Releases: CnCNet/cncnet-yr-client-package
- Fix bug where Chrono Legionnaires start instantly erasing all their targets if their infantry targets are erased by the Chronosphere SW - Credit: @Rampastring
- Survival Map Changes and Additions by DeeCee Tank Man by @CnCRAZER in #436
- Update Russian translation by @MahBoiDeveloper in #460
- Add missing tournament Blitz maps
Full Changelog: yr-8.69...yr-8.70
What's changed
- Added ability to toggle in-game chat, see screenshot of options on where that is.
- Fix search selecting null maps, that also caused autoready issues (CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#670) @GrantBartlett @SadPencil
- Added steam SDK @GrantBartlett @SadPencil
Full Changelog: yr-8.68...yr-8.69
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Shoutout to our testers in the CnCNet Discord testing these updates. If any issues arise from this update please chat to us in the ra2yr-updates-chat
What's Changed
XNA Client released
New Features
- IME Support for WindowsDX build (by @frg2089 and @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#537)
- Show map preview in game preview (by @GrantBartlett in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#611, improved by @GrantBartlett in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#627 and @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#629)
- Allow disabling specific sides for human or AI players only (by @MortonPL in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#542)
- Allow user-defined network settings via NetworkDefinitions.local.ini (by @11EJDE11 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#661)
Bug Fixes
- Fix height of game info panel (by @GrantBartlett in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#618)
- Fix buggy TS compatibility message box text (by @MahBoiDeveloper in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#622)
- Fix incorrect hash calculation for files in nested directories (by @pzhlkj6612 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#628)
- Search untranslated map name when loading preview (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#631)
- Fix crash when clicking favourite button and no map is selected (by @11EJDE11 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#635)
- Fix skirmish lobby selecting wrong map when the list is sorted (by @Saint146 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#634)
- Fix map information labels not being updated in certain cases (by @11EJDE11 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#636)
- Fix issues when running in Wine. (by @remgodow in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#638)
- Fix null map on handleoptionsrequest (by @11EJDE11 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#644)
- Fix deleting cached files when setting has been enabled (by @MahBoiDeveloper in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#645)
- Fix client not reaching disconnect code with unintentional disconnects. (by @11EJDE11 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#648)
- Fix concurrency issue in LoadCustomMaps by using a thread-safe collection (by @11EJDE11 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#659)
- Fix PickRandomMap not working with Favourited map list (by @11EJDE11 in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#657)
Other Changes
- Upgrade default CnCNet service URLs to HTTPS (by @GrantBartlett in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#624)
- Add L10N to the name of optional components (by @MahBoiDeveloper in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#647)
- Adding missing auto ally presets by @Puzzabug in #453
Minor Changes
- Add document on updating the common assembly list (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#654)
- Mark some pitfalls on UserCollection (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#656)
Repo updates
- Create issue templates by @brichardson1991 in #441
- Bug templates v2 by @brichardson1991 in #444
- Change .tar file to .tar.gz to reflect gzip compression. by @Revival8697 in #448
- Fix git repository errors by @Belonit in #449
New Contributors
- @11EJDE11 made their first contribution in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#635
- @Saint146 made their first contribution in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#634
- @remgodow made their first contribution in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#638
- @Revival8697 made their first contribution in #448
- @Puzzabug made their first contribution in #453
What's Changed
- Continuation of 8.67.2
- Fix critical crash when searching for a map (when it returns nothing and a player accepts). CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client@383933d by @11EJDE11
- Updated Themes files to remove hardcoded size on advanced lobby creation window by @brichardson1991 in #438
- Update by @brichardson1991 in #439
- Further fix to game speed slider issue by @CnCRAZER
Full Changelog: yr-8.67.2...yr-8.67.3
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Install using the installer. Click to download.
