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A repository for the squashfs'd conda installations for model releases


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Containerised Conda Environments


This repository is forked from CMS Containerised Conda environments which is an approach to deploying and maintaining large conda environments while reducing inode usage and increasing performance. It takes advantage of singularity's ability to manage overlay and SquashFS filesystems. Each conda environment is consolidated into its own SquashFS file, and then one or more of these SquashFS environments are loaded using components of the environment. For more information on the CMS containerised environments, see the Conda hh5 environment setup page on the CMS Wiki.

The environments in this repository are deployed to NCI on Gadi and can be activated using Environment Modules. To use the released modules, ensure you are a member of the vk83 project. If not, see how to join an NCI project.

There are currently two environments configured in this repository:

  • payu:

This a released payu environment with a version matching a tagged version of the payu-org/payu repository. To load this module, run:

module use /g/data/vk83/modules
module load payu # To load the latest tagged version
# To load a specific version of payu, instead run: module load payu/VERSION, e.g. module load payu/1.1.6
payu --help # Payu commands can now be run
  • payu-dev:

This is the development payu environment that has the latest changes on the payu-org/payu repository's master branch. To load this module, run:

module use /g/data/vk83/prerelease/modules # Note the prerelease directory
module load payu/dev # To load the latest built version

If you encounter any problems running the above environments, please submit an issue here.

Below contains instructions for developers on updating the conda environments and some general notes on how all the scripts and workflows interact.

Updating the Conda Environments

Environment Directory Structure

Each conda environment has a subdirectory in environments/ with the same name as the environment. There should be the following files in each subdirectory `:

  • environment.yml: The conda environment file

  • This script sets up environment variables required for the build, test, and deploy scripts. It requires at least the following to be set:

    • FULLENV - Name of the SquashFS file and script directories related to an environment version, e.g. payu-1.1.6
    • MODULE_VERSION - By default the module name is conda and so if the MODULE_VERSION is payu-1.1.6, the module can be loaded by module load conda/payu-1.1.6. Note that for payu, pre-existing modules were loaded using module load payu/1.1.6. To maintain this naming scheme, MODULE_VERSION is set to 1.1.6, and CONDA_MODULE_PATH overrides the default variable in /scripts/
  • (optional): This script can modify environment files during the build scripts before the environment is compressed into a SquashFS file.

  • (optional): This script runs at the end of the general deploy script after the environment components have been deployed. It is useful for updating the stable or default alias for a modulefile.

  • testconfig.yml: This is a configuration file used in the test scripts. This file specifies Python modules to skip loading, ignore exceptions, and modules to preload before testing.

Releasing a new payu environment

  1. Clone this repository and create and checkout a new branch.

  2. Modify the payu version in the conda environment file - environments/payu/environment.yml. If payu version is not set, it'll use the latest payu version in access-nri conda channel.

  3. Modify VERSION_TO_MODIFY and STABLE_VERSION in environments/payu/ VERSION_TO_MODIFY builds a payu environment with this version, and STABLE_VERSION is used in deployment to set the default version alias for the payu module. In most cases these should be set to the same value.

  4. Add any new packages or versions to environment.yml required for the next release.

  5. Push the changes and open a Pull Request to the main branch of this repository ACCESS-NRI/model-release-condaenv (not the upstream coecms/cms-conda-singularity repository).

  6. Once a Pull Request is open, it will request a sign-off to run the Build and Test job on the Gadi Github Environment. These jobs are performed in temporary locations on Gadi, and so will not affect the production environments.

  7. Once the CI jobs have been completed successfully and the Pull Request has also been approved, the branch can be merged, and then the Deploy job will request to run again on the Gadi Github Environment.

  8. Once deployed, check loading the new module with:

    module use /g/data/vk83/modules
    module load payu/<VERSION>

    Where <VERSION> is the version installed.

Updating the payu-dev environment

The deploy payu-dev Github workflow runs every day to check for new commits to the payu repository's master branch. It can also be triggered manually to add updates to packages, or once a Pull Request is merged that modifies the payu-dev environment files.

