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Add particulate remineralization according to profile (e.g. Martin Curve). #19

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291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions examples/baroclinic_adjustment_with_can.jl
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# # Baroclinic adjustment
# In this example, we simulate the evolution and equilibration of a baroclinically
# unstable front.
# ## Install dependencies
# First let's make sure we have all required packages installed.

# ```julia
# using Pkg
# pkg"add Oceananigans, ClimaOceanBiogeochemistry, CairoMakie"
# ```

using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Units
using Oceananigans.TurbulenceClosures: CATKEVerticalDiffusivity
using ClimaOceanBiogeochemistry: CarbonAlkalinityNutrients

# ## Grid
# We use a three-dimensional channel that is periodic in the `x` direction:
Lx = 1000kilometers # east-west extent [m]
Ly = 1000kilometers # north-south extent [m]
Lz = 200 # depth [m]

Nx = 64
Ny = 64
Nz = 40

grid = RectilinearGrid(size = (Nx, Ny, Nz),
x = (0, Lx),
y = (-Ly/2, Ly/2),
z = (-Lz, 0),
topology = (Periodic, Bounded, Bounded))

# ## Buoyancy that depends on temperature and salinity
# We use the `SeawaterBuoyancy` model with a linear equation of state,

#buoyancy = SeawaterBuoyancy(equation_of_state=LinearEquationOfState(thermal_expansion = 2e-4,
# haline_contraction = 8e-4))

# ## Model

# We built a `HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel` with an `ImplicitFreeSurface` solver.
# Regarding Coriolis, we use a beta-plane centered at 45° South.

model = HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel(; grid, #buoyancy,
buoyancy = BuoyancyTracer(),
biogeochemistry = CarbonAlkalinityNutrients(),
closure = CATKEVerticalDiffusivity(),
coriolis = BetaPlane(latitude = -45),
#tracers = (:T, :S, :e),
tracers = (:b, :e),
momentum_advection = WENO(),
tracer_advection = WENO())

# We want to initialize our model with a baroclinically unstable front plus some small-amplitude
# noise.

ramp(y, Δy)

Linear ramp from 0 to 1 between -Δy/2 and +Δy/2.

For example:
y < -Δy/2 => ramp = 0
-Δy/2 < y < -Δy/2 => ramp = y / Δy
y > Δy/2 => ramp = 1
ramp(y, Δy) = min(max(0, y/Δy + 1/2), 1)
nothing #hide

# We then use `ramp(y, Δy)` to construct an initial buoyancy configuration of a baroclinically
# unstable front. The front has a buoyancy jump `Δb` over a latitudinal width `Δy`.

N² = 4e-6 # [s⁻²] buoyancy frequency / stratification
M² = 8e-8 # [s⁻²] horizontal buoyancy gradient

Δy = 50kilometers # width of the region of the front
Δb = Δy * M² # buoyancy jump associated with the front
ϵb = 1e-2 * Δb # noise amplitude
#α = buoyancy.equation_of_state.thermal_expansion
#g = buoyancy.gravitational_acceleration

#Tᵢ(x, y, z) = 1/(α*g) * (N² * z + Δb * ramp(y, Δy) + ϵb * randn())
bᵢ(x, y, z) = N² * z + Δb * ramp(y, Δy) + ϵb * randn()

# BGC initial conditions
N₀ = 16e-3 # Surface nutrient concentration
P₀ = 1e-3 # Surface nutrient concentration
D₀ = 0.33e-3 # Surface detritus concentration
dᴺ = 50.0 # Nutrient mixed layer depth
N² = 1e-5 # Buoyancy gradient, s⁻²

# bᵢ(x, y, z) = N² * z
Nᵢ(x, y, z) = N₀ * max(1, exp(-(z + dᴺ) / 100))
Pᵢ(x, y, z) = P₀ * max(1, exp(-(z + dᴺ) / 100))
Dᵢ(x, y, z) = D₀ * exp(z / 10)

set!(model, b=bᵢ, DIC=2.2, Alk=2.5, PO₄=Pᵢ, NO₃=Nᵢ, DOP=Dᵢ, Fe=1e-6, e=1e-6)

# Now let's built a `Simulation`.
Δt₀ = 5minutes
stop_time = 1days

simulation = Simulation(model, Δt=Δt₀, stop_time=stop_time)

# We add a `TimeStepWizard` callback to adapt the simulation's time-step,
wizard = TimeStepWizard(cfl=0.2, max_change=1.1, max_Δt=20minutes)
simulation.callbacks[:wizard] = Callback(wizard, IterationInterval(20))

# Also, we add a callback to print a message about how the simulation is going,
using Printf

wall_clock = [time_ns()]

function print_progress(sim)
@printf("[%05.2f%%] i: %d, t: %s, wall time: %s, max(u): (%6.3e, %6.3e, %6.3e) m/s, next Δt: %s\n",
100 * (sim.model.clock.time / sim.stop_time),
prettytime(1e-9 * (time_ns() - wall_clock[1])),
maximum(abs, sim.model.velocities.u),
maximum(abs, sim.model.velocities.v),
maximum(abs, sim.model.velocities.w),

wall_clock[1] = time_ns()

return nothing

simulation.callbacks[:print_progress] = Callback(print_progress, IterationInterval(100))

# ## Diagnostics/Output

# Add some diagnostics. Here, we save the buoyancy, ``b``, at the edges of our domain as well as
# the zonal (``x``) average of buoyancy.

