1. Description
2. User Definition & User Stories (UX)
3. Aceptance Criteria
4. Technical Requirements
5. Hacker edition
6. Expected Learning Outcomes
Application to see a Movie Cathalogue designed for a specific group of users interested in a movie topic or gender.
User: will be defined for you ---
The users wants to read a proper selection of movies recommended for their interests
The user wants to see a nice cathaloge of movies already pre-selected.
The user wants to be able to search to find more movies by title, gender and actors.
This applications should allow the users to search and find a cathalogue of movies showing at least 5 elements like, poster, title, year, actors and gender and delivery with an URL.
Individual Programming
Create a new repository from the starting using npm init.
Install a testing framework.
Install dependencies with
npm install
Plan and execute Unit Testing
Run Unit testing with
npm test
Set a .gitignore file to avoid the node_modules to be uploaded in GitHub.
Create the Release branch (to deliver and deploy) and the Development branch (to work on it daily).
Make a full responsive website consider at least 2 types of dispositives, cellphone and desktop.
Follow up Semantic HTML rules, have header, navigation bar, main, sections, asides, footer, etc.
If required, create an Assets folder.
Document every Agile SDLC steps on ReadMe.md. During the planning step document a screenshot of your Backlog.
Use the API of OMDB (The Open Movie Database).
Use Bootstrap Framework to speed your UI coding.
Two sprints of 1 week each one, and 2 5m Demos on each Friday by 8:00 am.
For the last daily plan to have a bilingual speech ready.
The boilerplate should contains a file structure as a starting point like thisas all the sample dependencies and tests configuration:
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintrc
├── .gitignore
├── README.md
├── package.json
├── src
│ ├── app.js
│ ├── data.js
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── index.js
│ └── style.css
└── test
├── app.spec.js
├── headless.js
└── index.html
: should explain how to download, install and run the application as well as an introduction to the application, its functionality and decisions about design they took.src / index.html
: this is the entry point to your application. This file it must contain to markup (HTML) and include the necessary CSS and JavaScript.src / app.js
: here you must implement the web application main functionality to manipulate the data coming from data.jssrc / data.js
: here you must get the data from the API and then export it to be used in the app.js module.src / index.js
: here you must listen to DOM events, like create and add events to the DOM and get the search values to be processed to app.jstest / app.spec.js
: this file contains some sample tests and here you will have to implement the tests.
- API by Wiki
- [API by IBM] (https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/api)
- [fetch ()] (https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/03/introduction-to-fetch)
- [ promises ] (https://www.w3schools.com/Js/js_promise.asp)
- [ more promises] (https://web.dev/promises/)
- [ JSON ] (http://www.json.org/json-es.html)
Additional Resources
- Find about[Git branching & tools) (https://www.gitkraken.com/learn/git/best-practices/git-branch-strategy)
- Documentación de NPM
These are some tips that can help you in organizing and carrying out your project, taking into account the development of your soft skills:
- To start an organization of your project, see with what resources accounts and the time you have to complete it.
- If there is something that you do not know, ask and try to solve it; you can start with a google search, then consulting your squad and finally your coach. If there is something that I do not know, someone else can help me. Learning is a collaborative process.
- Once you start to move forward ask for feedback, your colleagues may have excellent ideas or ways to solve the project that can help you.
- When you run into a problem, look for alternatives, and for that, consult different sources.
- If you already see yourself investing a lot of time in details, you should know how to prioritize and stick with the most important, projects have limited time and you must know how to manage it.
- Work as a team, ask questions and try to complete the project without giving up.
- Prepare your presentation, if I cannot communicate my ideas to others I do not know You will appreciate all the effort and work you put into it.
You are not limited to implementing only the mandatory part. You can add also other nice to have functionalities on this web application, like a authentication login,
a favourites list creation using and array and storing for now, in localStorage
browser object.
- npm init
- fetch() method
- promises in JavaScript
- iterate data
- import & export modules
- HTTP Responses
- My first Unitary Testing
- My fist GitHub Branch Modeling
This Readme should be replaced with the project documentation following the SDLC procedures for Agile Software Development Lyfe Cycle.