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release notes 1.5.0

Pete R Jemian edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 2 revisions


section quantity
New Tags 3
Pull Requests 7
Issues 10
Commits 60


tag date commit
1.5.0rc2 2021-04-02 485dec9
1.5.0rc1 2021-04-02 b21080f
1.5.0 2021-04-02 97b5239

Pull Requests

pull request date state title
#510 2021-04-02 merged findpv() and findname() should not raise exceptions
#506 2021-03-24 merged spec2ophyd: additional directive to handle
#505 2021-03-24 merged remove hklpy requirement to resolve installation problems
#504 2021-03-24 merged overhaul of listruns() using pandas
#503 2021-03-22 merged switch unit tests to use msgpack-backed test data suites
#501 2021-03-22 merged listruns() sorted by descending date/time column
#497 2021-04-01 merged add findpv(PVNAME) utility function


issue date title
#512 2021-04-02 listruns(tablefmt="table") output is raw, should be printed
#511 2021-04-02 rename: findname->findbyname, findpv->findbypv
#509 2021-04-02 findpv() can raise exceptions
#496 2021-04-01 What ophyd signal uses this EPICS PV?
#500 2021-03-24 listruns() sort: improvements
#495 2021-03-24 Problem installing apstools
#499 2021-03-24 spec2ophyd fails on config files from 17BM
#479 2021-03-22 Deprecate json_import and json_export and switch testing to databroker-pack
#498 2021-03-22 listruns() should sort by start time by default
#489 2021-01-22 Request for common device support


commit date message
97b5239 2021-04-02 DOC for release 1.5.0
485dec9 2021-04-02 DOC future plans
eac81bb 2021-04-02 fix #512
b21080f 2021-04-02 DOC changes for 1.5.0 release
715069f 2021-04-02 fix #511
b2b31d1 2021-04-02 Merge pull request #510 from BCDA-APS/509-findpv-exceptions
06aa373 2021-04-02 TST #509 make easier to set IOC prefixes
8b475b1 2021-04-02 MNT #509 log exception but continue
6c00530 2021-04-01 Merge pull request #497 from BCDA-APS/496_find_EPICS_PV
07517dd 2021-04-01 BUG #496 typo
4849de3 2021-03-31 TST #497
d054ec0 2021-03-31 Merge branch 'main' into 496_find_EPICS_PV
17b7731 2021-03-31 MNT #496 refactor common code
17d527f 2021-03-31 CI #497 flake8 compliance
2971620 2021-03-31 TST #496
f40825b 2021-03-31 ENH #496 add utils.findname()
6f3fd5f 2021-03-31 MNT #509 try to find the problem
2cbc053 2021-03-31 MNT #509 wrap with try..except, log, and move on
de0413f 2021-03-24 TST #496
eb4eb07 2021-03-24 MNT #496 enable testing
9323f49 2021-03-24 WIP #496 debug
79d8ee3 2021-03-24 CI #496: import ophyd only once
f546649 2021-03-24 Merge pull request #504 from BCDA-APS/500-ListRuns-class
a94f184 2021-03-24 MNT #504 per review, optimize the search
637db78 2021-03-24 Merge pull request #505 from BCDA-APS/495-hklpy-requirement
d13708a 2021-03-24 Merge pull request #506 from BCDA-APS/499-s2o-novelties
be8738b 2021-03-24 MNT #499 discard
1ca370b 2021-03-24 MNT #499 define the undefined
20ad8b9 2021-03-24 TST #499 unit test code
41b3512 2021-03-24 MNT #499 handle additional MAC_MOT parameters
e30a300 2021-03-23 DOC #499
4c3bcbe 2021-03-23 WIP #499
cf314c3 2021-03-23 WIP #499
f57d796 2021-03-23 BUG #495 remove hklpy requirement
5e7c378 2021-03-22 CI #504 cosemtic white space removal
f9e5a62 2021-03-22 CI #504
4844cc5 2021-03-22 MNT #504 drop py3.6 support
27b5073 2021-03-22 CI #504 delete travis-ci config
008915b 2021-03-22 CI #500
44b25ca 2021-03-22 ENH #500 overhaul of listruns() using pandas
3e02431 2021-03-22 Merge pull request #503 from BCDA-APS/479-databroker_pack
99d3bfd 2021-03-22 CI #479 requirements
5cb42b0 2021-03-22 CI #479 install tests data catalogs
a840b80 2021-03-22 MNT #479 #449 removed json-* from unit tests
decdc6c 2021-03-22 MNT #479 #449 pytest using new test data files
f93919c 2021-03-22 WIP #479 #447 refactoring to pytest
6bcadc8 2021-03-22 TODO #479 Windows?
c684450 2021-03-22 ENH #479 support databroker-unpack
149ded6 2021-03-22 Merge pull request #501 from BCDA-APS/498-listruns-sorted
0b3558f 2021-03-14 RVU #498
c06a033 2021-03-14 CI #496
68e1b5d 2021-03-14 MNT #496 integrate into utils
bdb7d42 2021-03-13 CI #501 flake8 & lint
aafdd03 2021-03-13 MNT #498 sort by start time
56b7c0d 2021-03-13 TST #498 unit test finds this same bug
8247331 2021-03-09 BUG report to be filed
1bbe47e 2021-03-03 MNT #496 make it a class
09b13a7 2021-03-02 MNT #496
b2a2666 2021-03-02 WIP add new code
0fa887e 2021-02-22 DOC
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