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File metadata and controls

363 lines (272 loc) · 15.5 KB

Installer Self-update

Starting on version 3.1.175, yast2-installation is able to update itself during system installation. This feature will help to solve problems with the installation even after the media has been released. Check FATE#319716 for a more in-depth rationale.

ℹ️ Note

The self update feature is removed from the updated SLE Service Pack media (the updated media released after the initial SP release, so called "quarterly updates"), these media already contain the updated installer and the included updates could conflict with the self updates.

If you need to patch the installer on these updated media you have to use a driver update disk (DUD).

Disabling Updates

Starting in SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP3, self-update is enabled by default. However, it can be disabled by setting self_update=0 boot option. If you're using AutoYaST, it is also possible to disable this feature using the self_update element in the general section of the profile:

  <self_update config:type="boolean">false</self_update>

Please, take into account that self-update will be skipped if any option disables it (boot parameter or AutoYaST profile).

For the rest of this document it is assumed that the self-update is enabled.

Basic Workflow

These are the basic steps performed by YaST in order to perform the update:

  1. During installation, YaST will look automatically for a rpm-md repository containing the updates.
  2. If updates are available, they will be downloaded. Otherwise, the process will be silently skipped.
  3. The updates will be applied to the installation system, the meta-packages which are needed by the installer are copied to the inst-sys instead of applying.
  4. YaST will be restarted to reload the modified files and the installation will be resumed.
  5. The selected meta-packages copied to the inst-sys are added as an add-on installation repository to allow updating the skelcd-* or *-release packages via the self-update repository.
  6. For debugging purposes the list of installed/updated packages is written to the /.packages.self_update file in the inst-sys (since yast2-installation-4.3.16, SLE15-SP3/openSUSE Leap 15.3/openSUSE Tumbleweed 20200905).

Language Selection

The self-update step is executed before selecting the language (inst_complex_welcome client). That means the self-update progress and the errors which happens during the self-update process are by default displayed in English.

To use another language also for the self-update press F2 in the DVD boot menu and select the language from the list. Or use the language boot option, e.g. language=de_DE.

If you want to use a different keyboard layout for the console then use the keytable boot option.

Network Setup

Obviously, for downloading the installer updates YaST needs network.

YaST by default tries using DHCP on all network interfaces. If there is a DHCP server in the network then network is configured automatically.

If you need static IP setup in your network then use the ifcfg=<interface>=<ip_address>,<gateway>,<nameserver> boot option, e.g. ifcfg=eth0=,, See the Linuxrc documentation for more details.

Update Format

YaST will use RPM packages stored in a rpm-md repository, although they are handled in a different way:

  • All RPMs in the repository are considered (no "patch" metadata), only some meta-packages are skipped (e.g. the packages providing system-installation() or product(), it does not make sense to apply them to the inst-sys).
  • RPMs are not installed in the usual way: they're uncompressed and no scripts are executed.
  • No dependency checks are performed. RPMs are added in alphabetical order.

The rpm-md repository is required by SMT (SUSE Subscription Management Tool) as this is the only format which it supports for data mirroring.

The files from the packages override the files from the original inst-sys. YaST automatically ignores those files that have not changed, removing them to save some memory. Additionally, /usr/share/doc, /usr/share/info, /usr/share/man and var/adm/fillup-templates are excluded too.

In order to reduce the download bandwidth, the update packages might include only the changed files.

Where to Find the Updates

The URL of the update repository is evaluated in this order:

  1. The self_update boot option (Note: self_update=0 completely disables the self-update!)

  2. The AutoYaST profile - in AutoYaST installation only, use the /general/self_update_url XML node:

  3. Registration server (SCC or SMT), not available in openSUSE. The URL of the registration server which should be used is determined via:

    1. The regurl boot parameter
    2. AutoYaST profile (reg_server element).
    3. SLP lookup (this behavior applies to regular and AutoYaST installations):
      • If at least one server is found it will ask the user to choose one.
      • In AutoYaST mode SLP is skipped unless enabled in the profile in the registration section (see documentation). AutoYaST expects that only one server is reported by SLP, if more servers are found it is considered as an error and user interaction is required just like in manual installation.
    4. Default SUSE Customer Center API (

    The registration server is then asked for the list of update repositories. In order to determine such list, the product name, version and architecture are used.

