For hacktoberfest do star and fork repo
This Repository have Collection of the Important Coding Questions.
These are a set of instructions to follow for you to setup the project locally .
Fork the repository to you GitHub .
Click on the code drop down menu. Now you can either download the zip file and extract it on your local system.
git clone
Since the clone was downloaded into a subdirectory of your working directory, you can navigate to it using: cd NAME_OF_REPOSITORY.
cd Coding-questions
Use git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME to create a new branch and then immediately switch to it.
git checkout -b branch_name
Use git branch to show your local branches.
git branch
Use a text editor or IDE to make the changes you planned to the files in your local repository. Because you checked out a branch in the previous step, any edits you make will only affect that branch.
Use git add -A or git add . to stage your changes and git commit -m "DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES"
to commit them.
git add .
git commit -m"<Description of changes>"
When you are done making all of your changes, upload these changes to your fork using git push origin BRANCH_NAME.
git push origin <BRANCH_NAME>
Return to your fork on GitHub, and refresh the page. You may see a highlighted area that displays your recently pushed branch.
Before submitting the pull request, you first need to describe the changes you made . git commit - "hello" git commit -"hi