This repository contains the public FTC SDK for the INTO THE DEEP (2024-2025) competition season.
This GitHub repository contains the source code that is used to build an Android app to control a FIRST Tech Challenge competition robot. To use this SDK, download/clone the entire project to your local computer.
To use this Android Studio project, you will need Android Studio Ladybug (2024.2) or later.
To program your robot in Blocks or OnBot Java, you do not need Android Studio.
If you are new to robotics or new to the FIRST Tech Challenge, then you should consider reviewing the FTC Blocks Tutorial to get familiar with how to use the control system:
Even if you are an advanced Java programmer, it is helpful to start with the FTC Blocks tutorial, and then migrate to the OnBot Java Tool or to Android Studio afterwards.
If you are an Android Studio programmer, there are several ways to download this repo. Note that if you use the Blocks or OnBot Java Tool to program your robot, then you do not need to download this repository.
- If you are a git user, you can clone the most current version of the repository:
git clone
Or, if you prefer, you can use the "Download Zip" button available through the main repository page. Downloading the project as a .ZIP file will keep the size of the download manageable.
You can also download the project folder (as a .zip or .tar.gz archive file) from the Downloads subsection of the Releases page for this repository.
The Releases page also contains prebuilt APKs.
Once you have downloaded and uncompressed (if needed) your folder, you can use Android Studio to import the folder ("Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.)").
FIRST maintains online documentation with information and tutorials on how to use the FIRST Tech Challenge software and robot control system. You can access this documentation using the following link:
FIRST Tech Challenge Documentation
Note that the online documentation is an "evergreen" document that is constantly being updated and edited. It contains the most current information about the FIRST Tech Challenge software and control system.
The Javadoc reference documentation for the FTC SDK is now available online. Click on the following link to view the FTC SDK Javadoc documentation as a live website:
For technical questions regarding the Control System or the FTC SDK, please visit the FIRST Tech Challenge Community site:
FIRST Tech Challenge Community
This project contains a large selection of Sample OpModes (robot code examples) which can be cut and pasted into your /teamcode folder to be used as-is, or modified to suit your team's needs.
Samples Folder: /FtcRobotController/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/robotcontroller/external/samples
The file located in the /TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode folder contains an explanation of the sample naming convention, and instructions on how to copy them to your own project space.
- Add ability to upload the pipeline for Limelight3A which allows teams to version control their limelight pipelines.
- Fix an internal bug where if the RUN_TO_POSITION run mode was specified before a target position, recovery would require a power cycle. A side effect of this fix is that a stack trace identifying the location of the error is always produced in the log. Fixes issue 1345.
- Throws a helpful exception if region of interest is set to null when building a PredominantColorProcessor. Also sets the default RoI to the full frame. Addresses issue 1076
- Throws a helpful exception if user tries to construct an ImageRegion with malformed boundaries. Addresses issue 1078
- Support for Android Studio Ladybug. Requires Android Studio Ladybug.
- Android Studio Ladybug's bundled JDK is version 21. JDK 21 has deprecated support for Java 1.8, and Ladybug will warn on this deprecation. OnBotJava only supports Java 1.8, therefore, in order to ensure that software developed using Android Studio will run within the OnBotJava environment, the targetCompatibility and sourceCompatibility versions for the SDK have been left at VERSION_1_8. FIRST has decided that until it can devote the resources to migrating OnBotJava to a newer version of Java, the deprecation is the lesser of two non-optimal situations.
- Added
method to Pose2D - Added
method to SparkFunOTOS.Pose2D
- Adds new OpenCV-based
s (which may be attached to a VisionPortal in either Java or Blocks) to help teams implement color processing via computer vision in the INTO THE DEEP gameColorBlobLocatorProcessor
implements OpenCV color "blob" detection. A new sample programConceptVisionColorLocator
demonstrates its use.- A choice is offered between pre-defined color ranges, or creating a custom one in RGB, HSV, or YCrCb color space
- The ability is provided to restrict detection to a specified Region of Interest on the screen
- Functions for applying erosion / dilation morphing to the threshold mask are provided
- Functions for sorting and filtering the returned data are provided
allows using a region of the camera as a "long range color sensor" to determine the predominant color of that region. A new sample programConceptVisionColorSensor
demonstrates its use.- The determined predominant color is selected from a discrete set of color "swatches", similar to the MINDSTORMS NXT color sensor
- Documentation on this Color Processing feature can be found here:
- Added Blocks sample programs for color sensors: RobotAutoDriveToLine and SensorColor.
