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fast fp16 seq and one mode
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Signed-off-by: daquexian <[email protected]>
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daquexian committed Jul 25, 2023
1 parent 6b6965c commit 6120499
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Showing 8 changed files with 558 additions and 34 deletions.
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions rwkv_pip_package/src/rwkv/cuda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
#include "ATen/ATen.h"
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <torch/extension.h>

#include "element_wise.h"
#include "util.h"

// Equivalent Python code:
// ww = t_first + k
// p = torch.maximum(pp, ww)
// e1 = torch.exp(pp - p)
// e2 = torch.exp(ww - p)
// wkv = ((e1 * aa + e2 * v) / (e1 * bb + e2)).to(dtype=x.dtype)
// ww = t_decay + pp
// p = torch.maximum(ww, k)
// e1 = torch.exp(ww - p)
// e2 = torch.exp(k - p)
// t1 = e1 * aa + e2 * v
// t2 = e1 * bb + e2
// r = r * wkv
// return t1, t2, p, r
struct WkvForwardOne {
const float *t_first;
const float *k;
const float *pp;
const float *aa;
const float *bb;
const float *t_decay;
const float *v;
/* out */ float *t1;
/* out */ float *t2;
/* out */ float *p;
/* in & out */ half *r;

__device__ void operator()(int i) const {
float ww = t_first[i] + k[i];
float pp_ = pp[i];
float p_ = (pp_ > ww) ? pp_ : ww;
float e1 = expf(pp_ - p_);
float e2 = expf(ww - p_);
float aa_ = aa[i];
float bb_ = bb[i];
float v_ = v[i];
r[i] = __hmul(r[i], __float2half(((e1 * aa_ + e2 * v_) / (e1 * bb_ + e2))));
ww = t_decay[i] + pp_;
float k_ = k[i];
p_ = (ww > k_) ? ww : k_;
e1 = expf(ww - p_);
e2 = expf(k_ - p_);
t1[i] = e1 * aa_ + e2 * v_;
t2[i] = e1 * bb_ + e2;
p[i] = p_;

Equivalent Python code:
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
vx = xx * v_mix + sx * (1 - v_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)

struct Mix {
const half *xx;
const half *sx;
const half *k_mix;
const half *v_mix;
const half *r_mix;
/* out */ half *kx;
/* out */ half *vx;
/* out */ half *rx;

__device__ void operator()(int i) const {
half xx_ = xx[i];
half sx_ = sx[i];
half k_mix_ = k_mix[i];
half v_mix_ = v_mix[i];
half r_mix_ = r_mix[i];
kx[i] = __hadd(__hmul(xx_, k_mix_),
__hmul(sx_, __hsub(__float2half(1), k_mix_)));
vx[i] = __hadd(__hmul(xx_, v_mix_),
__hmul(sx_, __hsub(__float2half(1), v_mix_)));
rx[i] = __hadd(__hmul(xx_, r_mix_),
__hmul(sx_, __hsub(__float2half(1), r_mix_)));

using torch::Tensor;

void gemm_fp16_cublas(Tensor a, Tensor b, Tensor c);

Tensor att_one(Tensor x, Tensor ln_w, Tensor ln_b, Tensor sx, Tensor k_mix,
Tensor v_mix, Tensor r_mix, Tensor kw,
/* imm */ Tensor kx, Tensor vw, /* imm */ Tensor vx, Tensor rw,
/* imm */ Tensor rx, Tensor ow, Tensor t_first,
/* imm */ Tensor k, Tensor pp, Tensor ww, Tensor aa, Tensor bb,
Tensor t_decay, /* imm */ Tensor v, /* in & out */ Tensor r,
/* out */ Tensor x_plus_out, /* out */ Tensor t1,
/* out */ Tensor t2, /* out */ Tensor p) {
Tensor xx = at::layer_norm(x, {x.size(-1)}, ln_w, ln_b);
element_wise(Mix{data_ptr<half>(xx), data_ptr<half>(sx),
data_ptr<half>(k_mix), data_ptr<half>(v_mix),
data_ptr<half>(r_mix), data_ptr<half>(kx),
data_ptr<half>(vx), data_ptr<half>(rx)},

gemm_fp16_cublas(kx, kw, k);
gemm_fp16_cublas(vx, vw, v);
gemm_fp16_cublas(rx, rw, r);

element_wise(WkvForwardOne{data_ptr<float>(t_first), data_ptr<float>(k),
data_ptr<float>(pp), data_ptr<float>(aa),
data_ptr<float>(bb), data_ptr<float>(t_decay),
data_ptr<float>(v), data_ptr<float>(t1),
data_ptr<float>(t2), data_ptr<float>(p),

gemm_fp16_cublas(r, ow, x_plus_out);
x_plus_out += x;
return xx;
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions rwkv_pip_package/src/rwkv/cuda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
#include "ATen/ATen.h"
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <torch/extension.h>

