All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
24.1.0 (2022-11-30)
の追加 (#2928) (4c97960)- combo box に decorator option を追加する (#2932) (cfa30bb)
- dropdown width option の初期値をautoにする (#2938) (883573e)
- MultiComboBoxのドロップダウンリストの幅を指定可能にする (#2935) (404a57e)
- PageCounter を追加 (#2921) (07f4c10)
- SingleComboBoxのドロップダウンリストの幅を指定可能にする (#2920) (b00160d)
- 入力系コンポーネントに ref を渡せるよう修正 (#2933) (37af5e5)
24.0.0 (2022-11-21)
- drop IndexNav component (#2917)
23.6.0 (2022-11-15)
- comboboxのドロップダウンメニューリスト内にヒントを設置できるオプションを追加 (#2896) (7c5babf)
- DropdownButton に disabled な理由を渡せるようにする (#2910) (917227e)
- faRegClockアイコンを追加 (#2911) (d390e2f)
- single combo box に prefix optionを追加する (#2899) (7dd1169)
- DatePicker に invalidな日付文字列が渡された場合の動作を修正する (#2876) (1741524)
- hooksの設定漏れを修正する (#2897) (5df553e)
- Tooltip のフォーカスリングを SmartHR UI 化 (#2900) (74d44d6)
23.5.0 (2022-11-08)
- ButtonWrapper に渡していた loading を Transient Props に変更 (#2883) (c19d180)
- フォーカススタイルにユーザー指定の OUTLINE を反映 (#2875) (39b749a)
23.4.1 (2022-11-04)
23.4.0 (2022-11-01)
- Icon with Text の複数行表示を修正 (#2859) (9118737)
- InformationPanel のスタイリングを微調整 (#2819) (7f5d0a0)
- InputFile のフォーカススタイルをクラス名で行わないように修正 (#2862) (7f2da44)
- Text の color が DOM に反映されないように修正 (#2863) (90fd351)
23.3.0 (2022-10-25)
を画面上部の境界外にドラッグ&ドロップできないようにする (#2843) (48d98b7)- disabled な DropdownButton で onClick が発火してしまう問題を修正 (#2840) (e005994)
- SmartHR Logo を最新化 (#2838) (162475b)
- ヘルプセンターのURLを置き換え (#2844) (174808a)
23.2.0 (2022-10-18)
23.1.0 (2022-10-11)
- add compressalt icon and expandalt icon (#2773) (b43c4b3)
- datepicker calendar range (#2754) (e87f1ef)
- Dialog タイトルのデフォルトを h2 に統一|SHRUI-572 (#2805) (175dea9)
- FilterDropDownのボタンにReactNodeを渡せるように修正 (#2755) (14b65f5)
- Select の width を初期値 auto に変更 (#2806) (f402cc1)
23.0.2 (2022-09-14)
23.0.1 (2022-09-07)
23.0.0 (2022-08-29)
- BlankImage を削除 (#2729)
- DefinitionList の description に空文字を許容させる|SHRUI-601 (#2727)
- FloatAreaにfixed propsを追加 | SHRUI-574 (#2728)
- 画像系コンポーネントの title, visuallyHiddenText など、 代替テキストが期待される属性を altに変更する (#2723)
- DefinitionList の description に空文字を許容させる|SHRUI-601 (#2727) (a1eefe3)
- 画像系コンポーネントの title, visuallyHiddenText など、 代替テキストが期待される属性を altに変更する (#2723) (181b40d)
22.4.1 (2022-08-23)
22.4.0 (2022-08-17)
- Button と AnchorButton から不要な ref の詰め替えを消す (#2706) (f1c4524)
- FloatArea の top と bottom に string を渡せるようする (#2696) (5aae8df)
22.3.0 (2022-08-08)
- DropDownButtonのchildrenの型に
null | boolean
を追加する SHRUI-586 (#2679) (7b0200f) - DropZone を単一ファイル選択でも使えるようにする (#2686) (fb2fa68)
22.2.1 (2022-07-19)
- Button[variant=secondary] の disabled に背景色を追加 (#2656) (b362245)
- WarningIcon が ThemeProvider 前提になっているのを修正 (#2658) (5362561)
22.2.0 (2022-07-11)
- Base の radius をデザイントークンに対応付け (#2643) (b334e80)
- TextLink コンポーネントに ref を渡せるようにする (#2646) (0edab22), closes #2633
22.1.0 (2022-07-05)
- Select にサイズ小を追加 (#2600) (0fd4b28)
- StatusLabel に type=green を追加 (#2627) (de94ce7)
- Textarea が入力に依って自動で広がるよう機能追加 (#2598) (d518192)
22.0.0 (2022-06-24)
- 黄色の使い方と注意アイコンの使い方を見直す (#2578)
関連コンポーネントの theme 参照の修正 (#2604) (a2f7e32)- change not to use DOMRect outside useEffect or handle (#2596) (1ca6a10)
- fix combobox listbox partial rendering (#2588) (dccc06d)
- fix reference of theme (#2586) (139ab4e)
- SmartHRLogo が ThemeProvider 前提で書かれていたので修正 (#2593) (df1e3c3)
- ヘッダーが ThemeProvider 前提で書かれている箇所を useTheme を使うように修正 (#2601) (62c26cb)
- ボタンの displayName を明示的に設定 (#2585) (87b09b0)
21.4.5 (2022-06-24)
21.4.4 (2022-06-23)
21.4.3 (2022-06-20)
21.4.2 (2022-06-17)
- fix combobox listbox partial rendering (#2589) (5e73d80)
- fix reference of theme (#2586) (139ab4e)
- ボタンの displayName を明示的に設定 (#2585) (87b09b0)
21.4.1 (2022-06-15)
21.4.0 (2022-06-14)
内部のテキスト上端が見きれないように修正 (SHRUI-569) (#2548) (c7fdc6a)- fix InformationPanel props not to duplicate element props (#2550) (ebf370e)
- Header に className を渡す (#2552) (83e4a57)
- React 18 以降であれば ID 生成に
を使うように変更 (#2545) (29b4295) - useEffect 外で document を参照しないようにする (#2539) (bfd6e19)
21.3.0 (2022-06-07)
の右寄せ部分にエスケープハッチを追加 (SHRUI-555) (#2469) (239c6e4)- apply forwardRef to Button and AnchorButton (#2540) (4378f51)
- set Button default type to 'button' (#2542) (fa94faf)
- ドロップダウンのフォーカス制御の修正 (#2535) (fe45084)
- フォーカスリングが見きれないように修正 (SHRUI-565) (#2537) (9fb9dfd)
21.2.0 (2022-05-30)
- CheckBox と RadioButton で static className があたってしまうのを修正 (#2515) (505eedb)
- ライブラリの動作に必要ない jest-environment-jsdom を devDependencies に移動 (#2514) (2a30e97)
21.1.0 (2022-05-23)
の size を string で指定できるように変更 (SHRUI-559) (#2481) (3cd7ef5)Th
コンポーネントを追加 (SHRUI-557) (#2471) (4bd8270)- ActionDialog と MessageDialog の良いデフォルトを実装 (#2489) (e15d78d)
- add new icon, fa-reg-light-bulb (#2486) (23bea0c)
- ダイアログにおいて最初にフォーカスする要素を指定できるようにする (SHRUI-562) (#2485) (c14ec72)
- 色のデザイントークンを整理|SHRUI-560 (#2447) (8c9bb71)
21.0.0 (2022-05-09)
のファイル選択の制御方法を変更 (#2440)SmartHRLogo
の I/F 変更 (SHRUI-551) (#2446)- props の typo を修正 (#2448)
コンポーネントを追加 (SHRUI-545) (#2443) (98bedf6)InputFile
のファイル選択の制御方法を変更 (#2440) (dc62eb6)- DatePickerで別フォーマット日付の併記をサポートしたい (#2242) (3fcf128), closes / / / /
の I/F 変更 (SHRUI-551) (#2446) (0a4487f)Tooltip
のメッセージがスクリーンリーダーで読めるように修正 (SHRUI-556) (#2468) (3e6b7bc)- props の typo を修正 (#2448) (45cfd69)
20.4.0 (2022-04-25)
20.3.0 (2022-04-18)
20.2.1 (2022-04-14)
20.2.0 (2022-04-12)
20.1.2 (2022-04-06)
20.1.1 (2022-03-30)
20.1.0 (2022-03-17)
のモバイル表示調整 (SHRUI-536) (#2325) (4f95c3f)- add Reel wrapper to Pagination (#2350) (c28baaa)