To modify the environment via a Pull Request:

  1. Clone this repository and create and checkout a new branch.

  2. Add packages or version constraints in the conda environment file environments/payu-dev/environment.yml.

  3. Unlike when updating the payu environment above, make sure to leave VERSION_TO_MODIFY=dev in environments/payu-dev/ unchanged as a version is generated at the time of deployment to include the date-time, and the latest payu commit (e.g. dev-20250116T002805Z-20a8e76).

  4. Push the changes and open a Pull Request to the main branch of this repository ACCESS-NRI/model-release-condaenv (not the upstream coecms/cms-conda-singularity repository).

  5. Once a Pull Request is open, it will request a sign-off for a Build and Test job that runs on the Gadi Prerelease environment.

  6. When the Pull Request is merged, a custom payu-dev deploy workflow will run which will re-run the build and test scripts with the generated environment version before running the deploy scripts. This is to ensure the environment deployed contains the latest changes from the payu repository.

  7. Once deployed, check loading the new module with:

    module use /g/data/vk83/prerelease/modules
    module load payu/dev

    Check the payu/dev environment contains the updates specified in the merge pull-request.

Deployed Conda Environment Components

Given a base install directory defined by CONDA_BASE (see Github Environment settings), the structure of apps and modules deployed would look something like the following for payu/1.1.6

├── apps
│   ├── base_conda
│   │   ├── bin
│   │   │   └── micromamba # Micromamba used to install environments in build scripts
│   │   ├── envs
│   │   │   ├── payu-1.1.6 -> /opt/conda/payu-1.1.6 # Symlink to conda environment path inside the container
│   │   │   ├── payu-1.1.6.sqsh # SquashFS file which contains the conda environment
│   │   └── etc
│   │       └── base.sif # Base singularity image
│   └── conda_scripts 
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├── overrides
│       └── payu-1.1.6.d # Launcher scripts for the environment
│           ├── bin
│           │   ├── payu ->
│           │   ├── python3 ->
│           │   ├── # Launcher script symlinks for every entry point in the conda environment
│           │   ├──
│           │   ├── # Runs commands inside the containerised environment
│           └── overrides
└── modules
    └── payu
        ├──.common_v3 # The common Environment Modulefile
        ├──.1.1.6 # Custom module insert
        └──1.1.6 -> .common_v3

Running module load payu/1.1.6 adds the launcher scripts in apps/conda_scripts/payu-1.1.6.d/bin to the $PATH. It also sets up environment variables as if micromamba activate was run on the micromamba environment. SINGULARITYENV_PREPEND_PATH is set to /opt/conda/payu-1.1.6/bin which modifies $PATH only inside a singularity container.

If outside the container, running payu setup command calls the launcher script (e.g. apps/conda_scripts/payu-1.1.6.d/bin/payu), which runs a singularity exec command that uses the base container in apps/base_conda/etc/base.sif and adds the overlay of the SquashFS file apps/base_conda/envs/payu-1.1.6.sqsh. The SquashFS is a read-only file system that is mounted to the base container at runtime. This means all the files in /opt/conda/payu-1.1.6 are now accessible inside the container. The launcher script then runs payu setup command inside the container, (e.g. /opt/conda/payu-1.1.6/bin/payu).

If the payu setup launcher script is invoked inside the container, it will instead run the payu setup command directly.

Github Workflows Overview

General overview of the bash scripts used in the Github workflows:

  • Build script (scripts/

    • Launches the base singularity container and mounts /g directory to a temporary directory on /jobfs so it does not affect the production environments but inside the container, it is as-if building directly to the deployed locations. Then:
      • installs a base micromamba, if it doesn't already exist.
      • builds the micromamba environment
      • creates all the launcher scripts
      • sets up the modulefiles
      • runs any custom environment scripts
    • Creates a SquashFS file of the environment and stages this file (in $ADMIN_DIR/staging).
    • Once the build is done, archives the environment components into a tar file and stages this file.
  • Test Script (scripts/

    • Unpacks the archived tar file of the built environment components to a temporary location.
    • Launches the container with the built SquashFS overlay.
    • Inside the container, run pytests that attempt to import all accessible Python modules. This uses settings defined in an environment's testconfig.yml file.
  • Deploy Script (scripts/

    • Unpacks the archived tar file of the built environment components to a temporary location.
    • Rsyncs the apps and modules directories, and moves the SquashFS file to the deployed locations.
    • Stores the archived tar file in the admin directory.
    • Runs any custom environment scripts.