    The product name and version are hard-coded in the control.xml file in the /globals/self_update_id and /globals/self_update_version XML nodes.


    If the self_update_version value is missing then the VERSION_ID value from the /etc/os-release file is used as a fallback.

  4. Hard-coded in the control.xml file on the installation medium (thus it depends on the base product):


    The variables are documented in the variable expansion section below.

The first suitable URL will be used. There are two exceptions:

  • If no update URL is found then the self-update is skipped.
  • If SCC/SMT provides multiple URLs, they will be all used. Currently this is the only way how to use more update repositories.

Downloading the AutoYaST Profile

As mentioned above, the self-update repository URL might be stored also in the AutoYaST installation profile.

However, the self-update runs at the very beginning when some hardware might not be initialized yet and therefore in some rare cases it might happen that the self-updater is not able to load the profile eventhough it can be loaded by the usual AutoYaST workflow later.

If that is the case you need to specify the custom update URL via self_update boot option instead of specifying it in the profile.

Manual SLP Discovery

If you want to check which SMT servers are announced locally via SLP you can run this command: slptool findsrvs registration.suse.

Make sure the SLP communication is not blocked by firewall. Open UDP source port 427 if the firewall is running.

Disabling SSL Certificate Check for SMT Server

When the used SMT server uses a self-signed SSL certificate for HTTPS conntections YaST will ask to import that certificate. In that case you should verify the certificate fingerprint before importing it.

If there are other issues with the certificate (signed by an unknown certificate authority, expired certificate, ...) then you can disable the SSL check by the ptoptions=+reg_ssl_verify reg_ssl_verify=0 boot options. But this is a security risk and should be used only in a trusted network, using a valid SSL certificate should be preferred.

Variable Expansion

The URL can contain a variable $arch that will be replaced by the system's architecture, such as x86_64, i586, s390x, etc.

The URLs can contain these variables which are replaced by YaST:

  • $arch - is replaced by the RPM package architecture used by the machine (like x86_64 or ppc64le)
  • These variables are replaced by the value from the /etc/os-release file:
  • $os_release_name => NAME (e.g. SLE)
  • $os_release_id => ID (e.g. sle)
  • $os_release_version => VERSION (e.g. 15-SP4)
  • $os_release_version_id => VERSION_ID (e.g. 15.4)

Actual URLs

When using registration servers, the regular update URLs have the form$PRODUCT/$VERSION/$ARCH/update where

  • PRODUCT is like OpenStack-Cloud, SLE-DESKTOP, SLE-SDK, SLE-SERVER,
  • VERSION (for SLE-SERVER) is like 12, 12-SP1,
  • ARCH is one of aarch64, ppc64le, s390x or x86_64 (all archs supported by the SLE product line)

For the self-update the PRODUCT is replaced with PRODUCT-INSTALLER, producing these repository paths under

  • /SUSE/Updates/SLE-DESKTOP-INSTALLER/12-SP2/x86_64/update
  • /SUSE/Updates/SLE-SERVER-INSTALLER/12-SP2/aarch64/update
  • /SUSE/Updates/SLE-SERVER-INSTALLER/12-SP2/ppc64le/update
  • /SUSE/Updates/SLE-SERVER-INSTALLER/12-SP2/s390x/update
  • /SUSE/Updates/SLE-SERVER-INSTALLER/12-SP2/x86_64/update

Update Repository Validation

Using an incompatible self-update repository might result in a crash or unexpected behavior. Since SLE15-SP2/Leap15.2 the installer compares the versions of some specific packages in the self-update repository and in the inst-sys. If any unexpected version is found then an error is displayed and the self-update step is completely skipped.