- Updated Self-Inspect to identify mismatched RC/DS software versions as a "caution" rather than a "failure."
- Java classes and Blocks for TensorFlow Object Detection have been removed.
which was of typeAngleUnit
has been renamedAngularVelocity.angleUnit
of typeUnnormalizedAngleUnit
- Sample for REV Digital Indicator has been added - ConceptRevLED
- Adds support for the Sparkfun QWIIC LED Stick
- To connect it directly, you need this cable
- Adds ConceptLEDStick OpMode
- Adds Blocks for colors black, blue, cyan, dkgray, gray, green, ltgray, magenta, red, white, and yellow.
- Adds an "evaluate but ignore result" Block that executes the connected block and ignores the result. Allows you to call a function and ignore the return value.
- Adds I2C driver for Maxbotix Maxsonar I2CXL sonar rangefinder
- Adds Blocks for setPwmEnable, setPwmDisable, and isPwmEnabled for servos and CR servos.
- In the Blocks editor: a \n in the ExportToBlocks annotation's comment field is displayed as a line break.
- Telemetry has new method setNumDecimalPlaces
- Telemetry now formats doubles and floats (not inside objects, just by themselves)
- Adds support for the Limelight 3A.
- Adds initial support for the REV Servo Hub
- Both the Robot Controller and Driver Station need to be updated to version 10.0 in order for Servo Hubs to be configurable as Servo Hubs. If the app on either device is outdated, the Servo Hub will show up as an Expansion Hub, and some functionality will not work as expected. You should wait to create a configuration that includes a Servo Hub until both the Driver Station and Robot Controller apps have been updated to version 10.0.
- Updating the Servo Hub's firmware and changing its address can only be done using the REV Hardware Client at this time
- Adds support for the REV 9-Axis IMU (REV-31-3332)
- The REV 9-Axis IMU is only supported by the Universal IMU interface
- Adds
Java class. - If you mentally substitute this IMU's I2C port for the Control Hub's USB ports,
is also compatible with this sensor - Adds Blocks for Rev9AxisImuOrientationOnRobot, including RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.xyzOrientation and RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.zyxOrientation.
- Adds Blocks samples SensorRev9AxisIMUOrthogonal and SensorRev9AxisIMUNonOrthogonal.
- Improves Blocks support for RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.
- Adds Blocks for RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.xyzOrientation and RevHubImuOrientationOnRobot.zyxOrientation.
- Adds Blocks samples SensorHubIMUOrthogonal (replaces SensorIMU) and SensorHubIMUNonOrthogonal.
- Updates EasyOpenCV, AprilTag, OpenCV, and
versions - Adds Blocks for max and min that take two numbers.
- Adds Blocks OpModes ConceptRevSPARKMini, RobotAutoDriveByEncoder, RobotAutoDriveByGyro, RobotAutoDriveByTime, RobotAutoDriveToAprilTagOmni, and RobotAutoDriveToAprilTagTank.
- Two OpModes with the same name now automatically get renamed with the name followed by a "-" and the class name allowing them to both be on the device.
- Shows the name of the active configuration on the Manage page of the Robot Controller Console
- Updated AprilTag Library for INTO THE DEEP. Notably,
now returns INTO THE DEEP tags. - Adds Blocks for Telemetry.setMsTransmissionInterval and Telemetry.getMsTransmissionInterval.
- Adds Blocks sample SensorOctoQuad.
- Fixes a bug where the RevBlinkinLedDriver Blocks were under Actuators in the Blocks editor toolbox. They are now Other Devices.
- Fixes a bug where
s thrown in user code after a stop was requested by the Driver Station would be silently eaten - Fixed a bug where if you asked for
in a unit different than the device reported it in, it would normalize it between -PI and PI for radians, and -180 and 180 for degrees.