AI-Generated NFT Art Platform on Aptos Blockchain
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Transaction Hash (Devnet): 0x336c5b1d8315380357146af24deebd10e2f3280cd38bdcbd66f2784795621365
Apticity is a platform that bridges cutting-edge AI art generation with blockchain technology, allowing users to create, customize, and mint unique NFTs on the Aptos blockchain.
AI Art Generation:
- Generate 5 unique images using AI (e.g., OpenAI DALL-E, DeepAI).
- "Surprise Me" button for random creative prompts.
NFT Minting:
- Preview and select images to mint as NFTs.
- Add metadata like name, description, and collection logo.
Wallet Integration:
- Supports Petra Wallet and Martian Wallet for secure blockchain interactions.
IPFS Metadata Storage:
- Stores NFT metadata and artwork securely on IPFS.
- Framework: React (TypeScript)
- Styling: TailwindCSS
- Wallet SDK: Aptos TypeScript SDK
- Framework: Node.js (Express)
- AI Art Generation: OpenAI/DALL-E or DeepAI APIs
- Language: Move
- Blockchain: Aptos
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd apticity
Install Dependencies:
cd apticity-frontend npm install cd ../apticity-backend npm install
Start Development Servers:
- Frontend:
cd apticity-frontend npm start
- Backend:
cd apticity-backend npm start
- Frontend:
Deploy Move Contracts:
- Deploy the contracts to Aptos devnet using the Move CLI.
Landing Page:
- Connect your wallet and enter a prompt to generate AI art.
Generate AI Art:
- Redirect to a page showcasing 5 AI-generated images.
Mint NFTs:
- Select desired images, add metadata, and confirm the minting transaction.
Success Page:
- View minted NFT details and explore on-chain records.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature:
git checkout -b feature-name
- Commit changes and push:
git add . git commit -m "Add feature name" git push origin feature-name
- Open a pull request.
- Add NFT Marketplace functionality.
- Implement dynamic pricing for minting.
- Enhance AI prompt generation with themes and styles.