- Balloon の三角形関連のスタイルを改善 (#2348) (ab1a65c)
20.0.0 (2022-03-08)
コンポーネントを削除 (SHRUI-525) (#2320)- ダイアログのデフォルト幅を変更 (SHRUI-535) (#2300)
コンポーネントを削除 (SHRUI-525) (#2320) (0faca49)- change type of text props to ReactNode (#2327) (0f6b58a)
- ダイアログのフェードアニメーション中にDOMが更新されてちらつくのを防ぎたい (#2319) (42945d0)
19.1.0 (2022-03-03)
19.0.2 (2022-02-28)
のモバイル表示調整 (#2285) (ff5989c)- ComboBoxItem を Storybook や SmartHR Design System での Props 表示のために、よりわかりやすい名前に変える (#2299) (b715b60)
- workaround empty flex gap bug (#2298) (0bb4ff5)
19.0.1 (2022-02-22)
のアイテムのテキストが折り返されないように修正 (#2283) (a58b2ac)- disabled なボタンに表示するツールチップが正常に動作するように修正 (SHRUI-529) (#2280) (7bdbfb2)
- fix ModelessDialog to be able to close on mobile (#2279) (0f89dba)
- コンボボックスのドロップダウンに表示するオプション数を段階的に増やすように変更 (SHRUI-540) (#2263) (33251bf)
19.0.0 (2022-02-17)
- smarthr-uiにおけるエラーアイコンを
に統一する (#2240)
- change not to use lookbehind regular expression (#2264) (5c6918c)
- make
as props like a styled-components (#2261) (9105024) - NotificationBar の useMemo dependency 漏れを追記 (#2239) (fb0c56f)
- style of
(#2259) (dd6486b)
18.0.0 (2022-02-08)
- remove gap fallback from
- add
yarn build-stylesheet
command (#2128) (5cae94b) - remove gap fallback from
(#2218) (fd5b680)
17.3.0 (2022-02-01)
を追加 (SHRUI-528) (#2220) (471bbf8)- InputFile にエラーオプションを追加 (SHRUI-486) (#2197) (6189d37)
- BottomFixedArea のシャドウを調整する (#2223) (a100e68)
- Input[type=number] のスクロールで数値が変更されるのを防ぐ (#2233) (a5c84a1)
- NotificationBar の className に undefined が混じるバグを修正 (#2222) (264cb73)
17.2.0 (2022-01-24)
- Change 's string props to ReactNode (#2117) (bc325f1)
- NotificationBar を作成|SHRUI-508 (#2193) (28ed290)
17.1.0 (2022-01-17)
の DOM 構造を変更 (SHRUI-453) (#2059) (f6def9f)- actionDialogのLoaderの表示崩れを修正 (#2145) (a1ace9f)
- change layout of Footer to flex box (#2181) (82b5c6a)
17.0.1 (2022-01-06)
- change to prevent to fire onAdd when assigning to input.files (#2165) (3c5e8f2)
- fix broken layout of FlaotArea on mobile device (#2164) (b72c43e)
17.0.0 (2021-12-21)
- Light/Dark Balloon, Light/Dark Tooltip の削除 (SHRUI-464) (#2121)
- IE のサポートを終了する (SHRUI-505) (#2116)
's string props to ReactNode (#2115) (a7d6bdc) -
Light/Dark Balloon, Light/Dark Tooltip の削除 (SHRUI-464) (#2121) (4ef5eed)
16.0.2 (2021-12-13)
のwidthをデフォルト値より小さく設定すると表示が崩れる不具合の修正 (#2102) (d57c02b)- change not to show external link icon when suffix is null (#2098) (36f4ce9)
- LineClamp と Tooltip の baseline ズレを修正 (#2101) (27ab76f)
- SideNav のフォーカスインジケーターを新しい装飾に置き換える (#2104) (b9f85ee)
- TextLink のアイコン縦位置を正す (#2100) (f8791b2)
16.0.1 (2021-12-06)
- change not to focus trigger when
is closed (#2083) (2838bda) - change to pass ElementProps to Wrapper of
(#2095) (7711350) - fontSize.S の影響で Button[size=s] の縦揃えに影響していたので修正 (#2058) (33912ee)
16.0.0 (2021-11-29)
- サポートする node バージョンを更新 (#2022)
15.3.0 (2021-11-22)
がブラウザのフォントサイズによってスタイル崩れを起こさないように修正 (SHRUI-466) (#2040) (ba5fcf1)InputFile
が IE でクラッシュしないように修正 (#2056) (6314229)- fix typos (#2043) (49788ca)
- inputFileコンポーネントでコンポーネント内部のinput要素のvalueが変化しないのを修正します (#2025) (0ac322d)
- reset margin of button on SegmentedControl (#2060) (9054c71)
- Sidebar を export (#2038) (30405cb)
15.2.2 (2021-11-08)
- InputFileでキーボード操作でファイル選択ダイアログを表示できないのを修正します SHRUI-484 (#2024) (d0b2e08)
- MessageScreen のリンクに下線を引く|SHRUI-368 (#2026) (bd1bdf8)
15.2.1 (2021-11-01)
- can not select search item (#2008) (d820cc9)
- fix to activate selected item on SingleComboBox (#2018) (3e82a21)
15.2.0 (2021-10-26)
- AppNavi にドロップダウン示唆プロパティを追加 (#1969) (eaaf5f7)
- ComboBox・DatePicker・Selectのキャレットの色を変更・統一 (#1975) (fbfe05c)
- comboboxのautoComplete属性をoffに変更 (#1974) (c8e3228)
- comboboxのautoComplete属性をoffに変更 (#1974) (1d5efdd)
内のアイコンサイズがブラウザのフォントサイズ設定に追従するように変更 (#1965) (2a9b09b)- add value, role, name to
handle (#1967) (342aef9) - change
to be able to indicate that is a group (#1968) (7f1ec03) - change header height of
not to expand by padding (#1963) (748b31f) - change not to set icon size in
(#1964) (4242aee) - FlashMessage のアイコン縦位置のズレを直しました (#1966) (ca14c52)
15.1.0 (2021-10-11)
のテキストボックスを制御できるようにするオプションを追加 (SHRUI-458) (#1929) (12e2af3)- TextLink の折返しに対応し、Affix にも下線を引く|SHRUI-481 (#1943) (63e216b)
- change position of radio button with multi line label to top (#1945) (4bbe3c3)
- コンボボックスのドロップダウンが画面からはみ出さないようにする (SHRUI-478) (#1930) (229ae02)
- 不要なアイコンサイズを削除 (#1941) (12e06d5)
15.0.1 (2021-10-04)
15.0.0 (2021-09-28)
- Button / Input / Selectの高さの計算を変更しました。Buttonの高さが固定でなくなり、フォントサイズやフレックスコンテナーの
- Button の width / height の固定値をやめる|SHRUI-427 (#1908) (d4784da)
- export useTheme hook (#1893) (dac62fd)
- Input のスタイリングを見直す|SHRUI-460 (#1909) (6351125)
- Select のスタイリングを見直す (#1919) (49b32d4)
- 各種 Dialog を body 直下以外からも生成できるようにする|SHRUI-474 (#1891) (fa8eab8)
Component を追加 (#1888)
- Dialogのsubtitle未指定の場合のaria-labelを調整する (#1921) (d8e96ef)
- display all items when refocus SingleCombobox (#1922) (ad93e3e)
- SingleCombobox の削除ボタンが Input の suffix を使っていたため、縦位置がずれていたので修正 (#1923) (03026f6)
- TextColors に TEXT_WHITE を追加し忘れていた (#1886) (09d437d)
- ダイアログがアニメーション中に低いスタッキングコンテキストにならないように修正 (#1887) (0e53afe)
14.4.0 (2021-09-14)
に選択済みアイテムを省略表示できるオプションを追加 (SHRUI-450) (#1860) (8178a53)- add row column gap Cluster (#1836) (c59b6ec)
- color に WHITE を追加 (#1864) (694ee8d)
14.3.0 (2021-09-06)
の color に抽象トークンを渡せるようにする (SHRUI-446) (#1855) (df38807)ModelessDialog
を追加 (SHRUI-454) (#1786) (173e380)- コンボボックスに