Pull Request Workflow (pull_request.yml)

On a Pull Request to the main branch of this repository, it will check for changes to any conda environment configuration files (under environments/). If changes are detected, it will build a base singularity container on a Github runner, and request a signoff to deployment to a Github Environment. Once approved, it will rsync the repository and the built base container to Gadi, then run the build and test scripts which are submitted as PBS jobs.

Deploy Workflow (deploy_conda.yml)

Once a Pull Request is merged, it will request a sign-off to deploy to a Github Environment. Once approved, it will run the deploy script on a login node. This workflow does not run for the payu-dev environment which is instead deployed by the below workflow.

Custom Payu-Dev Deploy Workflow (deploy_payu_dev.yml)

This workflow runs:

  • when there's a merged Pull Request that modifies any payu-dev environment files
  • if there have been recent commits to payu-org/payu repository's master branch. This runs on a cron every morning.
  • if the workflow has been triggered manually

It will build a base singularity container on a Github runner. Then it will generate the version for the environment with the format dev-$DATETIME-$GIT_COMMIT_HASH, and modify the versions in the payu-dev environment files. It will then request signoff to the Gadi Prerelease environment. Once approved, it will rsync the repository with the modified environment files down to Gadi. It will re-run the build and test scripts so the built files use the generated dev version. It'll then deploy all required files to the Prerelease location on Gadi. It'll set payu/dev module alias to point to the deployed module version. Finally, it'll delete all old versions of payu/dev-* environment components, except the recently deployed version, and the previous payu/dev version which could be being actively used at the time of the deployment.

Github Configuration

There are currently two Github Environments for deployment: Gadi and Gadi Prerelease. Any build, test, and/or deploy workflows that need to run on Gadi, currently require a sign-off.

Repository settings:

  • vars.PRERELEASE_ENVIRONMENTS: Space-separate list of quoted environments to deploy to Gadi Prerelease, (e.g. "payu-dev")

Github Environment settings

Secrets required for SSH:

  • secrets.HOST: Hostname for the environment
  • secrets.HOST_DATA: Hostname for the data mover
  • secrets.SSH_USER: Username for the account used for deployment
  • secrets.SSH_KEY: Private SSH key for the user

Variables required for Build/Test/Deploy workflows:

  • secrets.REPO_PATH: Directory path to sync repository to. This directory is where all build and deploy scripts are sourced from. Note: Directory can't be in the /g/data directory as /g is mounted to a /jobfs directory during the build scripts so the repository would not be accessible.
  • vars.CONDA_BASE - Base deployment directory that contains apps/ and modules/ subdirectories (e.g for Gadi: /g/data/vk83 and for Gadi Prerelease: /g/data/vk83/prerelease/). Note: Currently, the build scripts expect CONDA_BASE directory to be in /g/data.
  • vars.ADMIN_DIR: Directory to store staging and log files, and tar files of deployed conda environments (e.g. /g/data/vk83/admin/conda_containers/prerelease)
  • vars.APPS_USERS_GROUP: Permissions of read and execute for files installed to apps and modules (e.g. vk83)
  • vars.APPS_OWNER: User with read, write, and execute permissions for installed files
  • vars.PROJECT: Project code used for build and test PBS jobs (e.g. tm70)
  • vars.STORAGE: Storage directives for build and test PBS jobs (e.g. gdata/vk83)


A repository for the squashfs'd conda installations for model releases







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  • Shell 89.8%
  • Python 10.2%