Magical Garden is a game for understanding numbers, aka number sense.
- Clone/Fork this repository to your computer.
- Open the repository in a terminal.
- Run: 'npm install'. (This requires node, which you can get here: Node)
- If you do not have Gulp installed globally on your computer, run 'npm install --global gulp'
- Run: 'gulp'
- Play the game at http://localhost:9000/index.html
Gulp generates the build catalogue in your repository and also starts a local server. It might take some time to run the first time, because it compresses all possible assets. As long as gulp is running the server will be active. If you make changes in the repository, the build will be updated; just hit update in your browser. Some coding standards are enforced using jshint, keep an eye on the terminal when making changes.
UPDATED: 2015-01-26
The game is built with the game engine Phaser. It is custom built using the string: grunt custom --exclude bitmaptext,retrofont,ninja,p2,video
Animations are created using GSAP/TweenMax.
The code uses Browserify to handle dependencies between files. It will bundle them together as one file. The script file is created with source maps, meaning that in browser debuggers there will be e 'source' folder that has the same folder structure as the folder 'src'.
You can always find much more documentation in the source code, check it out!
CORE FILES (./src/script):
backend.js - All backend communication is executed in this file, just call the proper function.
game.js - Sets up and boots the game. Adds 'game' to globals, but try not to use that one.
global.js - Holds most globals in the game. Such as for events, states, subgames and font.
language.js - Holds language operations and default language.
logger.js - Takes care of results logging, sends it via backend when relevant. Relies on events to work.
player.js - Handles the player related data, such as agent type and water amount.
pubsub.js - Event system, publication-subscription kind.
utils.js - Common functions and object extensions.
SUBGAME/STATE FILES (folder states and states/subgames):
BootStates.js - First state (called from game.js), sets up common game objects and other game related assets.
SuperState.js - Super state, makes sure that audio files are decoded before starting and cleans the state when shutting down.
Subgame.js - Super class for subgames, holds the core functions. See more documentation in the file.
NumberGame.js - Holds shared functions for games that has a single number as target. See more documentation in the file.
ChooseScenarioState.js - Used for easy access to the games and their properties. Should only be available to supervisors.
- The rest of the files are self-explanatory.
- First time procedure: BootState -> EntryState -> AgentSetupState -> GardenState -> Subgame + [A subgame] -> (back to GardenState).
- Normal game procedure: BootState -> EntryState -> GardenState -> Subgame + [A subgame] -> (back to GardenState).
AGENTS (folder agent):
agent.js - Super class for agents, holds shared agent functions, such as wave. Extends character.
character.js - Holds functions shared by characters, such as move or say.
- In the folder you find the different agents and their specific properties.
OBJECTS (folder objects):
Cover.js - Cover the screen with an object. Great for trapping player inputs.
Menu.js - The main menu of the game. This should be used in all states except the first.
Modal.js - A modal for giving the user information, such as 'Connection lost'.
Slider.js - A button that slides along an axis.
WaterCan.js - A water can that can be filled with water.
- In the folder representations you find the different representations that can be used. Can be used directly or via the buttons.
BUTTONS (folder objects/buttons):
ButtonPanel.js - Sets up a panel full of buttons, has a lot of different options.
GeneralButton.js - Super class for all button objects. Has a lot of options, see more documentation in the file.
NumberButton.js - A button with a number on it. Among other you can supply number and representation. Extends GeneralButton.
TextButton.js - A button with text on it. Extends GeneralButton.
SpriteButton.js - A button with a sprite on it. Extends GeneralButton.
Creating a new subgame?
Start by reading the documentation in: src/js/states/subgames/Subgame.js and src/js/states/subgames/NumberGame.js.
Be inspired by BeeFlightGame.js.
You need to add your subgame/state in game.js.
(If you want easy access to the subgame, modify ChooseScenarioState.js).
Source code is Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Lund University Cognitive Science department. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).
Images and audio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.