Objective: [[Attacker's Goal: Manipulate/Exfiltrate Historical Data or Escalate Privileges/DoS via PaperTrail]]
[[Attacker's Goal: Manipulate/Exfiltrate Historical Data or Escalate Privileges/DoS via PaperTrail]] / | / | [[1. Unauthorized Access to Version Data]] [[2. Manipulation of Version Data]] / | / | / | / | [1.1 Direct DB Access] [1.2 Bypass App Logic] [2.1 Direct DB ] [2.2 Bypass App ] [ Modification] [ Logic ]
Attack Tree Path: 1. [[Unauthorized Access to Version Data]]
Description: The attacker gains read access to PaperTrail's version history data that they are not authorized to see. This could expose sensitive information about past changes, user actions, and potentially reveal vulnerabilities or secrets that were previously present in the system.
Criticality: This is a critical node due to the high impact of unauthorized data access.
**1.1 Direct DB Access
- Description: The attacker gains direct access to the database server hosting the PaperTrail data. This bypasses all application-level security controls.
- Attack Vectors:
- Compromised database credentials (e.g., weak passwords, leaked credentials).
- Misconfigured database security (e.g., exposed database port to the public internet, overly permissive user privileges).
- Network intrusion (e.g., exploiting vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure to gain access to the database server).
- SQL injection in other parts of the application (not directly related to PaperTrail) that allows for database enumeration and access.
- Likelihood: Low (with good security practices), Medium (with weak database security)
- Impact: Very High (full access to version history)
- Effort: Medium to High
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (with database auditing), Hard (without auditing)
**1.2 Bypass App Logic
- Description: The attacker finds a way to circumvent the application's authorization checks and directly query PaperTrail's version data, typically through an API endpoint or a flaw in the application's logic.
- Attack Vectors:
- Insufficient authorization checks on API endpoints that expose PaperTrail data.
- Logic flaws in the application that allow users to access data they shouldn't.
- Improper handling of user roles and permissions.
- Exploiting vulnerabilities in frameworks or libraries used by the application.
- Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) vulnerabilities, where an attacker can manipulate parameters to access version data for objects they don't own.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: High (unauthorized access to specific version data)
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (with application logs), Hard (without specific PaperTrail access logging)
Attack Tree Path: 2. [[Manipulation of Version Data]]
Description: The attacker modifies the version history data stored by PaperTrail. This could involve deleting records, altering existing records, or inserting fabricated records. This can be used to cover up malicious activity, inject false information, or disrupt the integrity of the audit trail.
Criticality: This is a critical node due to the high impact of data tampering.
**2.1 Direct DB Modification
- Description: Similar to 1.1, but the attacker modifies the data instead of just reading it. They gain direct write access to the database.
- Attack Vectors: (Same as 1.1 - Direct DB Access)
- Likelihood: Low (with good security practices), Medium (with weak database security)
- Impact: Very High (can corrupt or falsify version history)
- Effort: Medium to High
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (with database auditing), Hard (without auditing)
**2.2 Bypass App Logic
- Description: Similar to 1.2, but the attacker modifies the data instead of just reading it. They bypass application-level controls to alter the version history.
- Attack Vectors: (Similar to 1.2 - Bypass App Logic, but focused on write operations)
- Insufficient authorization checks on API endpoints that allow modification of PaperTrail data.
- Logic flaws that allow unauthorized users to trigger actions that modify the version history.
- Exploiting vulnerabilities in frameworks or libraries to bypass security checks.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: High (can modify specific version data)
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (with application logs), Hard (without specific PaperTrail access logging)