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Simplify FAKE scripts (remove publishing logic)
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JanMattner committed Mar 22, 2017
1 parent 617d0c3 commit b92a1b1
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Showing 15 changed files with 757 additions and 995 deletions.
55 changes: 53 additions & 2 deletions build.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,5 +5,56 @@ if exist bootstrap.cmd (

set buildFile=build.fsx
"packages/AIT.Build/content/build.cmd" %*
REM cls
set nuget_packages=packages
set paket_packages=packages

set nuget_path=NuGet.CommandLine/tools/NuGet.exe
set fake_path=FAKE/tools/FAKE.exe

REM resore paket build dependencies
if exist ".paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe" (
echo Bootstrap paket
.paket\paket.bootstrapper.exe %PAKET_VERSION%

echo restore paket packages
.paket\paket.exe restore

set fake=%paket_packages%/%fake_path%
set nuget=%paket_packages%/%nuget_path%
REM Download NuGet (if not already available because of paket)
if not exist %nuget% (
if exist downloadNuget.fsx (
if not exist %nuget_packages%/%nuget_path% (
echo Bootstrap Nuget
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#\3.1\Framework\v4.0\fsi.exe" downloadNuget.fsx
set nuget=%nuget_packages%/%nuget_path%
REM Restore Nuget build dependencies
if exist packages.config (
if exist %nuget% (
echo Resolve build dependencies
"%nuget%" "install" "packages.config" "-OutputDirectory" %nuget_packages% "-ExcludeVersion"
) else (
echo NuGet build dependencies file found but no NuGet.exe could be found, either add downloadNuget.fsx or add Nuget.Commandline as paket dependency!.

REM FAKE could be available as nuget dependency
if not exist %fake% (
set fake=%nuget_packages%/%fake_path%
if not exist %fake% (
echo Could not find FAKE in nuget or paket dependencies!
exit /b 1

echo start FAKE for the rest of the build procedure...
"%fake%" %* --fsiargs -d:WIN64 -d:FAKE build.fsx
330 changes: 325 additions & 5 deletions build.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,333 @@
// This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
// file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#load "packages/AIT.Build/content/buildConfigDef.fsx"
#load @"buildConfig.fsx"
#load "packages/AIT.Build/content/buildInclude.fsx"

This file handles the complete build process.
The first step is handled in and build.cmd by bootstrapping a NuGet.exe and
executing NuGet to resolve all build dependencies (dependencies required for the build to work, for example FAKE)
The secound step is executing this file which resolves all dependencies, builds the solution and executes all unit tests

#load "buildConfigDef.fsx"
#load "buildConfig.fsx"

open BuildConfigDef
let config = BuildConfig.buildConfig.FillDefaults ()

// NOTE: We want to add that to buildConfigDef.fsx sometimes in the future
// #I @"../../FSharp.Compiler.Service/lib/net40/" // included in FAKE, but to be able to use the latest
// Bundled
//#I @"../../Yaaf.FSharp.Scripting/lib/net40/"

#I "packages/AIT.Build/tools/"
#r "AIT.Build.dll"

open Yaaf.AdvancedBuilding
open System.IO
open System

open Fake
let config = BuildInclude.config
// Define your FAKE targets here
open Fake.MSTest
open Fake.Git
open Fake.FSharpFormatting
open AssemblyInfoFile

if config.UseNuget then
// Ensure the ./src/.nuget/NuGet.exe file exists (required by xbuild)
let nuget = findToolInSubPath "NuGet.exe" (config.GlobalPackagesDir @@ "NuGet.CommandLine/tools/NuGet.exe")
if Directory.Exists "./src/.nuget" then
File.Copy(nuget, "./src/.nuget/NuGet.exe", true)
failwith "you set UseNuget to true but there is no \"./src/.nuget/NuGet.targets\" or \"./src/.nuget/NuGet.Config\"! Please copy them from ./packages/Yaaf.AdvancedBuilding/scaffold/nuget"

let createMissingSymbolFiles assembly =
match File.Exists (Path.ChangeExtension(assembly, "pdb")), File.Exists (assembly + ".mdb") with
| true, false when not isLinux ->
// create mdb
trace (sprintf "Creating mdb for %s" assembly)
DebugSymbolHelper.writeMdbFromPdb assembly
| true, false ->
trace (sprintf "Cannot create mdb for %s because we are not on windows :(" assembly)
| false, true when not isLinux ->
// create pdb
trace (sprintf "Creating pdb for %s" assembly)
DebugSymbolHelper.writePdbFromMdb assembly
| false, true ->
trace (sprintf "Cannot create pdb for %s because we are not on windows :(" assembly)
| _, _ ->
// either no debug symbols available or already both.
with exn -> traceError (sprintf "Error creating symbols: %s" exn.Message)

