This is the project I submit for "The F2E Coding Challenge" week 1 - pomodoro app. "The F2E" is an online challenge for frontend engineers and UI designers. The host will release a new topic each week for 9 weeks. Each challenger must submit his/her app or design before the week ends. The challenger has to find free time in his/her busy life doing the projects and won't get anything in return but the pride and satisfaction.
I use Vue.js for this app. VueX to store the timer and task data to use across different pages. I learned how to draw with SVG in order to make the graphical timer.
- Digital and graphical timer for two time durations (working: 25 mins, break: 5 mins)
- App theme changes automatically according to working status (working: pink, break: blue)
- Users can start/stop/pause the timer
- Simple todo list (add, mark done)
- User can select active task
Clone this repo to your local directory. Switch to the project directory and enter in your command line $ npm run serve
- Rename tasks
- Re-order tasks
- Record the number of pomodoros used for a task
- Set custom ringtone
- Pomodoro history chart
- Weekly pomodoros number