Minimum-Variance Policy Evaluation for Policy Improvement (UAI 2023) (Ported to latest tensorflow) (Moved from rllib to ray-rllib)
This repository contains the implementation of the MBPExPI algorithm, based on OpenAI baselines.
We provide the implementation of a novel algorithm, under the folder OptimalMis.
conda env create -f environment.yml
pip install requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
pip install -e .
The scripts accept a large number of optional command-line arguments. Typical usage is:
python3 --env [env name] --seed [random seed] --max_iters [iters number] --policy [linear] --policy_init [zeros] --variance_init [variance value] --shift_return [True | False] --constant_step_size [step size value] --inner [inner ites] --capacity [capacity] --max_offline_iters [offline iters] --penalization [True | False] --delta [delta value]
For example, to run a PO2PE experiment on the cartpole environment:
python3 baselines/optimalMis/ --env rllab.cartpole --seed 0 --max_iters 500 --policy 'linear' --policy_init 'zeros' --capacity 1 --inner 1 --variance_init -1 --constant_step_size 1 --max_offline_iters 10 --penalization True --delta 0.75
To compare the previous results with POIS:
python3 baselines/pois/ --env rllab.cartpole --seed 0 --max_iters 500 --policy 'linear' --policy_init 'zeros' --variance_init -1 --delta 0.4
To compare the previous results with TRPO:
python3 baselines/trpo_mpi/ --env rllab.cartpole --seed 0 --num_episodes 100 --max_iters 500 --policy 'linear' --policy_init 'zeros' --variance_init -1 --max_kl 0.01
The results are saved in csv and tensorboard formats under the ./logs directory.