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File metadata and controls

344 lines (285 loc) · 21.6 KB


The candle project is a minimalist machine learning framework written in Rust, with a focus on performance and ease of use. It aims to provide a leaner alternative to existing Python-centric frameworks, particularly for inference workloads.

  • Business priorities and goals:

    • Provide a high-performance, low-resource consumption machine learning inference framework.
    • Offer an easy-to-use API for developers familiar with Rust and machine learning concepts.
    • Enable efficient deployment of machine learning models in resource-constrained environments (edge devices, embedded systems).
    • Foster a community around Rust-based machine learning.
    • Potentially reduce the operational costs associated with machine learning inference by improving efficiency.
  • Most important business risks:

    • Slower adoption compared to established Python frameworks due to the Rust ecosystem being less mature in machine learning.
    • Performance bottlenecks or vulnerabilities discovered after wider adoption, impacting user trust.
    • Lack of community support and contributions, hindering project growth and maintenance.
    • Security vulnerabilities in dependencies or the core framework code, leading to potential exploits in applications using candle.
    • Compatibility issues with various hardware and software environments, limiting deployment options.


  • Security controls:

    • security control: Code is written in Rust, which inherently provides memory safety and reduces the risk of certain classes of vulnerabilities like buffer overflows. Implemented in: Project codebase (Rust language features).
    • security control: Use of unsafe Rust blocks is minimized. Implemented in: Project codebase (code review and Rust language features).
    • security control: Standard software development practices are likely followed, including version control (Git), issue tracking (GitHub Issues), and pull requests. Implemented in: GitHub repository and development workflow.
  • Accepted risks:

    • accepted risk: Limited formal security audits or penetration testing, especially in the early stages of the project.
    • accepted risk: Potential vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies used by the framework.
    • accepted risk: Security vulnerabilities might be discovered as the project matures and is used in more diverse environments.
    • accepted risk: Reliance on community contributions for bug fixes and security patches, which might have variable response times.
  • Recommended security controls:

    • recommended security control: Implement automated Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools in the CI/CD pipeline to identify potential vulnerabilities in the codebase.
    • recommended security control: Implement automated Dependency Scanning to identify known vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies.
    • recommended security control: Conduct regular security code reviews, especially for critical components and contributions from external developers.
    • recommended security control: Establish a vulnerability disclosure policy and process to handle security reports from the community.
    • recommended security control: Consider fuzz testing to identify unexpected behavior and potential vulnerabilities in input processing.
  • Security requirements:

    • Authentication: Not directly applicable to a machine learning framework library. Authentication is the responsibility of the applications that use candle.
    • Authorization: Not directly applicable to a machine learning framework library. Authorization is the responsibility of the applications that use candle.
    • Input validation: The framework should perform robust input validation on any external data it processes, such as model weights, input tensors, and configuration parameters, to prevent unexpected behavior or vulnerabilities. Implemented in: Framework code, specifically in data loading and processing modules.
    • Cryptography: If candle implements or uses cryptographic operations (e.g., for secure model loading or communication), ensure that well-vetted and secure cryptographic libraries are used correctly. Implemented in: Framework code, specifically in modules related to cryptography if applicable.



flowchart LR
    subgraph "Organization Context"
      style "Organization Context" fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
      User[/"Machine Learning\nEngineers &\nResearchers"/]
      Application[/"Applications\nUsing Candle"/]
      Data[/"Training Data\n& Models"/]
    Candle[/"Candle\nML Framework"/]
    PythonEcosystem[/"Python ML\nEcosystem\n(PyTorch, TF)"/]

    User --> Candle
    Application --> Candle
    Data --> Candle
    Candle --> PythonEcosystem