What's Changed
- Display map previews in lobby game listings when hovering over a game by @GrantBartlett & @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#611
- Improvements to Russian translations by @MahBoiDeveloper in #411
- Fix incorrect waypoint in MPMaps.ini by @SadPencil in #413
- Fix the "Screen mode not found" issue of QRes @SadPencil Starkku/cncnet-client-mod-base#1
- Fix cnc-ddraw not working in windowed mode and borderless. Credit JackieJayhawk from CnCNet Discord and @SadPencil
- Add cnc-ddraw stretch option #415
- Fix YR campaign not launching
- Fix game speed issues (Restructured INI files by @CnCRAZER in #426
- Correct player number for map "Kong - Blitz" by @SadPencil in #414
- Feature/blitz maps january 2025 by @alexp8 in #435
- Fix issues when running in Wine. CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#638
- Fix map information labels (name, author, etc) not being updated when a game is first created or Show/Hide Maps is called - CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#636 @11EJDE11
- Fix skirmish lobby selecting wrong map when the list is sorted
- Fix crash when clicking favourite button and no map is selected CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client@765fb06
- #417 updated github actions by @devo1929 in #420
- Update ClientDefinitions.ini by @brichardson1991 in #422
New Contributors
- @MahBoiDeveloper made their first contribution in #411
Special thanks
- @SadPencil & @Metadorius for code reviews.
- To our RA2/YR testing group for their feedback in the #ra2yr-updates-chat on Discord.
Full Changelog: yr-8.67.1...yr-8.67.2
YR 8.66
Trouble installing the update?
Download the latest installer clicking here.
What's Changed
Fix host not loading into game after sharing their map @GrantBartlett
Fix an issue where some users were experiencing trouble connecting to GameSurge by @brichardson1991
New versions of Oceania_mod, Black_Sea_mod and Storm_mod by @CCCP84 in #403
Enhance campaign support for CD and Steam installations by @SadPencil in #408
Upgrade client launcher to 2.0.9 by @SadPencil in #409
Game listings update
You can now right click on a game and it will provide the context menu, giving you additional options such as joining their game, sending a message etc.
Skill Level icons
You can now indicate what player skill level you would like to join your game
Select & show preferred skill level when making a game @GrantBartlett
Beginner games preview
Intermediate games preview
Pro games preview
Special thanks
- For all code reviews @Metadorius @SadPencil @Rampastring
- For all tech support & testing: @brichardson1991 @alexp8 [FC]MJ
Full Changelog: yr-8.65.2...yr-8.66
YR 8.65.2
What's Changed
- Fix critical crash caused with an old library not being deleted. Happened on older CnCNet installations. Thanks to Sai for providing the Resources folder to examine, and @brichardson1991 @SadPencil and Speeder for debugging the causes. @GrantBartlett in #405
- Fix game speed sliders in skirmish/online, credit: Lud0wig(b227957)
- Updated readme file by @brichardson1991 in #404
- Fix crash when messaging players in a game lobby CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#602 @GrantBartlett
New Contributors
- @brichardson1991 made their first contribution in #404
Full Changelog: yr-8.65.1...yr-8.65.2
YR 8.65.1
What's Changed
Some small bug fixes from the earlier update
- Fix the issue of being unable to join random games, which presents a 'Password incorrect' error despite there being no password. @GrantBartlett
- Fix cannot launch campaign from a legit CD installation by @SadPencil in #398
- Added NET8 Binaries for advanced users
- Temporarily removed MAX speed from skirmish games to fix multiplayer showing max speed. (We will fix this in a later update don't worry)
Full Changelog: yr-8.65...yr-8.65.1
Update didn't work?
Install the update using the installer:
YR 8.65.0
Full changelog and updates are listed below. Full credit goes to the XNA CnCNet Developers who worked particularly hard getting the client upgraded and back on track.
