Version 1.0
This is the alpha version of the release 1.0 that brought the most wanted feature: Custom Themes.
You can now change the colors of the Default Theme to whatever suits your needs from the options under Appearance -> Material Custom Theme
, then select Custom Theme from the list of themes. Be creative and share your setup with others so they can use your beautiful crafted theme :)
Aside from this, three new themes made their apparition:
- Monokai Theme, a theme with the color of the famous Monokai Color Scheme
- Arc Dark Theme, the theme from the GTK Skin
- Atom One Dark Theme, the theme from the famous editor.
I'm working on a documentation and on a system to share theme setups, so you can preview and maybe even download themes (not sure about this part though).
I'm currently halting the development of the Material Theme since I did what I wanted to do, except in cases of bugs. Maybe I'll continue the development later but for now I have other plans :)
Hope you'll like it!