77 | 77 | slack_url: https://join.slack.com/t/iba-mainframe-tools/shared_invite/zt-pejbtt4j-l7KuizvDedJSCxwGtxmMBg
78 | 78 | doc_url: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-client-kotlin-sdk#guide
79 | 79 | img_url: assets/img/kotlin-sdk-project.webp
80 |
| - stage: Technical Preview |
| 80 | + stage: Generally Available |
| 81 | + dedication: Extension |
| 82 | +- name: Zowe Java Client SDK |
| 83 | + description: This SDK lets you leverage the underlying z/OSMF REST APIs on a z/OS system to build client applications and scripts that interface with your z/OS instance seamlessly. |
| 84 | + github_url: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-client-java-sdk |
| 85 | + slack_url: https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CBW5ET69G |
| 86 | + doc_url: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-client-java-sdk#zowe-java-client-sdk |
| 87 | + img_url: assets/img/java-sdk-project.webp |
| 88 | + stage: Generally Available |
81 | 89 | dedication: Extension
82 | 90 | - name: Zowe Chat
83 | 91 | description: An incubator focused on working with the mainframe from popular chat clients such as Slack® , Microsoft Teams® , and Mattermost® . Whether you're collaborating with your team to diagnose issues, need a quick read on the state of a system, or want push notifications from your monitoring tools, Zowe Chat will simplify those experiences and integrate directly into your chat clients. Stay tuned, more to come!
112 | 120 | img_url: assets/img/swift-sdk-project.webp
113 | 121 | stage: Under Development
114 | 122 | dedication: Extension
115 |
| -- name: Zowe Java Client SDK |
116 |
| - description: This SDK lets you leverage the underlying z/OSMF REST APIs on a z/OS system to build client applications and scripts that interface with your z/OS instance seamlessly. |
117 |
| - github_url: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-client-java-sdk |
118 |
| - slack_url: https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CBW5ET69G |
119 |
| - doc_url: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-client-java-sdk#zowe-java-client-sdk |
120 |
| - img_url: assets/img/java-sdk-project.webp |
121 |
| - stage: Under Development |
122 |
| - dedication: Extension |
123 | 123 | - name: Metrics Service
124 | 124 | description: As a system administrator, use the Metrics Service to view information about the acitivty of services running in the API Mediation Layer. Currently, only HTTP metrics are displayed for core API Mediation Layer services.
125 | 125 | github_url: https://github.com/zowe/api-layer/tree/v2.x.x/metrics-service
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