- netz39/ansible-role-host-docker - Ansible Role for installing the Docker runtime environment on a (Debian) host. (1 month ago)
- FreifunkMD/.github - FreifunkMD communitry on GitHub (1 month ago)
- netz39/space_notification - Teilprojekte der Space Notification (4 months ago)
- netz39/Netz39AmpelController - Microservice to provide the Controller for our Traffic Light and Space Status (4 months ago)
- netz39/Netz39SpaceAPI-Service - Microservice to provide the Space API JSON from our MQTT topic status. (4 months ago)
- netz39/www.netz39.de - Webseite des Netz39 e.V. (4 months ago)
- 24367dfa/git-workshop - (6 months ago)
- 24367dfa/workshop-example -
- 24367dfa/git-workshop -
- 24367dfa/micha60 -
- 24367dfa/gh-pages -
- 24367dfa/ansible-role-dehydrated -
- 24367dfa/bme680_esp32 -
- 24367dfa/testBlowFish -
- 24367dfa/awm661tx -
- 24367dfa/n39_flightbadge - Badge for the netz39 FlightCrew
- 24367dfa/n39_slic3rConfig - Repository containing the configurationfiles for slic3r used at netz39
- netz39/ansible-role-host-docker (v0.5.0, 1 week ago) - Ansible Role for installing the Docker runtime environment on a (Debian) host.
- netz39/Netz39SpaceAPI-Service (v0.1.1, 4 months ago) - Microservice to provide the Space API JSON from our MQTT topic status.
- ⬆️ workflow: Update changelog generator action to use janhein… on netz39/ansible-role-host-docker (1 month ago)
- Update README to indicate project discontinuation on FreifunkMD/.github (1 month ago)
- remove spaceapi folder after move to Netz39AmpelController and Netz39… on netz39/space_notification (4 months ago)
- feat: add more contact channel info to API on netz39/Netz39SpaceAPI-Service (4 months ago)
- docs: remove emty list item in readme on netz39/Netz39AmpelController (4 months ago)
- fix: add missing repository variable to _config,yml on netz39/www.netz39.de (4 months ago)
- wip: initial helm chart version on penguineer/cleanURI-helm (1 year ago)
- Update fluent-bit link in image-versions.md on kube-logging/kube-logging.github.io (1 year ago)
- Feature: env var config on jhaals/yopass (1 year ago)
- docs: add link to russian translation to readme on jhaals/yopass (1 year ago)
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution. (1 week ago)
- nginx-proxy/acme-companion - Automated ACME SSL certificate generation for nginx-proxy (1 year ago)
- nginx-proxy/nginx-proxy - Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen (1 year ago)
- StevenWeathers/thunderdome-planning-poker - ⚡ Thunderdome is an open source agile planning poker, sprint retro, and story mapping tool (1 year ago)
- microsoft/sudo - It's sudo, for Windows (1 year ago)
- stefmolin/exif-stripper - An easy-to-use tool to ensure image metadata (EXIF) is removed. (1 year ago)
- jhaals/yopass - Secure sharing of secrets, passwords and files (1 year ago)
- ossf/scorecard - OpenSSF Scorecard - Security health metrics for Open Source (1 year ago)
- caarlos0/timer - A
with progress (1 year ago) - endoflife-date/release-data - Common Release Data for various projects in a consumable format, automatically updated. (1 year ago)
Say Hello, I don't bite!
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/24367dfa
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