#include "util.h"
#include "element_wise.h"

using torch::Tensor;

void gemm_fp16_cublas(Tensor a, Tensor b, Tensor c);
void gemm_fp16_cublas(const void *a, const void *b, void *c, int m,
int n, int k, bool output_fp32);

__global__ void kernel_wkv_forward_new(
const int B, const int T, const int C, const float *__restrict__ const _w,
const float *__restrict__ const _u, const float *__restrict__ const _k,
const float *__restrict__ const _v, const half *__restrict__ const r,
half *__restrict__ const _y, float *__restrict__ const _aa,
float *__restrict__ const _bb, float *__restrict__ const _pp) {
const int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int _b = idx / C;
const int _c = idx % C;
const int _offset = _b * T * C + _c;
const int _state_offset = _b * C + _c;

float u = _u[_c];
float w = _w[_c];
const float *__restrict__ const k = _k + _offset;
const float *__restrict__ const v = _v + _offset;
half *__restrict__ const y = _y + _offset;

float aa = _aa[_state_offset];
float bb = _bb[_state_offset];
float pp = _pp[_state_offset];
for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) {
const int ii = i * C;
const float kk = k[ii];
const float vv = v[ii];
float ww = u + kk;
float p = max(pp, ww);
float e1 = exp(pp - p);
float e2 = exp(ww - p);
// y[ii] = __hmul(__float2half((e1 * aa + e2 * vv) / (e1 * bb + e2)),
// r[ii]);
y[ii] = __float2half((e1 * aa + e2 * vv) / (e1 * bb + e2));
ww = w + pp;
p = max(ww, kk);
e1 = exp(ww - p);
e2 = exp(kk - p);
aa = e1 * aa + e2 * vv;
bb = e1 * bb + e2;
pp = p;
_aa[_state_offset] = aa;
_bb[_state_offset] = bb;
_pp[_state_offset] = pp;

void cuda_wkv_forward_new(int B, int T, int C, float *w, float *u, float *k,
float *v, half *r, half *y, float *aa, float *bb,
float *pp) {
dim3 threadsPerBlock(min(C, 32));
assert(B * C % threadsPerBlock.x == 0);
dim3 numBlocks(B * C / threadsPerBlock.x);
kernel_wkv_forward_new<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(B, T, C, w, u, k, v, r,
y, aa, bb, pp);

__global__ void _att_mix(const half *xx, const half *sx, const half *k_mix,
const half *v_mix, const half *r_mix,
const int outer_size, const int inner_size, half *kx,
half *vx, half *rx) {
for (int idx2 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; idx2 < inner_size;
idx2 += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
half k_mix_ = k_mix[idx2];
half v_mix_ = v_mix[idx2];
half r_mix_ = r_mix[idx2];
for (int row = 0; row < outer_size; ++row) {
int idx1 = row * inner_size + idx2;
half xx_ = xx[idx1];
half sx_ = sx[idx1];
kx[idx1] = __hadd(__hmul(xx_, k_mix_),
__hmul(sx_, __hsub(__float2half(1), k_mix_)));
vx[idx1] = __hadd(__hmul(xx_, v_mix_),
__hmul(sx_, __hsub(__float2half(1), v_mix_)));
rx[idx1] = __hadd(__hmul(xx_, r_mix_),
__hmul(sx_, __hsub(__float2half(1), r_mix_)));

void att_mix(const half *xx, const half *sx, const half *k_mix,
const half *v_mix, const half *r_mix, const int outer_size,
const int inner_size, half *kx, half *vx, half *rx) {
// 256 is good enough on most GPUs
const int32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 256;
assert(inner_size % BLOCK_SIZE == 0);
_att_mix<<<inner_size / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE>>>(
xx, sx, k_mix, v_mix, r_mix, outer_size, inner_size, kx, vx, rx);

struct InplaceSigmoid {
__device__ __forceinline__ half operator()(int i) const {
ptr[i] = __float2half(1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-__half2float(ptr[i]))));
half *ptr;

struct InplaceMul {
__device__ __forceinline__ half operator()(int i) const {
y[i] = __hmul(x[i], y[i]);
half *y;
half *x;

