A basic Python script that allows you to broadcast current slushpool bitcoin mining info from your user profile directly to your BlockClock Mini (
Display the following Slushpool tags:
- Confirmed Reward
- Unconfirmed Rewards
- Estimated Reward
- Alltime Reward
- Hashrate 5m
- Hashrate 60m
- Hashrate 24h
- Hashrate Scoring
- Active Workers
- Offline Workers
- Estimate Hash Rate
- USD Market Price
- EUR Market Price
- GBP Market Price
- Sats per Dollar
- Mempool Transactions
- Difficulty Retarget Date
- Blockchain Height
- Moscow Time
Got requests for other tags? Let me know!
First you'll want to obtain your Blockclock's IP address as well as a Slushpool Auth Token.
This assume's that you have already setup your Blockclock Mini.
If you need your Blockclock's IP, press on the second button from the top on the right side of the Blockclock.
You'll see an IP address, likely in the 5th square. Enter that IP in a browser.
You'll now have access to your Blockclock's settings page. On the Display Page, go down to Display Preferences, set Screen Update Rate to Manual.
That is all!
- Click on the icon on the right of your username in the top right corner.
- Click on Devices
- Click on Access Profiles
- Click on Create New
- Add a username. Access Permissions can be set to read-only. Check-off Allow access to web APIs, click Generate new token and copy that Auth Token. FInally, click on Create Access Profile.
Keep that IP address and Auth Token handy.
Open a terminal and cd
into any directory you wish to store the script, run the following commands:
git clone && cd blockclock_mining_stats
python3 -m venv env && . env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt
After running the above command you should be in the virtual environment. You'll want to make sure you are active the virtual enviro every time you run the app. To enter you run . env/bin/activate
from within the blockclock_slushpool
directory then cd blockclock_slushpool
to access the directory to run the script python3
. To exit the virtual environment enter deactivate
in the terminal while in the project directory.
Now let's add that IP and Auth Token to the script, enter the following:
cd blockclock_slushpool
If you do not have nano installed simply open the file with a text editor.
Add your Slushpool Auth Token and your Blockclock IP address at the top of the file (you'll see variables asking for that info, remove the text and the < > but add the IP and Token within the quotes - "IP". )
Now save that file and close it
Warning: make sure not to push or publish this file online since it now contains private information. These will be separated out of the main script in a later update.
From within the blockclock_slushpool/blockclock_slushpool directory run the following:
If you get an error such as: can't open file ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Double check that you are in the correct directory, it should contain the file called
The script will start, you can follow the instructions in the terminal.
I hope you enjoy. This is a little project to help me better learn Python and bitcoin.
I plan to continue updating this script, the setup needs to be improved and the overall structure of the app as well. Got any tips/improvements/feedback or notice some bugs i'd love to hear about it! Just open an issue! :D