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WIP: We are actively working on this plugin. not yet ready for production. not Released on npm yet. Uses the SDK to implement calling in Capacitor


npm install stream-call
npx cap sync

Setting up Android StreamVideo apikey

  1. Add your apikey to the Android project:
  1. Add your apikey to the Android project:
<string name="CAPACITOR_STREAM_VIDEO_APIKEY">your_api_key</string>

Setting up iOS StreamVideo apikey

  1. Add your apikey to the iOS project:

Add the following to the Info.plist file:

  <!-- other keys -->

Native Localization


  1. Add Localizable.strings and Localizable.stringsdict files to your Xcode project if you don't have them:
  1. Add new languages to your project in Xcode:

    • Open project settings
    • Select your project
    • Click "Info" tab
    • Under "Localizations" click "+"
    • Select the languages you want to add
  2. Add the translations in your Localizable.strings:

// en.lproj/Localizable.strings
"" = "Incoming call from %@";
"" = "Accept";
"" = "Reject";
"" = "Hang up";
"" = "Joining...";
"" = "Reconnecting...";
  1. Configure the localization provider in your AppDelegate.swift:
import StreamVideo

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Set localization provider to use your app's bundle
        Appearance.localizationProvider = { key, table in
            Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: table)
        return true

You can find all available localization keys in the StreamVideo SDK repository.


  1. Create string resources in /app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="stream_video_call_incoming">Incoming call from %1$s</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_accept">Accept</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_reject">Reject</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_hangup">Hang up</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_joining">Joining...</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_reconnecting">Reconnecting...</string>
  1. Add translations for other languages in their respective folders (e.g., /app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="stream_video_call_incoming">Appel entrant de %1$s</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_accept">Accepter</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_reject">Refuser</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_hangup">Raccrocher</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_joining">Connexion...</string>
    <string name="stream_video_call_reconnecting">Reconnexion...</string>

The SDK will automatically use the system language and these translations.



login(options: LoginOptions) => Promise<SuccessResponse>

Login to Stream Video service

Param Type Description
options LoginOptions - Login configuration

Returns: Promise<SuccessResponse>


logout() => Promise<SuccessResponse>

Logout from Stream Video service

Returns: Promise<SuccessResponse>


call(options: CallOptions) => Promise<SuccessResponse>

Initiate a call to another user

Param Type Description
options CallOptions - Call configuration

Returns: Promise<SuccessResponse>


endCall() => Promise<SuccessResponse>

End the current call

Returns: Promise<SuccessResponse>


setMicrophoneEnabled(options: { enabled: boolean; }) => Promise<SuccessResponse>

Enable or disable microphone

Param Type Description
options { enabled: boolean; } - Microphone state

Returns: Promise<SuccessResponse>


setCameraEnabled(options: { enabled: boolean; }) => Promise<SuccessResponse>

Enable or disable camera

Param Type Description
options { enabled: boolean; } - Camera state

Returns: Promise<SuccessResponse>

addListener('callEvent', ...)

addListener(eventName: 'callEvent', listenerFunc: (event: CallEvent) => void) => Promise<{ remove: () => Promise<void>; }>

Add listener for call events

Param Type Description
eventName 'callEvent' - Name of the event to listen for
listenerFunc (event: CallEvent) => void - Callback function

Returns: Promise<{ remove: () => Promise<void>; }>


removeAllListeners() => Promise<void>

Remove all event listeners


acceptCall() => Promise<SuccessResponse>

Accept an incoming call

Returns: Promise<SuccessResponse>


rejectCall() => Promise<SuccessResponse>

Reject an incoming call

Returns: Promise<SuccessResponse>



Prop Type Description
success boolean Whether the operation was successful


Prop Type Description
token string Stream Video API token
userId string User ID for the current user
name string Display name for the current user
imageURL string Optional avatar URL for the current user
apiKey string Stream Video API key
magicDivId string ID of the HTML element where the video will be rendered
refreshToken { url: string; headers?: Record<string, string>; } Configuration for token refresh


Prop Type Description
userId string User ID of the person to call
type string Type of call, defaults to 'default'
ring boolean Whether to ring the other user, defaults to true


Prop Type Description
callId string ID of the call
state string Current state of the call

Type Aliases


Construct a type with a set of properties K of type T

{ [P in K]: T; }