を追加 (SHRUI-436) (#1777) (54198fe) - 余白トークンに 0 を追加 (#1841) (5976a82)
- change labeling structure and add htmlFor props (#1778) (6511898)
- defaultLeading がエクスポートされていなかった (#1842) (158e5b0)
- OVERLAP の重なり順序の改善 (SHRUI-445) (#1837) (7970eb0)
14.2.0 (2021-09-01)
- change selected item of listbox of
not to cut off (#1826) (483b153) - FloatArea エラーメッセージの余分な余白を取り除く (#1820) (4ea4356)
- ツールチップ、バルーンのダークモードを非推奨にする (SHRUI-444) (#1825) (cbabedd)
14.1.0 (2021-08-23)
14.0.1 (2021-08-16)
- TextLink に prefix/suffix を含まない場合はレイアウトコンポーネントを使わない (#1766) (4e05ff4e9251db9cee287b2955032c1b1aaa280e)
- FloatArea で p > div になっていたので修正 (#1788) (992f9cab2440bf397490b4ba87d74d571a37a0ae)
14.0.0 (2021-08-02)
- 利用されていなかった
コンポーネントを削除しました。 RightFixedNote
が必須プロパティになります。- 旧
を使用してください。 - 旧
を使用してください。 SingleComboBox
- add onClear handler (#1747) (cc0fd58)
- make title required, and display textarea label (#1744) (e14c01d)
- remove unused (#1761) (5a67dc5)
- CheckBox コンポーネントのリネームと整理 (SHRUI-419) (#1748) (4ed6875)
- RadioButton コンポーネントのリネームと整理 (SHRUI-419) (#1754) (d6c0fa5)
13.3.0 (2021-07-20)
- add option for fixedhead (#1672) (21f5c86)
- DropDown コンポーネントの属性の改善 SHRUI-262 (#1670) (e7813d7)
- Stack に align を追加 (#1753) (5d00d6b)
13.2.0 (2021-07-13)
のフォーカスインジケータが隠れないように修正 (SHRUI-412) (#1698) (f82fe2c)ActionDialog
の warning 解消 (#1713) (c077991)- Baloon に span を渡せるように修正 (#1723) (54f1240)
- change default color of affix of
(#1726) (2099eaa) - fix focus indicator not to be hidden by sibling elements (#1725) (dfc08de)
- rename onChange to onChangeInput (#1727) (0ebcc40)
- Tooltip の tabIndex を利用側で上書きできないので修正 (#1709) (6cf8f01)
- コンボボックスのフォーカス挙動を変更 (SHRUI-423) (#1724) (b682a36)
13.1.0 (2021-06-29)
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-435) (#1676) (b501e4f)Input
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-273) (#1658) (9672209)Pagination
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-278) (#1673) (94f09a7)RightFixedNote
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-282) (#1677) (b09193f)SegmentedControl
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-283) (#1678) (6371479)SmartHRLogo
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-285) (#1680) (8efa186)StatusLabel
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-286) (#1682) (81238f2)TabBar
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-287) (#1683) (e273575)Textarea
の属性の改善 (#1686) (426b9e9)Tooltip
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-290) (#1687) (65ba763)- add default class name (#1679) (394a077)
- ComboBox の属性の改善 (SHRUI-277) (#1662) (c93aa18)
- Table の属性の改善 (SHRUI-288) (#1684) (ef4995f)
- Text コンポーネントに whiteSpace を追加 (#1704) (9b95ae7)
- Cluster のインポートを追加 (#1685) (379ea1c)
- DialogContentInner の className が Wrraper にあたっていたのを Inner に戻す (#1695) (9fd9791)
- MultiComboBox の削除アイコンの visuallyHiddenText をアイテムごとに分ける (#1694) (c0acf2a)
- Text を styled-component で wrap できなかったので修正| SHRUI-439 (#1696) (c0e79f5)
13.0.0 (2021-06-15)
- remove Icon component that uses name prop
- modify not to use old Icon component
- replace title tag from span to h3 in InformationPanel
- drop node v10 support
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-270) (#1653) (d42ee33)Header
のclass名及び属性の改善 (SHRUI-266) (#1639) (0d97bf2)Heading
の class 名と属性の改善 (SHRUI-267) (#1640) (703e93a)HeadlineArea
の class 名と属性の改善 (SHRUI-268) (#1641) (b7ddfa9)Icon
にデフォルトクラスを追加 (SHRUI-269) (#1651) (925790a)IndexNav
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-271) (#1654) (8114893)InformationPanel
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-272) (#1655) (6dfb7fc)MessageScreen
の属性の改善 (SHRUI-276) (#1660) (d484ade)- add CheckBoxNew component (#1604) (691cb2f)
- add data props to be able to register data about each item in ComboBox (SHRUI-415) (#1586) (2feec6e)
- add default class (#1659) (0809cbb)
- add default class name of parts (#1632) (4fc5c26)
- add FlashMessageList (#1583) (a26adfc)
- add loading state into ComboBox (SHRUI-375) (#1551) (4f5e0b4)
- add RadioButtonNew component (#1592) (3174af2)
- deprecate CheckBox and CheckBoxLabel (#1605) (7ca470b)
- deprecate FieldSet component (#1631) (ee77143)
- deprecate RadioButton and RadioButtonLabel (#1606) (aa01e28)
- enable to be able to make anchor button disabled (SHRUI-363) (#1522) (fa91170)
- fix border color to SegmentedControl (#1617) (499b800)
- fix input prefix/suffix icons color in storybook (#1635) (acedb47)
- implement FormGroup component (#1297) (2e44c34)
- improve attributes for Calendar (#1474) (08e4efa)
- improve attributes for Dialog (#1514) (93a345d)
- improve attributes for FieldSet (#1543) (1ca0162)
- improve attributes for Footer (#1633) (4d0e17d)
- improve heading padding in InformationPanel (#1561) (569d99a)
- new focus appearance (#1512) (8ad60f8)
add aria-invalid to components with error state (#1531) (b55b030)
added some attributes of accessibility for DatePicker component (#1629) (aa7695f)
CompactInformationPanel に className を渡せるようにする (#1669) (0994108)
Disable selected items when MultiComboBox is disabled (#1544) (8edb9e0)
Fix mobile Safari not showing all options for Select component (SHRUI-392) (#1517) (cdb85ce)
improve scroll suppression in Dialog (SHRUI-380) (#1532) (9bf7bce)
modify to be expected width when set percentage width (#1585) (94a9eff)
