Project to hold the Ascii doc formated documentation for the Entando Digital Experience platform
- All of the Asciidoc files are in
- The top level file is in docs/index.adoc and the child sections are imported from their respecitve folders
- An Asciidoc editor is recommended. Like Atom or the IntelliJ Asciidoc plugins
- Checkout the documentation with
git clone
- Open with the editor and make changes or add docs. The root of the documentation is
- Go to the docs folder
cd docs
- Run
mvn process-sources
- Generated documentation is placed in
Community contributions and updates to the documentation are welcome and appreciated
If you want to contribute to the documentation from the community
- Create a fork of the project
- Do your work on a branch named with a reasonable description
- Submit your pull request
- If your PR contains conflicts you may be requested to resolve them prior to merge
Changes that won't be merged
- Styling changes that alter the identity of the documentation