LIGM, Ecole des Ponts, Univ Gustave Eiffel, CNRS
| Presentation video | SuGaR web page | Frosting web page |
Using our methods SuGaR (CVPR 2024) or Gaussian Frosting (ECCV 2024), you can reconstruct editable meshes from RGB images or RGB videos, and render them using realistic Gaussian Splatting rendering.
We now provide a Blender Add-On to edit, sculpt, combine or animate 3D scenes reconstructed with SuGaR of Frosting and render them with Gaussian Splatting without a single line of code.
Please start by cloning this repo.
Then, install Blender (version 4.0.2 is recommended but not mandatory).
Open Blender, and go to
, and select the filesugar_addon.py
located in this repo.
You have now installed the SuGaR x Frosting addon for Blender!
Please start by installing either SuGaR or Gaussian Frosting from the respective repositories.
Follow the instructions from the repositories to optimize a SuGaR or Frosting model.
Open a new scene in Blender, and go to the
tab in the Properties. You should see a panel namedAdd SuGaR or Frosting mesh
. The panel is not necessary at the top of the tab, so you may need to scroll down to find it.
Use the `Add SuGaR or Frosting mesh` panel to load a mesh
reconstructed with SuGaR or Frosting in Blender.
- (a) Select a mesh. Enter the path to the final mesh extracted from SuGaR or Frosting in the
Path to OBJ file
field. You can also click on the folder icon to select the file. The mesh should be located inSuGaR/output/refined_mesh/<YOUR SCENE NAME>
or inFrosting/output/refined_frosting_base_mesh/<YOUR SCENE NAME>
depending on the model you used.
(b) Select a checkpoint. Similarly, enter the path to the final checkpoint of the optimization in thePath to PT file
field. You can also click on the folder icon to select the file. The checkpoint should be located inSuGaR/output/refined/<YOUR SCENE NAME>
or inFrosting/output/refined_frosting/<YOUR SCENE NAME>
depending on the model you used.
(c) Load the mesh. Finally, click onAdd mesh
to load the mesh in Blender. Feel free to rotate the mesh and change the shading mode to better visualize the mesh and its colors.
- Now, feel free to edit your mesh using Blender!
You can segment it into different pieces, sculpt it, rig it, animate it using a parent armature, etc. You can also add other SuGaR or Frosting meshes to the scene, and combine elements from different scenes.
Feel free to set a camera in the scene and prepare an animation: You can animate the camera, the mesh, etc.
Please avoid usingApply Location
,Apply Rotation
, orApply Scale
on the edited mesh, as I am still not sure how it will affect the correspondence between the mesh and the optimized checkpoint.
You can edit the mesh as you want, and prepare an animation with it.
You can also add other SuGaR or Frosting meshes to the scene.
- Once you're done with your editing, you can prepare a rendering package ready to be rendered with SuGaR or Frosting. To do so, go to the
tab in the Properties again, and select the main directory of your model in thePath to SuGaR/Frosting directory
field. If you installed the repo of SuGaR or Frosting from GitHub, this directory should be named eitherSuGaR
Finally, click onRender Image
orRender Animation
to render the scene.
In this example, we first animated the camera and the character.
Then, we added another Frosting mesh to get a background for our character.
Render Image
will render a single image of the scene, with the current camera position and mesh editions/poses.
Render Animation
will render a full animation of the scene, from the first frame to the last frame you set in the Blender Timeline.
The package should be located in <SuGaR or Frosting>/blender/packages/
- Finally, you can render the package with SuGaR or Frosting. You just need to go to the root directory of the SuGaR or Frosting repo and run the following command:
python render_blender_scene.py -p <PATH TO PACKAGE>
Please check the documentation of SuGaR or Frosting and the render_blender_scene.py
scripts for more information on the additional arguments.
If you get artifacts in the rendering, you can try to switch the automatic adjustment method of the Gaussians from 'complex' to 'simple', as the simple method is less accurate but faster and more robust to extreme deformations:
python render_blender_scene.py -p <PATH TO PACKAGE> --adaptation_method simple
If you notice that some Gaussians are not rendered (especially if you perform extreme deformations on the meshes), you can also change the --deformation_threshold
argument. All Gaussians belonging to triangles with a deformation factor higher than this threshold will be culled during rendering. The default value is 2., but you can try to increase it to 5. or 10:
python render_blender_scene.py -p <PATH TO PACKAGE> --deformation_threshold 10
- Instead of rendering the frames, you can also export a PLY file of the Frosting representation at a specific frame. This PLY file can be used to visualize the Frosting representation in any 3D Gaussian Splatting viewer, such as SuperSplat. To do so, add the argument
followed by the frame number you want to export. For example, for exporting a PLY file of the representation at frame 10:
python render_blender_scene.py -p <PATH TO PACKAGE> --export_frame_as_ply 10

You can visualize the edited SuGaR or Frosting representation at a specific frame
in any 3D Gaussian Splatting viewer, such as SuperSplat!