Releases: zowe/zowe-explorer-vscode
Releases · zowe/zowe-explorer-vscode
- Added the Allocate Like feature. #904. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Added the ability to disable/enable profile validation. #922. Thanks @JillieBeanSim
- Added the ability to access other profiles during profile validation. #953. Thanks @JillieBeanSim
- Grouped Favorites by profile for Datasets, USS, and Jobs. #168. Thanks @lauren-li
- Fixed USS renaming issues. #911. Thanks @katelynienaber and @lauren-li
- Fixed the deletion of datasets issue. #963. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Once entered, datasets and members are displayed in uppercase. #962. Thanks @AndrewTwydell and @Pranay154
- Removed errors in Favorites items caused by profiles that are created by other extensions. #968. Thanks @lauren-li
- Updated the environment check for Theia compatibility. #1009. Thanks @lauren-li
- Webpack working with localization and logging. Thanks @lauren-li
- Allow extenders to load their saved profile sessions upon their activation. Thanks @lauren-li
- Provide a re-validation for invalid profiles automatically. Thanks @JillieBeanSim
- Bug fix related to saving USS files. Thanks @JillieBeanSim.
- Bug fix related to the deletion of datasets. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Fix USS save operation. Thanks @JillieBeanSim
- Add validation information message. Thanks @JillieBeanSim
- Restructure Readme. Thanks @IgorCATech
- Disallow multiple profiles with same name but different capitalizations. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Improvements for Optional Credentials. Thanks @crawr @jellypuno
- Reorganize Data Sets context menu. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Adding star icon for favorites. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Profile Validation. Thanks @jellypuno
- Updating Credentials via Check Credentials. Thanks @JillieBeanSim
- Favorites get loaded and opened into new files. Thanks @phaumer
- Improve messaging of confirmation dialogues. Thanks @crawr
- Enable editing of filters. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Update Codecov settings. Thanks @jellypuno
- Handle encoding value from z/OSMF Profiles. Thanks @dkelosky
- Enable editing of ASCII files in USS. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Refactor unit test and add more integration tests. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Create connections with any registered profile type. Thanks @JillieBeanSim
- Streamline first profile creation. Thanks @crawr
- Add recall options for migrated datasets. Thanks @Pranay154
- Fix persistent data after recall functionality. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Fix deleting and editing connection not considering other profile types. Thanks @phaumer
- Fix multiple prompts when escaping/canceling editing session. Thanks @jellypuno
- Fix failure to load optional secure fields from profiles. Thanks @tjohnsonBCM
- Fixed issue when manually editing/deleting associated profiles. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Refactor unit tests. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom, @katelynienaber
- Fix undefined profile error message. Thanks @JillieBeanSim
- Fix failure to load optional secure fields from profiles. Thanks @tjohnsonBCM
- Fix pressing Escape does not abort Edit profile dialogue. Thanks @jellypuno
- Fix editing of Credentials when setting them to spaces. Thanks @jellypuno
- Fix deletion of profiles not considering all extensibility use cases. Thanks @phaumer
- Fixes for saving of Datasets from Favourites section. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Creation of alternative types of profiles. Thanks @phaumer
- Management of Theia specific merge conflict resolution. Thanks @Alexandru-Dumitru
- Add to recall when PS File opened. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Provide edit support for Profile credentials. Thanks @jellypuno
- Support for profile deletion. Thanks @crawr
- Addressed USS file merge conflict triggering issue. Thanks @Alexandru-Dumitru
- Provide refresh all method for Zowe Explorer - Extenders. Thanks @phaumer
- Extender guidelines and documentation. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Provision of profile association links to support extenders of Zowe Explorer. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Creation of an extender API for extenders of Zowe Explorer. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Management of VSAM files within Dataset explorer. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- VSCode context now based on Regular expression for flexibility. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Vsix file deployment via Theia pipeline. Thanks @crawr
- Reduction in size of extension.ts file. Thanks @katelynienaber
- ContextValue of undefined error addressed for new members. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Fixed when Pull from mainframe didn't work on USS Files. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Fixed Bug submitting JCL from Command Palette. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Refactoring of testing for accuracy and maintainability. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Fix for USS files not saving correctly. Thanks @phaumer
- Icon update for migrated files only. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Added support for large datasets and PDS members. Thanks @jellypuno
- Fixed inconsistent behavior when renaming USS file and directories. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Fixed deleting a USS file. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Fixed profiles not automatically updating values when changed externally. Thanks @jellypuno
- Fixed load error when file names had special characters. Thanks @jellypuno
- Fixed load os USS file list. Thanks @jellypuno
- Improved user experience of USS file navigation #461. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Fixed tab name when renaming dataset. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Improved performance when renaming datasets and members. Thanks @CForrest97
- Added prompting of credentials if previous credentials where entered incorrectly. Thanks @jellypuno
- Added support for VSCode Quick Open shortcut. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Added support for VSCode Open Recent Files shortcut. Thanks @katelynienaber
- Fixed USS Favorites not being remembered. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Setup automated regression testing on a Theia environment. Thanks @crawr
- Fixed copying dataset on temporary folder #635. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Made dataset terminology more consistent. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Fixed uploading files to USS. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Fixed searching/filtering data. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Refactored code to include interfaces and abstract classes. Thanks @Colin-Stone
- Refactored icon retrieval process. Thanks @stepanzharychevbroadcom
- Updated Zowe Explorer video. Thanks @IgorCATech
- Revised pipeline to use shared libraries. Thanks @zFernand0