u, v, w = model.velocities

averages = NamedTuple(name => Average(model.tracers[name], dims=1) for name in keys(model.tracers))
filename = "baroclinic_adjustment_with_can"
save_fields_interval = 0.5day

slicers = (west = (1, :, :),
east = (grid.Nx, :, :),
south = (:, 1, :),
north = (:, grid.Ny, :),
bottom = (:, :, 1),
top = (:, :, grid.Nz))

for side in keys(slicers)
indices = slicers[side]
simulation.output_writers[side] = JLD2OutputWriter(model, model.tracers;
filename = filename * "_$(side)_slice",
schedule = TimeInterval(save_fields_interval),
overwrite_existing = true,

simulation.output_writers[:zonal] = JLD2OutputWriter(model, averages;
filename = filename * "_zonal_average",
schedule = TimeInterval(save_fields_interval),
overwrite_existing = true)

# Now let's run!

@info "Running the simulation..."


@info "Simulation completed in " * prettytime(simulation.run_wall_time)

# ## Visualization

# Now we are ready to visualize our resutls! We use `CairoMakie` in this example.
# On a system with OpenGL `using GLMakie` is more convenient as figures will be
# displayed on the screen.

using CairoMakie

# We load the saved buoyancy output on the top, bottom, and east surface as `FieldTimeSeries`es.

sides = keys(slicers)
slice_filenames = NamedTuple(side => filename * "_$(side)_slice.jld2" for side in sides)

b_timeserieses = (east = FieldTimeSeries(slice_filenames.east, "PO₄"),
north = FieldTimeSeries(slice_filenames.north, "PO₄"),
bottom = FieldTimeSeries(slice_filenames.bottom, "PO₄"),
top = FieldTimeSeries(, "PO₄"))

avg_b_timeseries = FieldTimeSeries(filename * "_zonal_average.jld2", "PO₄")

times = avg_b_timeseries.times

nothing #hide

# We build the coordinates. We rescale horizontal coordinates so that they correspond to kilometers.

x, y, z = nodes(b_timeserieses.east)

x = x .* 1e-3 # convert m -> km
y = y .* 1e-3 # convert m -> km

x_xz = repeat(x, 1, Nz)
y_xz_north = y[end] * ones(Nx, Nz)
z_xz = repeat(reshape(z, 1, Nz), Nx, 1)

x_yz_east = x[end] * ones(Ny, Nz)
y_yz = repeat(y, 1, Nz)
z_yz = repeat(reshape(z, 1, Nz), grid.Ny, 1)

x_xy = x
y_xy = y
z_xy_top = z[end] * ones(grid.Nx, grid.Ny)
z_xy_bottom = z[1] * ones(grid.Nx, grid.Ny)
nothing #hide

# Then we create a 3D axis. We use `zonal_slice_displacement` to control where the plot of the instantaneous
# zonal average flow is located.

fig = Figure(resolution = (900, 520))

zonal_slice_displacement = 1.2

ax = Axis3(fig[2, 1], aspect=(1, 1, 1/5),
xlabel="x (km)", ylabel="y (km)", zlabel="z (m)",
limits = ((x[1], zonal_slice_displacement * x[end]), (y[1], y[end]), (z[1], z[end])),
elevation = 0.45, azimuth = 6.8,
xspinesvisible = false, zgridvisible=false,

nothing #hide

# We use Makie's `Observable` to animate the data. To dive into how `Observable`s work we
# refer to [Makie.jl's Documentation](

n = Observable(1)

# Now let's make a 3D plot of the buoyancy and in front of it we'll use the zonally-averaged output
# to plot the instantaneous zonal-average of the buoyancy.

b_slices = (east = @lift(interior(b_timeserieses.east[$n], 1, :, :)),
north = @lift(interior(b_timeserieses.north[$n], :, 1, :)),
bottom = @lift(interior(b_timeserieses.bottom[$n], :, :, 1)),
top = @lift(interior([$n], :, :, 1)))

avg_b = @lift interior(avg_b_timeseries[$n], 1, :, :)

clims = @lift 1.1 .* extrema([$n][:])

kwargs = (colorrange = clims, colormap = :deep)

surface!(ax, x_yz_east, y_yz, z_yz; color = b_slices.east, kwargs...)
surface!(ax, x_xz, y_xz_north, z_xz; color = b_slices.north, kwargs...)
surface!(ax, x_xy, y_xy, z_xy_bottom ; color = b_slices.bottom, kwargs...)
surface!(ax, x_xy, y_xy, z_xy_top; color =, kwargs...)

sf = surface!(ax, zonal_slice_displacement .* x_yz_east, y_yz, z_yz; color = avg_b, kwargs...)

contour!(ax, y, z, avg_b; transformation = (:yz, zonal_slice_displacement * x[end]),
levels = 15, linewidth = 2, color = :black)

Colorbar(fig[2, 2], sf, label = "mol P m⁻³", height = 200, tellheight=false)

title = @lift "Phosphate at t = " * string(round(times[$n] / day, digits=1)) * " days"

fig[1, 1:2] = Label(fig, title; fontsize = 24, tellwidth = false, padding = (0, 0, -120, 0))

current_figure() # hide

# Finally, we add a figure title with the time of the snapshot and then record a movie.

frames = 1:length(times)

record(fig, filename * ".mp4", frames, framerate=8) do i
msg = string("Plotting frame ", i, " of ", frames[end])
print(msg * " \r")
n[] = i
nothing #hide

# ![](baroclinic_adjustment.mp4)