let buildWithFiles msg dir projectFileFinder (buildParams:BuildParams) =
let files = projectFileFinder buildParams |> Seq.toList
let buildDir =
if not buildParams.UseProjectOutDir then
let buildDir = dir @@ buildParams.SimpleBuildName
CleanDirs [ buildDir ]
|> MSBuild null "clean"
[ "Configuration", buildParams.BuildMode
"Platform", buildParams.PlatformName ]
|> Log "Cleaning: "
// build app
|> MSBuild buildDir "Build"
[ "Configuration", buildParams.BuildMode
"Platform", buildParams.PlatformName ]
|> Log msg

let buildSolution = buildWithFiles "BuildSolution-Output: " config.BuildDir (fun buildParams -> buildParams.FindSolutionFiles buildParams)
let buildApp = buildWithFiles "AppBuild-Output: " config.BuildDir (fun buildParams -> buildParams.FindProjectFiles buildParams)
let buildTests = buildWithFiles "TestBuild-Output: " config.TestDir (fun buildParams -> buildParams.FindTestFiles buildParams)

let runTests (buildParams:BuildParams) =
let testDir = config.TestDir @@ buildParams.SimpleBuildName
let logs = System.IO.Path.Combine(testDir, "logs")
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(logs) |> ignore
let files = buildParams.FindUnitTestDlls (testDir, buildParams)
if files |> Seq.isEmpty then
traceError (sprintf "NO test found in %s" testDir)
|> NUnit (fun p ->
{p with
//NUnitParams.WorkingDir = working
//ExcludeCategory = if isMono then "VBNET" else ""
ProcessModel =
// Because the default nunit-console.exe.config doesn't use .net 4...
if isMono then NUnitProcessModel.SingleProcessModel else NUnitProcessModel.DefaultProcessModel
WorkingDir = testDir
StopOnError = true
TimeOut = System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.0
Framework = "4.0"
DisableShadowCopy = true;
OutputFile = "logs/TestResults.xml" } |> config.SetupNUnit)
if not isLinux then
|> MSTest (fun p ->
{p with
WorkingDir = testDir
ResultsDir = "logs" } |> config.SetupMSTest)

let buildAll (buildParams:BuildParams) =
buildParams.BeforeBuild ()
buildSolution buildParams
buildApp buildParams
buildTests buildParams
buildParams.AfterBuild ()
runTests buildParams
buildParams.AfterTest ()

let fakePath = "packages" @@ "FAKE" @@ "tools" @@ "FAKE.exe"
let fakeStartInfo script workingDirectory args environmentVars =
(fun (info: System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo) ->
info.FileName <- fakePath
info.Arguments <- sprintf "%s --fsiargs -d:FAKE \"%s\"" args script
info.WorkingDirectory <- workingDirectory
let setVar k v =
info.EnvironmentVariables.[k] <- v
for (k, v) in environmentVars do
setVar k v
setVar "MSBuild" msBuildExe
setVar "GIT" Git.CommandHelper.gitPath
setVar "FSI" fsiPath)

/// Run the given buildscript with FAKE.exe
let executeFAKEWithOutput workingDirectory script envArgs =
let exitCode =
(fakeStartInfo script workingDirectory "" envArgs)
TimeSpan.MaxValue false ignore ignore
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000

// Documentation
let buildDocumentationTarget target =
trace (sprintf "Building documentation (%s), this could take some time, please wait..." target)
let exit = executeFAKEWithOutput "." "generateDocs.fsx" ["target", target]
if exit <> 0 then
failwith "documentation failed"

let tryDelete dir =
CleanDirs [ dir ]
| :? System.IO.IOException as e ->
traceImportant (sprintf "Cannot access: %s\nTry closing Visual Studio!" e.Message)
| :? System.UnauthorizedAccessException as e ->
traceImportant (sprintf "Cannot access: %s\nTry closing Visual Studio!" e.Message)

let MyTarget name body =
Target name (fun _ -> body false)
let single = (sprintf "%s_single" name)
Target single (fun _ -> body true)

// Targets
MyTarget "Clean" (fun _ ->
tryDelete config.BuildDir
tryDelete config.TestDir

CleanDirs [ config.OutLibDir; config.OutDocDir; config.OutNugetDir ]

