You can use OSINT Bookmarklets (Javascript) to be much faster and more efficient with your searches, from a single click in your browser and a single search, you can expand your request to various websites at the same time, which is classed as semi-automation.
- Semi-Automated searching
- Faster searching
- More efficiency with your research
- Less time wasted opening each website or search engine
- Only websites (tabs) you choose and target within your Javascript code will open.
My Bookmarklets should work on any Browser, they have been tested on the following ones:
Feel free to use this bookmarklet, you will see the code within this repository.
When you run this, you will be able to do a simultaneous search on Google 🇺🇸, Yandex 🇷🇺, Bing 🇺🇸, Qwant 🇫🇷, DuckDuckGo 🇺🇸, Baidu🇨🇳, and Ahmia 🇫🇮to search the Dark Web. 🌑
In Google Chrome for example: Bookmarks --> Bookmark Manager --> Add New Bookmark --> Give the name you want to give to your search Tool --> In URL Box paste the Javascript Bookmarklet and click save.
That's it you're done, to run the code, simply click on the bookmarklet, type the search, press enter and enjoy!
Make sure that in your Chrome settings, you allow pop-ups.