set DIALOG shadow to CompactInformationPanel (SHRUI-400) (#1549) (54823d8)
fix!(BREAKING CHANGE): remove Icon that uses name prop (SHRUI-349) (#1494) (b2952fa), closes #1494
fix!(BREAKING CHANGE): change default title tag in InformationPanel (SHRUI-170) (#1493) (ed36ec3), closes #1493
fix!(BREAKING CHANGE): drop node v10 support (SHRUI-384) (#1492) (6dfc53e), closes #1492
12.4.0 (2021-05-27)
12.4.0-1 (2021-04-16)
12.4.0-0 (2021-04-12)
- add default class names to button components (#1472) (cd49408)
- add SingleComboBox (SHRUI-66) (#1426) (3412352)
- add sync icon to InformationPanel (#1476) (166e9ee)
- apply classNames to FlashMessage (#1473) (9104d81)
- improve attributes for DefinitionList (#1441) (27c4fc0)
- enable to set attributes of dropzone and add smarthr-ui dropzone class name (#1445) (2c73296)
- exclude disabled element (#1410) (fd9c0f3)
- Merge hotfix v12.3.0 to master (#1477) (e5d8e8d), closes #1475
- modify height of MultiComboBox (SHRUI-364) (#1471) (d28daf1)
12.3.2 (2021-04-16)
12.3.1 (2021-04-01)
12.3.0 (2021-03-23)
- ActionDialog にレスポンスメッセージエリアを追加 (#1424) (fa37d0e)
- add floatArea component (#1270) (370ce97)
- add new icon, fa-user-clock (#1392) (78fc529)
- change colors (SHRUI-356, SHRUI-357, SHRUI-358) (#1407) (777dbbc)
- improve attributes for BackgroundJobsList and BackgroundJobsPanel (SHRUI-249) (#1404) (de9ece9)
- improve attributes for Base and DialogBase (#1402) (a91f008)
- support multiline text of CheckboxLabel (#1403) (3441590)
- add disabled to the current button of pagenation (#1429) (c40a824)
- add preset className to checkbox (SHRUI-255) (#1391) (e455537)
- change style to show focus indicator (#1421) (200fe2c)
- enable to set attributes of input element (#1363) (9300a68)
- flatten theme tree (SHRUI-204) (#1256) (1b13571)
- improve ARIA (#1409) (e2de01a)
- improve attributes of AppNavi (SHRUI-248) (#1378) (2e7e020)
- improve attributes of BottomFixedArea (#1364) (1d0bf46)
- improve attributes of CheckBoxLabel (SHRUI-256) (#1427) (7c082e4)
- remove position: fixed for Footer in MessageScreen (#1365) (c9505de)
- suppress to fire handler during animation for closing in Dialog (SHRUI-343) (#1406) (a28ad0b)
- tab-bar outline style (#1439) (dbbca09)
- textarea outline style (#1440) (1539e0e)
12.2.1 (2021-02-16)
- enable to set disabled to close button (#1326) (1f6fd86)
- modify not to call other hooks in useMemo (#1368) (c0070bc)
12.2.0 (2021-02-15)
- add light focus trap in Dialog (SHRUI-348) (#1351) (b625739)
- improve attributes Base (#1337) (801d02a)
- improve attributes of Balloon (SHRUI-250) (#1339) (8ca9dae)
12.1.1 (2021-02-08)
12.1.0 (2021-02-08)
- add new icons; fa-medkit and fa-tachometer-alt (#1299) (e9557d6)
- support <Fa***Icon /> components in addition to (#1304) (cf5fbe1)
- add "!important" to font-size of InputFile (#1313) (757ebc6)
- add Segmented control ARIA (SHRUI-242) (#1223) (f3c62cd)
- change input error style (SHRUI-327) (#1298) (8db8c06)
- enable to set attributes of input element (#1321) (b67b899)
- enable to set disabled in Option of Select (SHRUI-303) (#1318) (9388106)
- fix position of visually hidden text (#1317) (3b02210)
- fix the condition of displaying message of duplicating in MultiComboBox (SHRUI-302) (#1237) (e35848f)
- improve attributes of AccordionPanel (SHRUI-246) (#1290) (2a58b0a)
- input[file] の不要なfocusを削除する (#1314) (209b8fb)
- modify Dialog to be able to set aria-controls (SHRUI-220) (#1231) (ae1cc05)
- modify not to apply hover or focus style from other css to Button (#1242) (8315e21)
- modify not to fire escape key handler when dialog is not open (#1235) (b868654)
- modify to be able to scroll dropdown in IE (#1206) (12a24f7)
- replace old color code of storybook to theme in DefinitionList (#1249) (d81dc3e)
12.0.0 (2021-01-12)
- change loader animation (#1173)
- remove shinColorPalette
- add type props to button (#1086)
- add "from" and "to" props to DatePicker component (#1123) (7f841e0)
- add blukActionArea in Head of Table (SHRUI-8) (#937) (bf0158a)
- add border style to MessageDialog (#1059) (add5da7)
- add darkenAmount argument to hoverColor method (#950) (7d78586)
- add hasBlank and blankLabel props to Select (#1061) (165e104)
- add Shin color (SHRUI-227) (#1141) (1c8063a)
- add SideNav component (#1142) (6bae12c), closes /
- change the attribute of radius (#1080) (0e5bb8f)
- expose Icon components individually (#1127) (f7e716b)
- fix style of disabling selectbox (#1184) (04f0240)
- support React v17 (#1151) (dc23011)
- invalid html width attribute (#1105) (1061356)
- add aria and role attributes to dialog (#1033) (92561f3), closes /
- add aria and role attributes to Pagenation (#1124) (8a5ac30)
- add aria-checked to checkbox (#1029) (69dfed1)
- add aria-controls to accordion button triggers for Change default Expanded (#1140) (8d366c2)
- add aria-describedby (#1137) (d98f729)
- add background-color white (#1260) (3caa554)
- add box-sizing: border-box to textarea (#1060) (14e8f06)
- add optional chaining to _isChildPortal (#1236) (6258036)
- add type props to button (#1086) (f603a16)
- change disabled props to transient props (#1092) (1af1390)
- change full-width space to half-width (#1201) (889aa2b)
- change loader animation (#1173) (abddc8f), closes /
- change the minimum value of from props in the calendar component (#1122) (5718806)
