TCD v2.8
This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features, again, thanks to Thomas Winischhofer @realA10001986.
Notable changes since v2.6: (v2.7 was skipped)
- Added MQTT feature - can display txt sent via MQTT, and trigger time travel events when sent TIMETRAVEL. Events (time travel, alarm) are also published to the subscribed MQTT topic.
- Added beep modes and keypad shortcuts (000 disables beep, 001 enables beep, 002 and 003 enable beep for 30/60 seconds after entering a destination time and/or upon initiating a time travel)
- Added World Clock mode with city labels (112+ENTER toggles World Clock mode)
- Added yearly/monthly reminder feature (77mmddhhMM, 77 displays current reminder, 770 deletes it, 777 displays the days/hours/mins until the next reminder)
- Many logic/bug fixes/code optimizations
Full Changelog: v2.6...v2.8