Install ros2 Jazzy
on Ubuntu 24.04
apt-get install python3-rosdep
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src
colcon buld # initializes build, install, and log file ignored on github
source install/ # sources dependencie, build files, etc.
Activates nodes for drivetrain only
- main_drive
- main_joy
ros2 launch launch/
Activates broker publisher, sensor nodes, drivetrain, and autonomy
- main_drive
- main_joy
- autonomous
- sensor
- 4x broker [can_ids 15-18]
ros2 launch launch/
Test script to launch LiDAR, uncomment RVIZ section to see visual model
- unitree_lidar_ros2
ros2 launch launch/
NOTE: Won't work unless /dev/ttyUSB0 has full perms. For example, if on linux do sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
to give serial ports same permissions as user.