StropheCappuccino is a set of classes uses to bind the pure Javascript Strophe Library. This allows to use realtime XMPP in Cappuccino web application. This Library is used by Archipel Project. This library is released under LGPL license. Feel free to use it or improve it.
To build StropheCappuccino you can type
# jake debug ; jake release
This will build Strophe from source also. You must first initialise the Strophe.js submodule:
# git submodule init
The release build will not minify strophe.js. To do this, you must run Resources/Strophe/strophe.js through YUI Compressor after building StropheCappuccino.
Simply include the StropheCappuccino framework in your Frameworks directory and include StropheCappuccino.js
@import <StropheCappuccino/StropheCappuccino.j>
To generate the documentation execute the following :
# jake docs
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