It is possible to skip this validation is special cases and force applying the updates despite the version mismatch by setting environment variable Y2_FORCE_SELF_UPDATE=1. This should be done only in special cases (testing) when you know what you are doing!

See the Installation::SelfupdateVerifier class for more details.


Package Integrity

Updates signatures will be checked by libzypp. If the signature is not correct (or is missing), the user will be asked whether she/he wants to apply the update (although it's a security risk).

When using AutoYaST, this behavior can be modified including the /general/signature-handling section in the profile.

SLP Discovery

If SLP discovery is enabled, a popup is displayed to choose the server to use. SLP by default does not use any authentication, everybody on the local network can announce a registration server so it must be confirmed by user.

In AutoYaST mode SLP discovery must be enabled in the profile (in the registration section) and it is expected that only one SLP server is present in the network. If more servers are found the selection popup is displayed even in the AutoYaST mode.

Self-update and User Updates

Changes introduced by the user via Driver Updates (dud boot option) will take precedence. As you may know, user driver updates are applied first (before the self-update is performed).

However, the user changes will be re-applied on top of the installer updates.

Resuming Installation

Any client called before the self-update step is responsible to remember its state (if needed) and automatically going to the next dialog after the YaST restart. Once the self-update step is reached again it will remove the restarting flag.

The self-update step is called very early in the workflow, for the self-update step only configured network is needed. That is configured either by linuxrc or by the setup_dhcp YaST client which does not need to remember any state.

Supported URL Schemes

Currently only HTTP/HTTPS and FTP URL schemes are supported for downloading the updates. Some additional schemes might work but are not tested and therefore not supported. (See man zypper for the complete list of possible URLs.)

Additionally the self-update supports the relurl:// schema. This refers to a location relative to the installation repository (defined by the install boot parameter which by default uses the booting device).

Relative URL Examples

Using a relative URL (relurl://) can be useful when serving the packages via a local installation server or when building a custom installation medium which includes a self-update repository.

Custom DVD/USB Medium

Assume the installation repository is at the medium root (/) and the self-update repository in the self_update subdirectory.

Then you can add the self_update=relurl://self_update boot option directly to the default boot parameters and it will work properly even if the medium is copied to an USB stick, hard disk or a network server.

Installation Server

Relative URL can be also useful when you copy the original installation medium unmodified to a network server.

Assume that the installation packages are available via and a self-update repository is available at

Then you can use the install= and self_update=relurl://../self_update boot parameters. That means you can even go up in the directory structure using the usual ../ notation!

The advantage is that you do not need to change the self_update parameter when the repositories are moved to a different location or different server.

But the most beneficial is using a relative URL in an AutoYaST profile. Then the same AutoYaST profile can work with different product versions without any change if you use the same repository structure on the server for all versions.

Error Handling

Errors during the installer update are handled as described below:

  • If network is not available, the installer update will be skipped.
  • If the network is configured but the installer updates repository or the registration server are not reachable:
    • in a regular installation/upgrade, YaST2 will offer the possibility to check/adjust the network configuration.
    • in an AutoYaST installation/upgrade, a warning will be shown.
  • If SCC/SMT is used and it returns no URL or fails then the fallback URL from control.xml is used.
  • If the updates repository is found but it is empty or not valid:
    • if the installer update was enabled explicitly (using the SelfUpdate boot option or through the self_update element in an AutoYaST profile), an error will be shown.
    • in the case that the URL was specified by the user (using the SelfUpdate boot option or through the self_update_url element in an AutoYaST profile), an error message will be shown.
    • if the URL was not specified by the user, the installer will skip the update process (it will assume that no updates are available).
  • If something goes wrong trying to fetch and apply the update, the user will be notified.