Hello there!
I am currently pursuing web development, with a focus on both backend and frontend. Despite not having a background in this field or a degree, I started this journey as a hobby and it quickly became my passion. In fact, I even dropped out of university to pursue it further. My initial plan was to create games using Unity, but I ended up building a new Turkish online dictionary due to my love for the meanings and etymologies of Turkish words. I continued to learn and work on it, and soon web development became more than just a hobby, as I found myself dedicating most of my time to learning new skills and techniques.
- Playing video games since I was 5 y.o
- Biking <3
- Vocabularies and etymology(on Turkish now)
- Neuroscience
- Backend: C# .NET Core Web API and Express.js, Nginx
- FrontEnd: HTML, CSS, SCSS, Tailwind, Bootstrap, JavaScript, TypeScript
- Frameworks: Angular and Next.js
- Database and ORMs: EF Core, Drizzle, PostgreSQL Redis, and MongoDB
- Docker