The tool that will let you print manga from the internet!
Downloading manga from the internet (Legally of course, after supporting the creator) can result in complex situations:
- You have some files with double pages and some contain singles.
- Simply cutting every double page into 2 files of singles will not work because you need to consider whether the chapter is being read from right to left or vice versa.
- Also, since the chapter was stripped from any advertisement pages in-between, some doubles will be split across printed pages if not treated correctly.
Here is where MangaPrinter comes to help. It will let you:
- Manage chapters and pages
- Decide on the go whether a page is single or double
- Add a page in the start and end of each chapter
- Auto manage everything so all double pages will stay together
- Add anti-spoiler pages to help you when you cut or staple the printed pages
- Preview each step with blur built in to avoid spoilers!
- Add RTL\LTR arrows and page numbers to make reading a breeze.
- Export to PDF without any extra installs!
When using the software, right click on list items for more options (e.g. preview)