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npm i @4us-dev/utils
is a lib with utility methods to help developers during software development. It is developed with best practices in mind and to facilitate unit testing of your code. So, it does not have any static method, thus facilitating the practice of mocks during tests when necessary.
isBlank return true if value is null, undefined, empty or string with only white spaces.
new StringUtils().isBlank(null); // true
new StringUtils().isBlank(undefined); // true
new StringUtils().isBlank(''); // true
new StringUtils().isBlank(' '); // true
new StringUtils().isBlank('a'); // false
new StringUtils().isNotBlank(value)
is equal to !new StringUtils().isBlank(value)
isEmpty return true if value is null, undefined, or empty.
new StringUtils().isEmpty(null); // true
new StringUtils().isEmpty(undefined); // true
new StringUtils().isEmpty(''); // true
new StringUtils().isEmpty(' '); // false
new StringUtils().isEmpty('a'); // false
new StringUtils().isNotEmpty(value)
is equal to !new StringUtils().isEmpty(value)
Hides part of the email. You could hide the start and/or the end of email.
Default configuration
new StringUtils().hideEmail(`[email protected]`); // `[email protected]`
How ofuscate the ends of the email too
new StringUtils().hideEmail(`[email protected]`, {
hideStart: true, // default true
hideEnd: true, // default false
}); // `f...@gma...`
If the email
informed does not contains @
or is null
or undefined
the return of the method will be undefined
new StringUtils().hideEmail(``); // undefined
new StringUtils().hideEmail(``); // undefined
new StringUtils().hideEmail(``); // undefined
new StringUtils().hideEmail(null); // undefined
Removes all non-numeric caracteres from string.
new StringUtils().removeNonNumeric('a1b2c3'); // '123'
Returns true if the value contains only numeric values
new StringUtils().isInteger('123'); // true
new StringUtils().isInteger('12.3'); // false
new StringUtils().isInteger('12,3'); // false
new StringUtils().isInteger('a1b2c3'); // false
new StringUtils().isInteger(' 123 '); // false
Returns true if the value into string is a double
new StringUtils().isDouble('123'); // true
new StringUtils().isDouble('12.3'); // true
new StringUtils().isDouble('12,3'); // false
new StringUtils().isDouble('a1b2c3'); // false
new StringUtils().isDouble(' 123 '); // false
Generates a random integer between the min
and max
// the return a integer between 0 and 100 inclusive
const value = new RandomUtils().getRandomInteger();
// the return can be one of this values 0, 1, 2 or 3
const value = new RandomUtils().getRandomInteger({ min: 0, max: 3 });
Generates a random string.
// returns a random string with length 16
const value = new RandomUtils().nextString();
// returns a random string with length 8
const value = new RandomUtils().nextString({ length: 8 });
// returns a random string with length 8 only with letters upper, letters lower and numbers
const value = new RandomUtils().nextString({
length: 8, // default 16
upper: true, // default true ex: ABCDEF...
lower: true, // default true ex: abcdef...
numbers: true, // default true ex: 012345...
specialSimple: false, // default true ex: !#$%&*_+=-^~?;:.,|
specialAmbiguous: false, // default true ex: "()\'`´{[]}/><
Generates a random string with length
informed and using caracteresAllowed
variable as reference.
// returns a random string with length 10 using only `A`, `1` or `c` to generate the result
const value = new RandomUtils().nextStringCustom(10, 'A1c');
Removes all non-numeric values and apply the CPF mask.
const value = new FormatUtils().formatCPF('66273306010'); // "662.733.060-10"
This should format the CPF partially like this
const value = new FormatUtils().formatCPF('6627330'); // "662.733.0"
If the value contains non-numeric characters they will be removed in formatting
const value = new FormatUtils().formatCPF('66A27B33C060D10'); // "662.733.060-10"
Removes all non-numeric values and apply the CNPJ mask.
const value = new FormatUtils().formatCNPJ('94338204000180'); // "94.338.204/0001-80"
This should format the CNPJ partially like this
const value = new FormatUtils().formatCNPJ('9433820'); // "94.338.20"
If the value contains non-numeric characters they will be removed in formatting
const value = new FormatUtils().formatCNPJ('943A382B04000C180'); // "94.338.204/0001-80"
Removes all non-numeric values and apply the phone mask (99)9999-9999 or (99)99999-9999.
const value = new FormatUtils().formatPhone('85999432345'); // "(85)99943-2345"
const value = new FormatUtils().formatPhone('8599943234'); // "(85)9994-3234"
This should format the phone partially like this
const value = new FormatUtils().formatPhone('8599943'); // "(85)9994-3"
If the value contains non-numeric characters they will be removed in formatting
const value = new FormatUtils().formatPhone('A8B5C9D9f9g4h3i23s4w5q'); // "(85)99943-2345"
Removes all non-numeric values and apply the CEP mask 99999-999
const value = new FormatUtils().formatPhone('60601023'); // "60601-023"
This should format the cep partially like this
const value = new FormatUtils().formatPhone('606010'); // "60601-0"
If the value contains non-numeric characters they will be removed in formatting
const value = new FormatUtils().formatPhone('A60b601c02D3E'); // "60601-023"
Removes all non-numeric caracteres from string.
const value = new FormatUtils().formatOnlyIntegers('a1b2c3'); // '123'060-10"
Return true when CPF is valid
const brazilianUtils = new BrazilianUtils();
if (brazilianUtils.isCPF('66273306010')) {
console.log('CPF is valid');
} else {
console.log('CPF is not valid');
if (brazilianUtils.isCPF('662.733.060-10')) {
console.log('CPF is valid');
} else {
console.log('CPF is not valid');
Return true when CNPJ is valid
const brazilianUtils = new BrazilianUtils();
if (brazilianUtils.isCNPJ('94338204000180')) {
console.log('CNPJ is valid');
} else {
console.log('CNPJ is not valid');
if (brazilianUtils.isCNPJ('94.338.204/0001-80')) {
console.log('CNPJ is valid');
} else {
console.log('CNPJ is not valid');
Return a valid CPF
const brazilianUtils = new BrazilianUtils();
const cpf = brazilianUtils.generateCPF();
Return a valid CNPJ
const brazilianUtils = new BrazilianUtils();
const cpf = brazilianUtils.generateCNPJ();