Mini-project for the Python for Biologist class at Pwani University
The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is an important resource that contains information of 3D structures of large biological molecules described by a pdb file. The information can be access through the website (
The main objective the project is to come up with a software that get information from a PDB file and run basic analysis on it.
The project is broken into the following sections.
- Data Some pdb files used to test the software during development
- Notebooks Functions or codes for the software
- Project Instructions Contains the guidlines that were followed to develop the software
- Scripts The script for the information extractor
- README The project at a glance
This is project was done with the main refference material availabe at Introduction to Python for Bioinformatics
This Project was designed by Gustavo Salazar and assigned by Dr. Caleb Kipkurui.