I'm a Software Engineering student from Bosnia. Besides programming, I enjoy filmmaking and eating junk food. I also have a food blog 🍕🍪.
- 💻 I'm currently working on the IMPACT project, one Jira ticket at a time.
- 📚 Do you have a book recommendation? Send me a pm.
Recently I find myself using Anki on a daily basis.
- 🔒 Passionate about all things security.
- 📫 How to reach me: @AleksaMCode
- Analiza M/M/c sistema (Analysis of M/M/c systems)
- Sistemi plaćanja platnim karticama u elektronskom poslovanju (On Payment Card E-Business Electronic Payment Systems)
- Calculating the Matrix Inverse — Part 1
- Malware analysis of an open-source project
- An overview of frequently overlooked vulnerability
I also enjoy contributing to forums and websites like Stack Overflow. Here are some of the answers I've posted so far:
- Producing the same ciphertext when encrypting with AES256-GCM both in Python and in C#
- Constructing an RSA Public Key from Modulus (n) and Exponent (e) parameters in JavaScript
- Calculating the time complexity of a recursive function using the Big O notation
- Asymmetrical encryption of a password using an RSA public key in C#
- Implementing Factory and Builder Design Patterns in Java
- Finding a Basis for the Column Space of a Matrix
- Symmetrical encryption of input data in Java
- Implementing RC4-drop[n] algorithm in C
It ain't much, but it's honest work. 🤷♂️