    style Candle fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  • Context Diagram Elements:
      • Name: Machine Learning Engineers & Researchers
      • Type: Person
      • Description: Users who develop, train, and deploy machine learning models and applications. They use candle to build and run inference workloads.
      • Responsibilities: Utilize candle to implement machine learning models, evaluate performance, and integrate it into applications.
      • Security controls: Secure development practices, access control to development environments.
      • Name: Applications Using Candle
      • Type: Software System
      • Description: Various applications (web services, mobile apps, embedded systems, etc.) that integrate candle to perform machine learning inference.
      • Responsibilities: Utilize candle library to execute machine learning models, handle input data, and process output predictions.
      • Security controls: Application-level security controls (authentication, authorization, input validation, output encoding, etc.).
      • Name: Training Data & Models
      • Type: External System / Data Store
      • Description: Datasets used to train machine learning models and the resulting trained models that are loaded and used by candle for inference. Models can be stored in various formats and locations.
      • Responsibilities: Provide data for model training and storage of trained models. Model serving infrastructure is responsible for secure access and delivery of models.
      • Security controls: Access control to data storage, encryption of data at rest and in transit, model integrity checks.
      • Name: Candle ML Framework
      • Type: Software System
      • Description: The candle machine learning framework itself, providing APIs and functionalities for building and running machine learning inference.
      • Responsibilities: Provide efficient and secure machine learning inference capabilities, manage model loading and execution, handle input and output data.
      • Security controls: Secure coding practices, input validation, dependency management, vulnerability scanning, build process security.
      • Name: Python ML Ecosystem (PyTorch, TF)
      • Type: External System
      • Description: Existing machine learning frameworks and tools in the Python ecosystem that candle aims to be an alternative to, and potentially interoperate with (e.g., model conversion).
      • Responsibilities: Provide established machine learning functionalities and serve as a benchmark for comparison.
      • Security controls: Not directly managed by candle project, but security posture of these ecosystems can influence the overall security landscape.


flowchart LR
    subgraph "Candle ML Framework"
      style "Candle ML Framework" fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
      CoreLib[/"Core Library\n(Rust Crates)"/]
      Examples[/"Examples\n& Tutorials"/]
      Bindings[/"Language Bindings\n(Optional)"/]

    User[/"Machine Learning\nEngineers &\nResearchers"/] --> CoreLib
    Application[/"Applications\nUsing Candle"/] --> CoreLib
    Examples --> CoreLib
    Bindings --> CoreLib

    style CoreLib fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Examples fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Bindings fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Documentation fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  • Container Diagram Elements:
      • Name: Core Library (Rust Crates)
      • Type: Container - Library
      • Description: The core candle framework implemented as Rust crates. This includes modules for tensor operations, neural network layers, model loading, and inference execution.
      • Responsibilities: Provide the fundamental functionalities of the machine learning framework, including numerical computation, model execution, and API for users.
      • Security controls: Secure coding practices in Rust, input validation within the library, dependency scanning for Rust crates, fuzz testing of core functionalities.
      • Name: Examples & Tutorials
      • Type: Container - Application
      • Description: Example applications and tutorials demonstrating how to use the candle library. These serve as learning resources and showcases of the framework's capabilities.
      • Responsibilities: Provide practical examples of using candle, demonstrate best practices, and help users get started with the framework.
      • Security controls: Examples should follow secure coding practices to avoid demonstrating insecure patterns. Input validation in examples should be present where user input is processed.
      • Name: Language Bindings (Optional)
      • Type: Container - Library/API
      • Description: Optional language bindings (e.g., for Python or other languages) that allow using candle from other programming environments.
      • Responsibilities: Enable interoperability with other languages and ecosystems, broaden the usability of candle.
      • Security controls: Secure development of bindings, ensuring proper data handling and API security when crossing language boundaries. Input validation at the binding interface.
      • Name: Documentation Website
      • Type: Container - Web Application
      • Description: Website hosting the documentation for candle, including API references, tutorials, and guides.
      • Responsibilities: Provide comprehensive documentation for users, facilitate learning and adoption of the framework.
      • Security controls: Standard web application security controls (HTTPS, input validation for any user-generated content, protection against common web vulnerabilities).


Deployment of candle itself is as a library. Applications using candle will be deployed in various ways. Let's consider a common scenario: deploying a web service that uses candle for inference in a cloud environment.

flowchart LR
    subgraph "Cloud Environment (AWS, GCP, Azure)"
      style "Cloud Environment (AWS, GCP, Azure)" fill:#eef,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
      LoadBalancer[/"Load Balancer"/]
      WebServer[/"Web Server\nInstances"/]
      ModelStorage[/"Model Storage\n(Object Storage)"/]

    Client[/"Web Client"/] --> LoadBalancer
    LoadBalancer --> WebServer
    WebServer --> CandleLib[["Candle Library\n(within Web App)"]]
    WebServer --> ModelStorage

    subgraph "WebServer Instance"
      style "WebServer Instance" fill:#fdf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

    style LoadBalancer fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style WebServer fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style ModelStorage fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style CandleLib fill:#cdf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Client fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  • Deployment Diagram Elements:
      • Name: Web Client
      • Type: External System
      • Description: Users accessing the web service through web browsers or other HTTP clients.
      • Responsibilities: Send requests to the web service and receive predictions.
      • Security controls: Client-side security controls (browser security, user authentication if applicable).
      • Name: Load Balancer
      • Type: Infrastructure Component
      • Description: Distributes incoming traffic across multiple web server instances for scalability and availability.
      • Responsibilities: Traffic distribution, health checks, SSL termination.
      • Security controls: DDoS protection, SSL/TLS configuration, access control lists.
      • Name: Web Server Instances
      • Type: Infrastructure Component (Compute Instance)
      • Description: Virtual machines or containers running the web application that uses candle for inference.
      • Responsibilities: Host the web application, handle HTTP requests, load models using candle, perform inference, and return predictions.
      • Security controls: Instance hardening, OS security patching, network firewalls, intrusion detection systems, application-level firewalls, secure configuration management.
      • Name: Candle Library (within Web App)
      • Type: Software Component (Library)
      • Description: The candle library integrated into the web application code.
      • Responsibilities: Load machine learning models from storage, perform inference on input data, and provide predictions to the web application.
      • Security controls: Input validation within the application code using candle, secure model loading practices, memory safety provided by Rust.
      • Name: Model Storage (Object Storage)
      • Type: Infrastructure Component (Data Storage)
      • Description: Cloud object storage service (e.g., AWS S3, GCP Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage) used to store trained machine learning models.
      • Responsibilities: Securely store model files, provide access to web server instances for model loading.
      • Security controls: Access control policies (IAM), encryption at rest, encryption in transit (HTTPS), versioning, audit logging.


flowchart LR
    Developer[/"Developer\nWorkstation"/] --> VCS[/"Version Control\n(GitHub)"/]
    VCS --> CI[/"CI System\n(GitHub Actions)"/]
    CI --> BuildEnv[/"Build Environment\n(Secure Runner)"/]
    BuildEnv --> ArtifactRepo[/"Artifact Repository\n(GitHub Releases,\nContainer Registry)"/]

    subgraph "CI System (GitHub Actions)"
      style "CI System (GitHub Actions)" fill:#eef,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
      SAST[/"SAST Scanner"/]
      Test[/"Unit & Integration\nTests"/]
      Build[/"Build & Package"/]
      Sign[/"Code Signing\n(Optional)"/]
      Publish[/"Publish Artifacts"/]

      CI --> SAST
      CI --> DependencyCheck
      CI --> Test
      CI --> Build
      CI --> Sign
      CI --> Publish

      BuildEnv --> SAST
      BuildEnv --> DependencyCheck
      BuildEnv --> Test
      BuildEnv --> Build
      BuildEnv --> Sign
      ArtifactRepo --> Publish