- change theme props to transient props (#1081) (960bc98)
- change to add aria-label to icon (#1110) (3254aef)
- change width props to temporary props (#1089) (44bbe36)
- checkboxLabel where the label contains a "div" and "p" (#1083) (96e6b69)
- DatePicker bugs (#1091) (11edaab)
- dialog focus management (#889) (b9fde13)
- fallback parentElement of svg element for IE (#1241) (d4ae54e)
- fix input width for firefox (#1253) (d9fc669)
- improve accessibility of MultiComboBox (SHRUI-207) (#1187) (db30633)
- improve role of infomationpanel (#1205) (116a3c4)
- invalid html attribute (#1095) (bb85bac)
- invalid html attribute (#1106) (8732440)
- make StatusLabel vertical center alignment (#879) (34cc429)
- modify auto format of CurrencyInput (SHRUI-145) (#1143) (266a0bc)
- modify not to apply hover-style to Checkbox when hover over a disabled CheckboxLabel (#1136) (0c662a3)
- pass undefined to accept instead of blank string (#1121) (514d569)
- refactor Dropdown (SHRUI-221) (#1126) (0b77df6)
- reflect feedback of SideNav (SHRUI-320) (#1251) (b66441c)
- remove that blank optgroup is displayed for IE (#1186) (06dc2db)
- replace defaultPalette (SHRUI-233) (#1153) (b323bd5)
- replace div in button with span (#1084) (8f1ed53)
- replace figurein button with span (#1082) (4c0188f)
- shifting of index when IndexNav's ListItem is inserted into a new line (#1138) (6222f57)
- update package.json (#1224) (976fb89)
- アコーディオンパネルの展開時に overflow を既定値に戻す (#1125) (8d8069b)
12.0.0-0 (2020-12-17)
- change loader animation (#1173)
- remove shinColorPalette
- add type props to button (#1086)
- add "from" and "to" props to DatePicker component (#1123) (7f841e0)
- add blukActionArea in Head of Table (SHRUI-8) (#937) (bf0158a)
- add border style to MessageDialog (#1059) (add5da7)
- add darkenAmount argument to hoverColor method (#950) (7d78586)
- add hasBlank and blankLabel props to Select (#1061) (165e104)
- add Shin color (SHRUI-227) (#1141) (1c8063a)
- add SideNav component (#1142) (6bae12c), closes /
- change the attribute of radius (#1080) (0e5bb8f)
- expose Icon components individually (#1127) (f7e716b)
- fix style of disabling selectbox (#1184) (04f0240)
- support React v17 (#1151) (dc23011)
- invalid html width attribute (#1105) (1061356)
- add aria and role attributes to dialog (#1033) (92561f3), closes /
- add aria and role attributes to Pagenation (#1124) (8a5ac30)
- add aria-checked to checkbox (#1029) (69dfed1)
- add aria-controls to accordion button triggers for Change default Expanded (#1140) (8d366c2)
- add aria-describedby (#1137) (d98f729)
- add box-sizing: border-box to textarea (#1060) (14e8f06)
- add optional chaining to _isChildPortal (#1236) (6258036)
- add type props to button (#1086) (f603a16)
- change disabled props to transient props (#1092) (1af1390)
- change full-width space to half-width (#1201) (889aa2b)
- change loader animation (#1173) (abddc8f), closes /
- change the minimum value of from props in the calendar component (#1122) (5718806)
- change theme props to transient props (#1081) (960bc98)
- change to add aria-label to icon (#1110) (3254aef)
- change width props to temporary props (#1089) (44bbe36)
- checkboxLabel where the label contains a "div" and "p" (#1083) (96e6b69)
- DatePicker bugs (#1091) (11edaab)
- dialog focus management (#889) (b9fde13)
- improve accessibility of MultiComboBox (SHRUI-207) (#1187) (db30633)
- improve role of infomationpanel (#1205) (116a3c4)
- invalid html attribute (#1095) (bb85bac)
- invalid html attribute (#1106) (8732440)
- make StatusLabel vertical center alignment (#879) (34cc429)
- modify auto format of CurrencyInput (SHRUI-145) (#1143) (266a0bc)
- modify not to apply hover-style to Checkbox when hover over a disabled CheckboxLabel (#1136) (0c662a3)
- pass undefined to accept instead of blank string (#1121) (514d569)
- refactor Dropdown (SHRUI-221) (#1126) (0b77df6)
- remove that blank optgroup is displayed for IE (#1186) (06dc2db)
- replace defaultPalette (SHRUI-233) (#1153) (b323bd5)
- replace div in button with span (#1084) (8f1ed53)
- replace figurein button with span (#1082) (4c0188f)
- shifting of index when IndexNav's ListItem is inserted into a new line (#1138) (6222f57)
- update package.json (#1224) (976fb89)
- アコーディオンパネルの展開時に overflow を既定値に戻す (#1125) (8d8069b)
11.2.0 (2020-11-26)
11.1.0 (2020-10-28)
- a11y of Dropdown (SHRUI-180) (#1050) (a413acf)
- apply changes of release v11.0.0 (#1090) (9cf6ded), closes #1085 #1087
- change Cell height (#976) (0ad828c)
- change SmartHR Logo props to temporary props (#1094) (91b509a)
- change tag of calendar component (#1088) (ba87935)
- change tertiary link in Bottom Fixed Area to correct HTML (#1065) (b023dfd)
- change theme props to transient props (#1069) (beaff5c)
- change to see the content overflowing in the vertical direction of MessageScreen (#1058) (773fd15)
- change to unify the notation in the README (#1068) (c8e515c)
- enable to use MultiComboBox on Dropdown (#1067) (0d9fe7f)
- support webpack v5 (#1057) (3d8d14e)
11.0.0 (2020-10-22)
11.0.0-1 (2020-10-21)
- calculate Calendar position in DatePicker (SHRUI-212) (#1085) (eeb9bda)
- consider reset css in BackgroundJobsPanel (SHRUI-213) (#1087) (9bbc279)
11.0.0-0 (2020-10-12)
change props of DatePicker drastically, and remove parsing error.
