1. Description
2. Aceptance Criteria
3. Technical Requirements
4. Expected Learning Outcomes
Develop yourself a Notes App for yourself to keep in mind your New Year resolutions and goals. The target user is yourself.
This applications should allow you to enter your goals and objectives with the fields:
- Dropdown Selectable Topics: Personal, Professional, Relationships, Family, Health and Learning
- Title: Input to add a short Title
- Description: Text Area to add the desciption of the goal
- Dropdown with the objective month of achievement.
- Follow up all the Software Development Lyfecycle steps and document it
- Only JavaScript Vanilla is allowed
- Use all the things you know already and that you have learned from the Bootcamp to solve the application code.
- Use Firestore from Firebase to keep your data
- Only Arrow Functions are allowed (ECS6)
- Using modular modular architecture is a plus
- Add a personal login for you is a plus
- Finishing before the time is a plus
- All the knowledge from the last 7 projects
- Try your best to show the expertise and skills you have earned, tecnical and softskills to reach by your own the entrance to the next stage.
- This project will be deliviered in a personal demo with the review of the performance during this last stage of the Bootcamp.
- The results of this stage will give you a learning position to math teams into the final stages.
- Make every time desition wiseley
- It's time to show up the best you can do!
- window object
- Arrow Functions and parameters
- Short, readable and reusable code
- Objects & Arrays
- Iterators
- Firebase: Firestore DB
- Bootstrap 5
- Continuous Integration Tools: Git & GitHub
This Readme should be replaced with the project documentation following the SDLC procedures for Agile Software Development Lyfe Cycle.