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  • ECMA6 ready with babel.js for browser support.
  • Github Flavoured Markdown
  • Dynamic markdown doc loading via app.set('docs/:categories/:pages')
  • highlight.js syntax highlighting
  • Modular Grunt Tasks
  • LESS
  • CSS auto prefix
  • Grunt Build Notifications
  • normalize.css
  • fontawesome
  • animate.css
  • html5shiv
  • es5-shim
  • jquery
  • modernizr
  • Desktop Notifications
  • IE and no JS user warnings

Important Reading


You need to have the below installed for this project.


We use the JavaScript version of Twig for this application so bare in mind that the docs are for PHP. Same syntax. Just remember that some features are not available.

Install and Start

To install the documentation portal, run:

`npm install` To install all the node and bower dependencies. It also then builds all the assets with grunt.

To start the applicatuion, run:

`npm start`

API Dependencies

The flarum and clients service API end points have yet to be mocked in the test suite, meaning in order to run the developer portal locally, you will need to install the following repositries: - make sure to set default user to username admin password test. As the form authentication is the one that gets used when logging in.

Depending on the localhost port the applications are served on, you may need to update these values in the .envrc file:

export FLARUM_URL="http://localhost/"
export CLIENTS_SERVICE_URL="http://localhost:5555"
export PATH="./node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
export NODE_ENV="development"


With clients-service and flarum running locally, update direnv (see below) by running direnv allow, then in the root of the application run npm test.


Direnv is an environment switcher for the shell. It will keep track of the environment variables you'll need for the project. You can find an example .envrc in the root of the project, you may need to alter it to fit your environment. For more information, read the documentation.

To allow the environment variables run the below command

direnv allow

To build the /app directory to /dist ready for production use run npm run build this will compile all the code using Babel stage 0

Heroku Support

To deploy to Heroku. First install, tool-belt

Then run heroku login and enter your heroku account details.

Now its time to create the app. Run heroku create myApp ('myApp' can be replaced with a different name). Now before you push, you must run a build-pack command to tell heroku to run a node instance. Heroku can do this automatically but its a good idea to set it as well just in case.

`heroku buildpacks:set`

To moinitor heroku log output, run heroku logs --tail in the app directory

Once everything is done, run git push heroku master to initiate the deploy.

You can then run heroku open to open the application in a browser.


This is the public developer docs repo







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