fix: typo
fix: ref in custom hook
docs: update README
Remove id property from Tooltip component
fix: change prefix to sequence number
- add BackgroundJobsPanel (SHRUI-116) (#975) (9a1ae65)
- add SegmentedControl (SHRUI-115) (#949) (36ea094)
- add style for visually hidden (#963) (fda4ccf)
- add useId hook and remove id property from Tooltip (#974) (f638d6b)
- add visually hidden text for some components (#1016) (39c85c7)
- change addon order (#1041) (29bde4c)
- create shadow theme (#1004) (e194e01)
- create zIndex theme (#1026) (0f190ab)
- a11y of Calendar (#1035) (45ed373)
- add ARIA attributes into Pagination (#1032) (32f1e3f)
- add aria-label to MessageScreen (#1018) (ef56e37)
- add aria-label to SmartHR Logo (#1019) (5507618)
- add blank optgroup for not omitting labels for Mobile Safari (#979) (87eaa1b)
- add css to show disabled input value (#1028) (1547580)
- add role attribute and visually hidden text (#1015) (536e304)
- add role attribute to tooltip (#1045) (d67fb3d)
- change not to add aria-expanded when InformationPanel has no toggle button (#1046) (ffe8652)
- DatePicker (SHRUI-178) (#1027) (3c94f19)
- enable to ignore Icon what has no labels (SHRUI-148) (#1031) (bf12672)
- fix styles of Calendar when using reset style (#973) (3e790b2)
- move frame styles to Wrapper (#985) (b9de4e4)
- nested Dropdown (#1003) (6f648df)
- stylelint (#1034) (a6a23e4)
- update font-family (#930) (ff7c7f3)
10.1.0 (2020-11-24)
10.0.0 (2020-08-31)
- reconsider border radius of theme (#849)
- Tooltip become portal, and become to require id property
9.4.0 (2020-11-26)
9.3.0 (2020-08-11)
- add necessary dependencies of hooks (#906) (a14e2c0)
- fix applying className (#890) (a950f0c)
- TabBar for IE support (#854) (adb0fc3)
- typographical error (#920) (0e30876)
- width for input element in Input (#905) (b77046f)
9.2.0 (2020-07-15)
- add affixes into Input (#851) (f95c8ec)
- add Calendar component (#832) (0990e38)
- add IndexNav component (#838) (6ce3c6a)
- add className props to RightFixedNote and RightFixedNoteItem (#865) (a861eed)
- change flex to long-hand in FlashMessage (#852) (e2817e1)
- change not to pass unnecessary props to Background (#862) (9dd9c2f)
- change not to use rowSpan=0 (#861) (6f829c0)
- correct ms-expand of Select (#853) (9b2811b)
- fix calendar date in storybook (#863) (f4bac46)
- position shift of scrollable DropdownContent (#841) (07786eb)
- validate tags in RadioButton/RadioButtonLabel (#837) (21c10d8)
9.1.0 (2020-06-17)
9.0.2 (2020-06-10)
9.0.1 (2020-06-10)
- fix props type for AppNavi (#828) (57ff40b)
- use stylelint-config-smarthr for stylelint (#806) (b25debd)
9.0.0 (2020-06-09)
it is no longer disabled by default when passing true for current props
feat: add buttons props types for AppNavi component
fix: add AppNavi test
fix: add README of AppNavi
feat: add disabled props for AppNavi items
remove background color from TabBar
fix: remove background color
test: update snapshot
- add buttons props types for AppNavi component (#826) (ed3a138)
- add togglable option in InformationPanel (#817) (5df6953)
- fix typo Heading default type (#815) (2b54b88)
- improve TextButton broder-color to transparent (#813) (299de50)
- lower 'th' details in 'Table' (#816) (0dcf86a)
- remove background color from TabBar (#820) (4ea3e8f)
8.4.0 (2020-06-03)
8.3.0 (2020-05-28)
- add aria attribute (#788) (c936320)
- add labelSuffix props to FieldSet component (#769) (01eea8b)
- add MessageScreen Component (#768) (fb9a27e)
- add width and height props to SmartHRLogo (#767) (3c93eb2)
- fade out Dialog component (#776) (9adc249)
- nullable cell option (#754) (b16624d)
- button style (#790) (6ab20b7)
- enable multiple error messages for FieldSet (#782) (6a37c72)
- round the corners of table on base (#766) (affc1f9)
- set appear animation for Dialog (#792) (e6c992b)
8.2.0 (2020-05-07)
- Fix the polished version (#765) (bddfaab)
- change SecondaryButton disabled style (#757) (d3c2ba1)
- change storybook dropdown style (#740) (20ee9e8)
8.1.0 (2020-04-30)
- change Footer base color (#748) (ab6ecf6)
- Change header color (#753) (43e4e8a)
- change storybook loader color (#730) (f2aed10)
- dropdown scroll area height for ie (#756) (4d52204)
- fix styles for FlashMessage component (#726) (d6b8eae)
8.0.0 (2020-04-09)
- dark property for CheckBox and CheckBoxLable will no longer work
- dark property for RadioButton will no longer work
- The scroll area is no longer automatically allocated.
- fix checkbox style (#724) (478d488)
- radio button style (#722) (4a81272)
- remove dark property from RadioButton component (#725) (f3f70ee)
- tweak arrow size for Ballloon component(#723) (ae5287f)
7.1.0 (2020-04-03)
- change AppNaviButton style (#697) (25a9729)
- change label text color in RadioButtonLabel and CheckBoxLabel (#698) (969861f)
- fix that some styles doesn’t work (#705) (f6f75a6)
7.0.0 (2020-03-18)
- change several icon names
- add align-items property to InformationPanel (#672) (1de95b7)
- add optgroup option for select (#671) (ebbff1d)
- avoid creating styled-components' instance dynamically (#685) (4adfa2a)
- dropdown content position (#664) (6bcf49b)
- fix padding-right in Input (#665) (df24caf)
- fix padding-right in Input (#665) (c16d5ec)
- fix typos (#684) (1bcd45b)
6.3.0 (2020-11-24)
6.2.0 (2020-02-13)
- dropdown flickers (#650) (32ccc98)
- lint for InformationPanel (f85e8af)
- long title InformationPanel (b9d47b5)
6.1.1 (2020-01-21)
- fix description of husky (b7e8c7c)
6.1.0 (2020-01-20)
- change children prop type of Heading (d27424f)
- change term prop type of DefinitionListItem (b654ca0)
6.0.0 (2020-01-17)
- change component name of Field to FieldSet(1dd912c)
- remove AppBar component(fe07d35)
- remove rowspan and colspan props from Cell(282c804)
- end of support for Node v8(8942a77)
- add aria attributes (d5b6cfd)
- add className props (e8aacf4)
- add defaultExpanded props (b53f599)
- add DescriptionList (88bab82)
- Add DialogBase component (#576) (6f63757)
- add font themes (56a3fc6)
- add HeadingTypes type into Heading (cfd6d3a)
- Add onClickOverlay props to to ActionDialog and MessageDialog (c002fd1)
- add position provider component (78e8253)
- add some examples (b152b6f)
- icon: Add a FaClock icon (73e8156)
- add style (2c99af2)
- add style (7540a13)
- add TextButton component (9001063)
- add useOffsetHeight hook (0753bf1)
- Added Header component (236f58f)
- change props (8e51061)
- Create InformationPanel component (1b08bf7)
- divide icon props to iconPosition and DisplayIcon (1f37eff)
- export undo icon (797adaa)
- export undo icon (2cbd5c5)
- give position provider (73360ca)
- manage state useing Map object (e512a42)
- remove AppBar component (#574) (2099a11)
- set max-height in child components (086f0f2)
- Update behavior of defaultExpanded (8190c7c)
- Dialog: close a dialog when Escape key is pressed (7e86234)
- icon: Add arrow right icon (0d76099)
- icon: Add fa-chevron-, fa-copy, and fa-trash- (dcfac49)
- icon: Add fa-times-circle (961a5c9)
