This project was built to practice my ReactJS, Redux and Firebase Skill. It help admin to store their clients detail with full CRUD funtionalities. The project use Redux for state management and Firebase firestore to store data at backend.
- ReactJS
- React Router
- Bootstrap & Reactstrap for Responsiveness and styling
- React Hooks
- Redux
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Firestore
You can run a hosted version of the app at
The project uses Node.js and the Create-React-App starter. If you do not have Node >= 6.x installed, you can download it here: Node.js
Once Node is installed, navigate to the directory where you want to store the app
git clone
npm install
Create a Firebase App and put the keys and secret in a .env file in the root of project. See the example below.
Once all of the dependencies have been installed you can launch the app with
npm start
A new browser window should automatically open displaying the app. If it doesn't, navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser