My Telegram Bot with PostgreSQL and Docker
A Telegram bot designed to perform various tasks, including but not limited to showing a service shop, fetching news, and managing a cart. The bot uses Python, Telebot library for Telegram API, and PostgreSQL for database operations. It's containerized using Docker for easy deployment. Features
Main Menu with Inline Keyboard.
Service Shop with different categories.
News Page to fetch and display latest news.
Cart functionality to add or remove services.
PostgreSQL as a database backend.
Docker Compose
Python 3.x
Clone the Repository
git clone
Navigate to the Directory
cd your_project_name
Create an .env file
Create a .env file in the project root directory and add your environment variables.
POSTGRES_DB=your_db_name POSTGRES_USER=your_username POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your_password POSTGRES_HOST=db POSTGRES_PORT=5432 TELEGRAM_API_KEY=your_telegram_api_key
Build and Run Docker Containers
docker-compose up --build
Start the bot by sending /start or /menu.
Use the inline keyboard to navigate through the menu options.
For any database errors, ensure that your .env file is correctly set up and that the database container is running.
For other issues, check the bot logs for debugging. Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. License
MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.