MyTarget "CleanAll" (fun _ ->
// Only done when we want to redownload all.
Directory.EnumerateDirectories config.GlobalPackagesDir
|> Seq.filter (fun buildDepDir ->
let buildDepName = Path.GetFileName buildDepDir
// We can't delete the FAKE directory (as it is used currently)
buildDepName <> "FAKE")
|> Seq.iter (fun dir ->
DeleteDir dir
with exn ->
traceError (sprintf "Unable to delete %s: %O" dir exn))

MyTarget "RestorePackages" (fun _ ->
// will catch src/targetsDependencies
!! "./src/**/packages.config"
|> Seq.iter
(RestorePackage (fun param ->
{ param with
// ToolPath = ""
OutputPath = config.NugetPackageDir }))

MyTarget "CreateDebugFiles" (fun _ ->
// creates .mdb from .pdb files and the other way around
!! (config.GlobalPackagesDir + "/**/*.exe")
++ (config.GlobalPackagesDir + "/**/*.dll")
|> Seq.iter createMissingSymbolFiles

MyTarget "SetVersions" (fun _ ->
config.SetAssemblyFileVersions config

|> Seq.iter (fun buildParam ->
MyTarget (sprintf "Build_%s" buildParam.SimpleBuildName) (fun _ -> buildAll buildParam))

MyTarget "CopyToRelease" (fun _ ->
trace "Copying to release because test was OK."
let outLibDir = config.OutLibDir
CleanDirs [ outLibDir ]
Directory.CreateDirectory(outLibDir) |> ignore

// Copy files to release directory
|> (fun buildParam -> buildParam.SimpleBuildName)
|> (fun t -> config.BuildDir @@ t, t)
|> Seq.filter (fun (p, _) -> Directory.Exists p)
|> Seq.iter (fun (source, buildName) ->
let outDir = outLibDir @@ buildName
ensureDirectory outDir
|> Seq.collect (fun file ->
let extension = (Path.GetExtension file).TrimStart('.')
match extension with
| "dll" | "exe" ->
[ file
Path.ChangeExtension(file, "pdb")
Path.ChangeExtension(file, extension + ".mdb" ) ]
| _ -> [ file ]
|> Seq.filter (fun (file) -> File.Exists (source @@ file))
|> Seq.iter (fun (file) ->
let sourceFile = source @@ file
let newfile = outDir @@ Path.GetFileName file
trace (sprintf "Copying %s to %s" sourceFile newfile)
File.Copy(sourceFile, newfile))

MyTarget "CreateReleaseSymbolFiles" (fun _ ->
// creates .mdb from .pdb files and the other way around
!! (config.OutLibDir + "/**/*.exe")
++ (config.OutLibDir + "/**/*.dll")
|> Seq.iter createMissingSymbolFiles

let packSetup config p =
{ p with
Authors = config.ProjectAuthors
Project = config.ProjectName
Summary = config.ProjectSummary
Version = config.Version
Description = config.ProjectDescription
Tags = config.NugetTags
WorkingDir = "."
OutputPath = config.OutNugetDir
AccessKey = getBuildParamOrDefault "nugetkey" ""
Publish = false
Dependencies = [ ] }

MyTarget "NuGetPack" (fun _ ->
ensureDirectory config.OutNugetDir
for (nuspecFile, settingsFunc) in config.NugetPackages do
let packSetup = packSetup config
NuGet (fun p -> { (packSetup >> settingsFunc config) p with Publish = false }) (sprintf "nuget/%s" nuspecFile)

// Documentation
MyTarget "GithubDoc" (fun _ -> buildDocumentationTarget "GithubDoc")

MyTarget "LocalDoc" (fun _ -> buildDocumentationTarget "LocalDoc")

MyTarget "WatchDocs" (fun _ -> buildDocumentationTarget "WatchDocs")

// its just faster to generate all at the same time...
MyTarget "AllDocs" (fun _ -> buildDocumentationTarget "AllDocs")

Target "All" (fun _ ->
trace "All finished!"

Target "ReadyForBuild" ignore
Target "AfterBuild" ignore

// Clean all
==> "CleanAll"
==> "CleanAll_single"

=?> ("RestorePackages", config.UseNuget)
=?> ("CreateDebugFiles", config.EnableDebugSymbolConversion)
==> "SetVersions"
==> "ReadyForBuild"

|> Seq.iter (fun buildParam ->
let buildName = sprintf "Build_%s" buildParam.SimpleBuildName
==> buildName
|> ignore
==> "AfterBuild"
|> ignore

// Dependencies
==> "CopyToRelease"
=?> ("CreateReleaseSymbolFiles", config.EnableDebugSymbolConversion)
==> "NuGetPack"
=?> ("AllDocs", config.BuildDocumentation)
==> "All"

// start build
RunTargetOrDefault "All"

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