnerabilities. Implemented by: SAST tools in CI/CD pipeline.

  • security control: Code linting and style checks to improve code quality and reduce potential errors. Implemented by: Linters in CI/CD pipeline.

  • security control: Signing of build artifacts (e.g., gem signing) to ensure integrity and authenticity. Implemented by: Build process and gem signing tools.

  • security control: Secure storage and access control for build artifacts and signing keys. Implemented by: Secure artifact repository, key management practices.

  • security control: Regular security audits of the build pipeline and related infrastructure. Implemented by: Security team, DevOps team.


  • Critical Business Processes:

  • Protecting developer productivity and efficiency by providing a reliable and easy-to-use local development environment.

  • Ensuring consistency between development and production environments to reduce deployment issues.

  • Maintaining the integrity and security of the Foreman tool itself to prevent it from becoming a source of vulnerabilities in developer workflows.

  • Data to Protect and Sensitivity:

  • Procfile content: May contain sensitive information like environment variables, command-line arguments, or application configurations. Sensitivity: Medium to High, depending on the content.

  • Application code and data managed by Foreman: Can be highly sensitive, depending on the application being developed. Sensitivity: High, potentially including intellectual property, personal data, or financial information.

  • Developer machine security: Compromise of developer machines can lead to broader security breaches. Sensitivity: High.

  • Foreman gem itself: If compromised, could be used to distribute malware to developers. Sensitivity: High.


  • Questions:

  • What is the intended scope of usage for Foreman? Is it strictly for individual developer machines, or are there plans for shared development environments?

  • Are there any specific compliance requirements that Foreman needs to adhere to (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR)?

  • What is the organization's risk appetite regarding the security of developer tools?

  • Are there existing security policies or guidelines that Foreman development and usage should align with?

  • What is the process for reporting and addressing security vulnerabilities in Foreman?

  • Assumptions:

  • Foreman is primarily used as a local development tool by individual developers.

  • Security focus is on preventing vulnerabilities in Foreman itself and ensuring it does not introduce security risks to developer machines or workflows.

  • Standard secure software development lifecycle practices are expected for the Foreman project.

  • Developers using Foreman are responsible for the security of their own applications and data managed by Foreman.

  • The organization using Foreman has basic security controls in place for developer machines and networks.