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Opening Batch Explorer with links

Timothee Guerin edited this page May 1, 2019 · 2 revisions

Batch explorer register the ms-batch-explorer:// protocol on your system after the first run. This means that if you have Batch Explorer installed you can use a url starting with ms-batch-explorer:// to open batch explorer. This can be used on a website to have the user open Batch Explorer.

Open specific page

This system supports opening Batch Explorer at a specific page(a given task, job, pool, etc.

To do so the url needs to start this way ms-batch-explorer://route/

Here is urls that could be used

  • ms-batch-explorer://route/pools Open on the pool tabs
  • ms-batch-explorer://route/jobs Open on the pool tabs
  • ms-batch-explorer://route/pools/{poolId} Open a given pool
  • ms-batch-explorer://route/pools/{poolId}/nodes/{nodeId} Open a given node

The batch account that will be open is by default the last one opened in the application. You can force it to switch by adding a accountId query parameter. For examplems-batch-explorer://route/pools?accountId={accountId} then accountId must be the full ARM account ID not just the account name. i.e. ?accountId=/subscriptions/<subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/<account-name>