v1.0: ODE Solver and tasks division (#4)
* Added time() and times() functions for convenience in writing
* Added temporary folder to develop parallel classes/structs/functions... Added a N-dimensional variant for the Map(alias f) class (to become the principal class)
* Class adaptader to 1-dimensional maps. There are still some bugs to fix and thing to implement (e.g. slipOp)
* Changed dependencies
* 'Merge' module map.temp.mapNDim to map.map
* 'Merge' module map.temp.mapNDim to map.map
* Changed dependencies
* Changed map.primitives to map.traits
* Logistic map and Standard map implementations
* void main()
* source/map/temp and backup-files/ added to .gitignore
* New figures for the pendulum, the standard map, etc.
* Main changed to request tasks
* changes for implementation of the standard map
* ODE Runge-Kutta solver
* Division by tasks (called from main)
* figures/standard_map.xcf added to .gitignore