- AccordionPanel -> AccordionPanelItem (c221c65)
- add className props (75d3f20)
- add className props for Dropdown component (#522) (88c7066)
- Add colSpan, rowSpan props to Cell (9f95526)
- Add isCrew as props (8c21b76)
- Add line-height to DefinitionListItem (e328728)
- Add ref props (47fe111)
- add resolutions field (6e0dc4b)
- add setTimeout to delay scheduling (c64ca0b)
- Adjust style (88b9767)
- callback onClick (c792871)
- change area-expanded value (02a0ae8)
- change context types (74edb9a)
- change fa-reg-plus-square icon to fa-plus-square icon (d87a545)
- Change Field props (6ebf620)
- change icon (f704049)
- change name of Field component (#579) (f2655c8)
- change padding (bcda0c6)
- Change RadioButton props (fe8f014)
- change rotate direction (84963e5)
- Change Select props (1c667ea)
- Change the animation (2fbaf84)
- change to correct name (1d0dd75)
- children format (a44720b)
- context initial data (2a6e39b)
- Except autoFocus from input (b3b7065)
- export components (d9609db)
- export import (369b780)
- export text button (55b2922)
- fix box-shadow value in Base (7e7a34e)
- Fix build error (1679909)
- Fix dropdown trigger bug (34aee6b)
- fix for reviews (20fdf3f)
- Fix Header and HeaderButton construction (364756a)
- Fix HeaderUserNotification construction (554b3dd)
- Fix HeaderUsreDropdown (2f59124)
- fix line-height for StatusLabel (58fa24e), closes #551
- Fix style (b2bc511)
- Fixed a bug that did not animate when using firefox (c65fa1f)
- HeaderCrewDropDown -> HeaderCrewDropdown (59f2ac5)
- Increase type of Input type props, fix #483 (e2db0fe)
- manage state inside component (855c1ed)
- move helper file to inside libs (36e30c6)
- move icon props to Accordion component (e6717aa)
- move onClick to trigger component (8dae970)
- not to animate at first rendering (530542b)
- pass icon props from AccordionPanel (392668a)
- Pass input default props to checkbox (e576001)
- Remove console.log (098a44d)
- Remove unnecessary file (8e17b82)
- remove unnecessary onClick (ebff6fb)
- rename Accordion to AccordionPanel (e3925fd)
- rename function (f75505e)
- set disabled style to Input (bdf16f0)
- set vertical-align to error message (701950e)
- state management (932eb5c)
- style (5358cf9)
- style (3f9bb39)
- Update avatar style (93c651e)
- use forwardRef (f2ab9a9)
- dropdown: change initial position for dropdown component (6d73c0a)
- use typescript generics (1de2b8e)
- select: fix selectbox css (#503) (934687b)
5.10.0 (2019-12-20)
- Create InformationPanel component (1b08bf7)
5.9.0 (2019-12-12)
- Dialog: close a dialog when Escape key is pressed (7e86234)
- Fix dropdown trigger bug (34aee6b)
- dropdown: change initial position for dropdown component (6d73c0a)
- add className props for Dropdown component (#522) (88c7066)
- Add isCrew as props (8c21b76)
- change fa-reg-plus-square icon to fa-plus-square icon (d87a545)
- Fix Header and HeaderButton construction (364756a)
- Fix HeaderUserNotification construction (554b3dd)
- Fix HeaderUsreDropdown (2f59124)
- Fix style (b2bc511)
- HeaderCrewDropDown -> HeaderCrewDropdown (59f2ac5)
- Remove unnecessary file (8e17b82)
- Update avatar style (93c651e)
5.8.1 (2019-12-10)
- dropdown: change initial position for dropdown component (6d73c0a)
- add className props for Dropdown component (#522) (88c7066)
5.8.0 (2019-12-06)
- icon: Add fa-chevron-, fa-copy, and fa-trash- (dcfac49)
- Added Header component (236f58f)
- Update behavior of defaultExpanded (8190c7c)
5.7.1 (2019-12-04)
- Add colSpan, rowSpan props to Cell (9f95526)
- Change the animation (2fbaf84)
- Increase type of Input type props, fix #483 (e2db0fe)
5.7.0 (2019-11-26)
- icon: Add fa-times-circle (961a5c9)
- Add onClickOverlay props to to ActionDialog and MessageDialog (c002fd1)
5.6.0 (2019-11-20)
- icon: Add arrow right icon (0d76099)
5.5.0 (2019-11-15)
- AccordionPanel -> AccordionPanelItem (c221c65)
- add className props (75d3f20)
- callback onClick (c792871)
- change area-expanded value (02a0ae8)
- change context types (74edb9a)
- change icon (f704049)
- change padding (bcda0c6)
- change rotate direction (84963e5)
- change to correct name (1d0dd75)
- children format (a44720b)
- context initial data (2a6e39b)
- export components (d9609db)
- export import (369b780)
- fix for reviews (20fdf3f)
- Fixed a bug that did not animate when using firefox (c65fa1f)
- manage state inside component (855c1ed)
- move helper file to inside libs (36e30c6)
- move icon props to Accordion component (e6717aa)
- move onClick to trigger component (8dae970)
- not to animate at first rendering (530542b)
- pass icon props from AccordionPanel (392668a)
- remove unnecessary onClick (ebff6fb)
- rename Accordion to AccordionPanel (e3925fd)
- rename function (f75505e)
- state management (932eb5c)
- style (3f9bb39)
- style (5358cf9)
- use typescript generics (1de2b8e)
- add aria attributes (d5b6cfd)
- add className props (e8aacf4)
- add defaultExpanded props (b53f599)
- add DescriptionList (88bab82)
- add font themes (56a3fc6)
- add some examples (b152b6f)
- add style (7540a13)
- add style (2c99af2)
- icon: Add a FaClock icon (73e8156)
- change props (8e51061)
- divide icon props to iconPosition and DisplayIcon (1f37eff)
- manage state useing Map object (e512a42)
5.4.0 (2019-11-13)
- icon: Add a FaClock icon (73e8156)
5.3.0 (2019-11-12)
- AccordionPanel -> AccordionPanelItem (c221c65)
- add className props (75d3f20)
- callback onClick (c792871)
- change area-expanded value (02a0ae8)
- change context types (74edb9a)
- change icon (f704049)
- change padding (bcda0c6)
- change rotate direction (84963e5)
- change to correct name (1d0dd75)
- children format (a44720b)
- context initial data (2a6e39b)
- export components (d9609db)
- export import (369b780)
- Fixed a bug that did not animate when using firefox (c65fa1f)
- manage state inside component (855c1ed)
- move helper file to inside libs (36e30c6)
- move icon props to Accordion component (e6717aa)
- move onClick to trigger component (8dae970)
- not to animate at first rendering (530542b)
- pass icon props from AccordionPanel (392668a)
- remove unnecessary onClick (ebff6fb)
- rename Accordion to AccordionPanel (e3925fd)
- rename function (f75505e)
- state management (932eb5c)
- style (3f9bb39)
- style (5358cf9)
- use typescript generics (1de2b8e)
- add aria attributes (d5b6cfd)
- add className props (e8aacf4)
- add defaultExpanded props (b53f599)
- add some examples (b152b6f)
- add style (2c99af2)
- add style (7540a13)
- change props (8e51061)
- divide icon props to iconPosition and DisplayIcon (1f37eff)
- manage state useing Map object (e512a42)
5.2.1 (2019-11-07)
5.2.0 (2019-11-06)
- add resolutions field (6e0dc4b)
- Change Field props (6ebf620)
- Change RadioButton props (fe8f014)
- Change Select props (1c667ea)
- Except autoFocus from input (b3b7065)
- export text button (55b2922)
- Pass input default props to checkbox (e576001)
5.1.0 (2019-11-05)
5.0.0 (2019-11-01)
Update components
Fix typo in icon name
pascal case doesn't support.
chore: update snapshots
original icon gets the same props as react-icons
chore: update snapshot
chore: export Icon component
fix: remove 'Base', 'Icon' from IGNORE_DIRS
remove size of tasting and trenta
- add background-color to Flash component (56b8079)
- Add ThemeProvider to DropdownContent (8a2a8a2)
- selectbox: Add aria-label (8a7a0ab)
- apply in DropDown storybook (8b0b84d)
- Apply Input in Field Component (7916091)
- Change Button interface to conform to the DOM interface (82003a2)
- Change Button interface to conform to the DOM interface (f6b0a9e)
- Change Checkbox interface to conform to the DOM interface (aa38817)
- change for reviews (e8bf397)
- Change Input interface to conform to the DOM interface (f01952f)
- Change label props to children (e29f663)
- Change prop type for TabItem (629e552)
- selectbox: Change to use fa-sort (ca95f47)
- Change Select interface to conform to the DOM interface (0ff3f35)
- Change Select interface to conform to the DOM interface (6567c2d)
- Change Select interface to conform to the DOM interface (7d05e95)
- Change tag to which className is applied (4b4f0fd)
- Checkbox test (03adb5d)
- Fix dropdown content position (e7465c3)
- Fix dropdown content size bug (5d96292)
- Fix font-size (cd3ed2e)
- fix for jslint (095f709)
- Fix rendering bug (0ec70e2)
- Fix typo (ff4295c)
- Fix yarn.lock (ccd75a0)
- Fix yarn.lock (936f25b)
- Make storybook compatible with React hooks (1b96936)
- memoize DropdownContentRoot (f470ea9)
- Modify left position logic (b3af02d)
- Recover lost files (e6d9c60)
- Remove export (03f632f)
- Remove the part that was described in double (66ef42a)
- Remove unnecessary files (0f70685)
- show checkbox focus indicator (b9f0e85)
- show Radio focus indicator (09657a0)
- style (71e37d2)
- support uncontrollable Dropdown (f55c9bb)
- Update all storybook's packages (a0e2eea)
- Update dropdown position logic (df50ca9)
- Update ts setting (843bec0)
- Use fa-check instead of check (bc5ee1c)
- Use fa-check-circle instead of check-circle (d5e560e)
- select: Change from text to default (ae5cae6)
- selectbox: Adjustment when disabled or hover and fix css (83738ae)
- selectbox: Remove blackOption and placeholder (6d7bc5d)
- selectbox: Remove unnecessary Vendor Prefix (f26c0ed)
- Use fa-exclamation-triangle instead of exclamation-triangle (dd9be98)
- Use fa-times instead of cross (fafb006)
- Use ReactDOM.createElement instead of ReactDOM.render (957a0b6)
- add an entry point for ES Modules (5e9349a)
- Add angle icon (ea992e4)
- add AppNavi component (8b4a053)
- add BaseButton component (7dce43f)
- add BlankImage component (6f19e51)
- Add className props to CheckboxLabel (2c7cc94)
- Add className props to components (37da6b4)
- add clone icon (4850691)
- Add controllable ActionDialog component (d9a6ddc)
- Add controllable Dialog component (674cfd7)
- Add DangerButton component (1ced44f)
- Add Dialog basic component (66ed088)
- Add FaCaretUp icon (e7748e3)
- Add FaExclamationCircle icon (4720536)
- Add minus icon (8dba673)
- Add mixed props to Checkbox (08741a1)
- Add NewDropdown component temporary (c59239e)
- Add onClickBackground props to Modal (e539afe)
- add Outline color to PletteProperty (730e4be)
- Add PrimaryButton component (#297) (6cd2390)
- add reply icon and paper-plain icon (a62b623)
- add SecondaryButton component (6909756)
- add SkeletonButton component (50500c8)
- Add TabBar (#301) (4afe1ff)
- Added Table component (#269) (1ec3115)
- Adjust the display position of content (1183721)
- icon: Add external link icon (28f240e)
- Change Field component props (49ef9d7)
- icon: Add a FaCloudDownloadAlt icon (5c4e8bd)
- update UI for Pagination component and add
withoutNumbers props
(93c067d) - icon: Add a FaEye icon (13eb8bf)
- select: Create select component (f91e471)
- Create ActionDialogContent (c7b6f05)
- Create controllable MessageDialog component (ee63d93)
- Create MessageDialog (82b6e20)
- export default frame (4e1340d)
- export default hover interaction (c95707a)
- export default size (1556da1)
- export defaultPalette (34c2f72)
- Update ActionDialogContent props (cbb77c6)
- update AppNavi component so it can take a child component (eabe203)
- change some font size (5596d9f)
- Merge pull request #319 from kufu/features/ttmz (e5ce046), closes #319
- Merge pull request #421 from kufu/fix-typo (67c0923), closes #421
- BREAKING CHANGE: Changed color name of theme (#245) (19a532d), closes #245
- BREAKING CHANGE: Enabled to use react-icons (a60ab19)
4.0.1 (2019-08-06)
- Fix export test (5e67069)
4.0.0 (2019-08-05)
- add a test for missing exports in src/index.ts (55618db)
new theme does not support outdated variables
chore: replace ${palette.White} to #fff
chore: replace Mono_P10 to Border
chore: replace Mono_P20 to Border
chore: replace SmarthrGreen to Main
chore: theme.palette.White to #fff
chore: replace Mono_P40 to TextGrey
chore: replace palette.Red to palette.Danger
chore: replace Mono_P60 to TextGrey
chore: replace Orange_M30 to Warning
chore: replace Yellow to Warning
chore: replace Red to Danger
chore: replace Blue to Main
chore: replace White to #fff
chore: replace Black to TextBlack
chore: replace Mono_P30 to TextGrey
chore: change color
chore: yarn add polished
feat: add hoverColor method
chore: modify hover color for PagenationItem
chore: modify hover color for Button
chore: modify focus color for Input
style: change color code to lower case
style: update snapshots
3.9.2 (2019-07-31)
- Skip res-suit when aws credential is not exist (fc4282d)