ZRPe introduces new configuration commands. One of which must be sent by a party after the connection has opened.
Indicates that the connection was started by a zwoo game server instance. Once sent, the connection will be interpreted as a distributing party which feeds a dashboard with zrp messages.!dashboard
Indicates that the connection was started by a bots dashboard instance. Once sent, the connection will be interpreted as a receiving party which consumes zrp messages send by other distributors.!listen,<id>
Tells the system, that a bot dashboard wants to listen from messages of a specific distributor.!unlisten,<id>
Tells the system, that a bot dashboard does not want to receive zrp message of a specific distributor anymore.!targets,<target list>
Once a connection identified itself as dashboard or a new distributor joined, it will receive this message containing a list
Sent as stringified json separated by comma (,
) from the !distribution
"id": "<unique identifier of the distributor: string>",
"instance": "<URL under which the server is accessible: string>"
Sent in form of a plain string separated by comma (,
) from the !listen
<id: id of the distributor to listen to>
Sent as stringified json separated by comma (,
) from the !targets
"id": "<unique identifier of the distributor: string>",
"instance": "<URL under which the server is accessible: string>"
Since zrp messages itself don't contain any information about the sender nor receiver ZRPe must add this information to all its messages.
ZRPe adds this information like a header in front of the message itself. This header contains information about:
- the id of the game the message was sent in
- the player (or server) who sent this message
- the player (or server) who receives this message
As IDs the already existing, game scoped, lobby ids will be used.
The header will be encoded like this:
ZRPe includes 2 special IDs:
: ServerID: the server sends or receives the message-2
: BroadcastID: the server broadcasts a message to the game