If you have trouble downloading the latest update, reinstall using
Release Client update notes
New features
- Ultra-wide monitors are now supported by DX and GL builds. Some integer scaled resolutions are added for high DPI monitors. (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#555)
- Extra arguments can now be passed for XNALinkButton URL. (by @LeuisKen in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#535)
Bug fixes
- Fixed blurry display issues on high DPI monitors in UGL build. (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#555)
- Fixed partial unclickable areas in fullscreen mode in UGL build. (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#555)
- Fixed crash due to missing PlayerExtraOptionsPanel. (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#551)
- Fixed crash when the client received a LAN game message from an unknown mod. (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#560)
- Fixed crash when the game host selected an empty map by switching to an empty favorite map list or using the map filter. (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#456)
- The client no longer requires the folder name of the translation locale code to be case-sensitive. (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#554)
Minor changes
- Documentation improvement. (by @SadPencil in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#553 and CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#561)
New Contributors
- @LeuisKen made their first contribution in CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client#535
Migration Notes
Below are some migration notices when migrating the client from version
- The client now provides some integer scaled resolutions from recommended solutions when the client is not in fullscreen mode. Modders are encouraged to re-specify
file, where the recommended resolutions should be no smaller than{MinimumRenderWidth}x{MinimumRenderHeight}
and no larger than{MaximumRenderWidth}x{MaximumRenderHeight}
.- As updated in the documentation, we now encourage modders keeping
files that corresponds to*.exe
files, even when distributing the client to end users. For example,clientdx.pdb
, etc. Keeping*.pdb
files provides a more detailed error log and it's extremely helpful for troubleshooting.- As updated in the documentation, Chinese translators are encouraged to use
as the name of the translation folder.Full Changelog: CnCNet/xna-cncnet-client@
Release Client update notes
Short heads up on what happened in the past years: after versions
the client fell into a development limbo by first introducing a bunch of breaking changes that resulted in us not being ready for the release, and then taking a careless major turn to migrate to the newest tech which resulted in the client having considerably worse user experience than it was before, with us being powerless to solve the issues without backtracking, so we did with the great deal of help from @SadPencil, who carried out a huge part of the reverse migration.Due to some versioning trouble and having multiple mainline and fork versions around the next release is gonna skip a few version numbers and be released as
The changelog for it is as follows:
- The client now targets .NET Framework 4.8 and optionally .NET 8 is available for advanced users. The client code and project files has undergone a few major refactorings in the process of adjusting for new technologies (by @SadPencil, @Rans4ckeR, @frg2089, @Metadorius)
- The new crossplatform OpenGL-based build called
is available if .NET 8 client is included (by @Rans4ckeR)- The client now has a localization system implemented, with support for custom game files, user-provided localizations, easy translation file generation, per-localization dimension adjustments, localized assets and much more (by @Metadorius, @SadPencil)
- The game lobbies are now set up in a more configurable way using the new
system (by @Rampastring)- The player ready box is now transformed into a more advanced player status indicator, which can show other states like being ingame or being unable to participate in the match due to some issues (by @Metadorius)
- The client updater was upgraded, documented and made open-source. The new updater is now a part of the client distribution by default, is more configurable and offers extra features compared to the previous iteration (by @Starkku)
- The custom setting system was overhauled and refactored, adding support for custom setting keys to support new versions of engine extensions (which require custom settings set in the user config INI file) without needing to modify the client's code (by @Starkku)
- Added map sort button (by @devo1929)
- Added map download command (by @alexlambson)
- Added support for non-isometric starting positions in preparation of support of older games (by @Rampastring)
- Added support for copying additional files along with the map file in preparation of support of older games (by @devo1929)
- Made the API network addresses configurable, intended for users with network restrictions to be able to use mirrors (by @SadPencil)
- Many more bugfixes and minor improvements by various contributors which are hard to list
We've opened official chat channels on Mod Haven (even though it's under CnCNet umbrella officially, the decision was made to use Mod Haven out of practical reasons).
The client now also has documentation in form of
files in the repo. At the moment it does not cover everything, focusing on most important parts like migration documentation. It will be filled up as the client development goes further. Migration docs are also included; thanks to everyone who upkept the docs and especially @MortonPL for providing a step by step migration guide.