- explanation/tutorial
- 'about'/contact
- how to negate a signed binary integer?
- how to convert decimal to binary?
- how to convert hex to binary?
- how to convert binary to hex?
- how many unsigned integers can be represented in ____? (a byte, nibble, word)
- how many signed integers can be represented in ____? (a byte, nibble, word)
- how to determine if a binary int is even/odd?
- what can be said of a binary integer who ____ bits are 0?
- if all positions in a binary integer are 0 except position ____, what number does it represent?
- if all positions in a binary integer are 1 except position ____, what number does it represent?
- memorize powers of 2 up to 16 (speed round)
- what happens to the represented integer after shifting to the left?
- what happens to the represented integer after shifting to the right?
- what is the binary for the value 2^n - 1?
- what is sign extension? how do you do it?
- what is contraction?
- what is zero extension?
- color and font
- toggleable column labels
- animations
- 'nuh-uh' shake for wrong answers
- nice reward animations for right answers
- make the placeholders become real text for a split second before starting
- processor graphic/animation
- diff processors for different bits
- make autofocus work on quiz
- remove "[enter]" from start button
- on-screen keyboard, like wordle
- make it all on one line
- make the font smaller or the div wider
- put a 'submit' button in (or auto-submit?)
- add a range slider for easier input?
- keyboard shortcuts
- ctrl-c to go back to menu
- specify what you already know, then prove it (modular learning)
- save progress
- local storage
- login
- timed
- keyboard shortcuts with help overlay
- leaderboard
- show warning when specifying invalid number of bits or problems
- uncomment PDF part
- add PDF export in pure front end
- cheat/human detection