    style Developer fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style VCS fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style CI fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style BuildEnv fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style ArtifactRepo fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style SAST fill:#cdf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style DependencyCheck fill:#cdf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Test fill:#cdf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Build fill:#cdf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Sign fill:#cdf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Publish fill:#cdf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  • Build Process Elements:
      • Name: Developer Workstation
      • Type: Development Environment
      • Description: Developer's local machine where code is written, tested locally, and committed to version control.
      • Responsibilities: Code development, local testing, committing code changes.
      • Security controls: Developer workstation security (OS hardening, antivirus, endpoint protection), secure coding practices.
      • Name: Version Control (GitHub)
      • Type: Code Repository
      • Description: GitHub repository hosting the candle project source code.
      • Responsibilities: Source code management, version history, collaboration, pull request reviews.
      • Security controls: Access control to repository, branch protection, code review process, audit logging.
      • Name: CI System (GitHub Actions)
      • Type: CI/CD Platform
      • Description: GitHub Actions used for automated build, test, and release processes.
      • Responsibilities: Automate build pipeline, run security checks, execute tests, build artifacts, and publish releases.
      • Security controls: Secure CI/CD pipeline configuration, access control to CI/CD workflows, secret management, audit logging.
      • Name: Build Environment (Secure Runner)
      • Type: Build Infrastructure
      • Description: Secure environment where build jobs are executed. This could be GitHub-hosted runners or self-hosted runners with enhanced security.
      • Responsibilities: Provide a secure and isolated environment for building and testing the code.
      • Security controls: Runner isolation, hardened runner environment, access control, secure credentials management, monitoring.
      • Name: SAST Scanner
      • Type: Security Tool
      • Description: Static Application Security Testing tool integrated into the CI pipeline to automatically scan the codebase for potential vulnerabilities.
      • Responsibilities: Identify potential security flaws in the code before deployment.
      • Security controls: Regularly updated vulnerability rules, configuration to match project needs, reporting of findings.
      • Name: Dependency Check
      • Type: Security Tool
      • Description: Tool to scan project dependencies for known vulnerabilities.
      • Responsibilities: Identify vulnerable dependencies and alert developers to update or mitigate.
      • Security controls: Regularly updated vulnerability database, automated scanning in CI, reporting of vulnerable dependencies.
      • Name: Unit & Integration Tests
      • Type: Testing Framework
      • Description: Automated unit and integration tests to ensure code quality and functionality.
      • Responsibilities: Verify code correctness, prevent regressions, improve code reliability.
      • Security controls: Tests should cover security-relevant functionalities, test data should be handled securely.
      • Name: Build & Package
      • Type: Build Toolchain (Rust Cargo)
      • Description: Rust's build system (Cargo) used to compile the code, create libraries, and packages.
      • Responsibilities: Compile source code, manage dependencies, create build artifacts (crates, binaries).
      • Security controls: Dependency management (Cargo.lock), build reproducibility, secure build configuration.
      • Name: Code Signing (Optional)
      • Type: Security Tool
      • Description: Digitally signing build artifacts to ensure integrity and authenticity.
      • Responsibilities: Provide assurance that artifacts are from a trusted source and haven't been tampered with.
      • Security controls: Secure key management, code signing infrastructure, verification process.
      • Name: Artifact Repository (GitHub Releases, Container Registry)
      • Type: Artifact Storage
      • Description: Storage for build artifacts, such as Rust crates published to, GitHub Releases, or container images.
      • Responsibilities: Securely store and distribute build artifacts.
      • Security controls: Access control to artifact repository, integrity checks, versioning, audit logging.


  • Critical business processes we are trying to protect:

    • Successful adoption and use of the candle framework by the machine learning community and application developers.
    • Maintaining the performance and reliability of the framework for inference workloads.
    • Protecting the integrity and availability of the framework's codebase and build artifacts.
    • Ensuring the security of applications built using candle.
  • Data we are trying to protect and their sensitivity:

    • Source code of the candle framework (intellectual property, integrity). Sensitivity: High.
    • Build artifacts (binaries, libraries) (integrity, availability). Sensitivity: Medium.
    • Machine learning models used with candle (confidentiality, integrity, availability - depending on the model and data it's trained on). Sensitivity: Variable, potentially High if models are proprietary or trained on sensitive data.
    • User data processed by applications using candle (confidentiality, integrity, availability - highly sensitive depending on the application). Sensitivity: Variable, potentially High.
    • Credentials and secrets used in the build and deployment processes (confidentiality, integrity). Sensitivity: High.


  • Questions:

    • What is the intended scope of security for the candle project? Is it primarily focused on the framework itself, or also on providing guidance for secure application development using candle?
    • Are there any specific compliance requirements or industry standards that the candle project needs to adhere to?
    • What is the process for handling security vulnerabilities reported by the community? Is there a dedicated security team or point of contact?
    • Are there plans for formal security audits or penetration testing of the candle framework in the future?
    • What is the expected level of security expertise among the target users of candle? Should the framework provide built-in security features or rely on users to implement security measures in their applications?
  • Assumptions:

    • The candle project is developed with a general awareness of secure coding practices, but formal security processes might be limited in the early stages.
    • The primary focus of the project is currently on functionality and performance, with security being a secondary but important consideration.
    • The project relies on the inherent security benefits of Rust, but additional security measures are needed to address a broader range of threats.
    • Users of candle are expected to implement application-level security controls to protect their applications and data.
    • The project is open to community contributions and feedback, including security-related suggestions and reports.