The goal of this project is to implement a load balancing algorithm to simulate discrete event systems in parallel using set based graphs.
$ make all
or just $make
compiles and outputs the sbg-partitioner
binary. To run, it takes these arguments:
path to the input file, a json file that represents the model we want to partitionate.-p
number of partitions.-g
[optional argument] output file path.-o
[optional argument] output the sb graph.-e
[optional argument] imbalance epsilon, a value between 0 and 1.
You can run make MODE=Debug
to display debug messages. They will be useful to
understand how the graph is initially partitioned, and then how those partiions
are improved.
The input file must be a json file with the following format:
Var: {
id : string
cost : int
exp : (a, b) where a, b ∈ Nat and a represents the coefficient and b the constant
of the expression a × i + b
def : {n1 , . . . , nk } set of node ids
Node: {
id: string
weight: int
interval: [1, . . . , M ]
lhs: {L1 , . . . , Lk } where Li has type Var
rhs : {R1 , . . . , Rg } where Ri hast type Var
For example:
"nodes": [
"id": 1,
"interval": [[1, 100]],
"lhs": [
"id": "th",
"exp": [[1, 0]],
"defs": []
it's a piece of the representation of the population of air conditioners model in examples/air_conditioners.json.
To run an example and get the resultant partition you can run:
./bin/sbg-partitioner -f examples/air_conditioners.json -p 4 -g output.json
The output will be written in the file output.json
in JSON format:
"partitions": [
{"nodes": [
{"nodes": [
{"nodes": [
{"nodes": [
where each node
object is a set of intervals, that represents a set of nodes for
each partition.
In the implementation of this project we used several third party libraries, all of them are open source.
- Set Based Graph Library to use set based graphs
in the branch
. - boost, version 1.8.4, mainly as a sbg library dependency.
- RapidJSON to read and write JSON files.
- Google Test for test cases.
$make sbg-partitioner-metrics
compiles and outputs sbg-partitioner-metrics binary, which partitionates and outputs edge cut, communication volume, maximum communication volume and maximum imbalance of the input and of the files in the directory passed as an argument. To run, it takes these arguments:
path to the input file, a json file that represents the model we want to partitionate.-d
path to a directory with txt files that indicate the model partitioning using other algorithms.-p
number of partitions.-e
[optional argument] imbalance epsilon, a value between 0 and 1.
Output files with the metrics will be output in the directory passed as an argument.
$make sbg-partitioner-exec-time
compiles and outputs sbg-partitioner-exec-time which partitionate the input model 5 times and outputs the average execution time.
path to the input file, a json file that represents the model we want to partitionate.-p
number of partitions.-h
display help information and exit.-v
display version information and exit.-g
[optional argument] Output file path.-e
[optional argument] imbalance epsilon, a value between 0 and 1.
If the input file is path/to/file.json
, average execution time will be writen in path/to/file_${number_of_partitions}_time_exec.txt
This project also has a test suite that can be run by: make test