Equivalent Python code:
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
sx =, xx[:-1,:]))
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
vx = xx * v_mix + sx * (1 - v_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(gemm(rx, rw))
k = gemm(kx, kw, output_dtype=torch.float32)
v = gemm(vx, vw, output_dtype=torch.float32)
T = x.shape[0]
for t in range(T):
kk = k[t]
vv = v[t]
ww = t_first + kk
p = torch.maximum(pp, ww)
e1 = torch.exp(pp - p)
e2 = torch.exp(ww - p)
sx[t] = ((e1 * aa + e2 * vv) / (e1 * bb + e2)).to(dtype=x.dtype)
ww = t_decay + pp
p = torch.maximum(ww, kk)
e1 = torch.exp(ww - p)
e2 = torch.exp(kk - p)
aa = e1 * aa + e2 * vv
bb = e1 * bb + e2
pp = p
out = gemm(r * sx, ow)
return x + out, xx[-1,:], aa, bb, pp
Tensor att_seq(Tensor x, Tensor sx, Tensor ln_w, Tensor ln_b, Tensor k_mix,
Tensor v_mix, Tensor r_mix, Tensor kw, Tensor vw, Tensor rw,
Tensor ow, Tensor t_first, Tensor pp, Tensor aa, Tensor bb,
Tensor t_decay, /* imm */ Tensor buf, /* out */ Tensor x_plus_out) {
Tensor xx = at::layer_norm(x, {x.size(-1)}, ln_w, ln_b);
sx = at::cat({sx.unsqueeze(0), xx.slice(0, 0, -1)}, 0);
char* buf_ptr = (char*)buf.data_ptr();
half* kx = (half*)buf_ptr;
half* vx = kx + x.numel();
half* rx = vx + x.numel();
half* wkv_y = rx + x.numel();
att_mix(data_ptr<half>(xx), data_ptr<half>(sx), data_ptr<half>(k_mix),
data_ptr<half>(v_mix), data_ptr<half>(r_mix), xx.size(0), xx.size(1),
kx, vx, rx);
float* k = reinterpret_cast<float*>(wkv_y + x.numel());
float* v = k + x.size(0) * kw.size(1);
half* r = reinterpret_cast<half*>(v + x.size(0) * vw.size(1));

gemm_fp16_cublas(kx, kw.data_ptr(), k, x.size(0), kw.size(1), kw.size(0), true);
gemm_fp16_cublas(vx, vw.data_ptr(), v, x.size(0), vw.size(1), vw.size(0), true);
gemm_fp16_cublas(rx, rw.data_ptr(), r, x.size(0), rw.size(1), rw.size(0), false);
element_wise(InplaceSigmoid{r}, x.size(0) * rw.size(1));
cuda_wkv_forward_new(1, x.size(0), x.size(1), data_ptr<float>(t_decay),
data_ptr<float>(t_first), k, v, r,
wkv_y, data_ptr<float>(aa),
data_ptr<float>(bb), data_ptr<float>(pp));
element_wise(InplaceMul{wkv_y, r}, x.numel());
gemm_fp16_cublas(wkv_y, ow.data_ptr(), x_plus_out.data_ptr(), x.size(0), ow.size(1), ow.size(0), false);
x_plus_out += x;
return xx;
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions rwkv_pip_package/src/rwkv/cuda/element_wise.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>

template <typename Func> __global__ void _element_wise(Func func, int n) {
for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < n;
i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {

// NOTE: packed data type (e.g. float4) is a overkill for current sizes
// (4096 in 7B model and 768 in 0.1B model),
// and is not faster than the plain float version.
template <typename Func>
void element_wise(Func func, int n) {
// 256 is good enough on most GPUs
const int32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 256;
assert(n % BLOCK_SIZE == 0);
_element_wise<<<n / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE>>>(func, n);

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