EarthShaker is a simple theme based on icarus and Oishi. In fact, most of the basic framework is based on icarus and thanks to PPOffice's hard work. However, I've modified many details and I think this new theme owns both mutilfunction of icarus and the simplicity of Oishi. Of course, I will continue optimizing EarthShaker.
Why not try once?
$ git clone https://github.com/Cubernet/hexo-theme-EarthShaker.git themes/earthshaker
EarthShaker requires Hexo 3.0 and above.
Modify theme
setting in _config.yml
to earthshaker
cd themes/earthshaker
git pull
# Header
Home: /
Archives: /archives
About: /about
# Content
excerpt_link: Read More
fancybox: true
# Sidebar
sidebar: right
- player
- recent_posts
- category
- tag
- tagcloud
- archive
- links
# Contacts
github: http://github.com/Cubernet
twitter: '#'
facebook: '#'
dribbble: '#'
rss: /atom.xml
# Links
Hexo: http://hexo.io
# Miscellaneous
favicon: /favicon.png
- fancybox - Enable Fancybox.
- contacts - Your social network links, RSS link, etc.
- widgets - Widgets displaying in sidebar.
- links - Links displayed in the link widget.
- google_analytics - Google Analytics ID.
- favicon - Favicon path.
# Site
title: EarthShaker
description: Hexo theme - EarthShaker
author: Cubernet
author_title: 'Coder'
avatar: css/images/avatar.png
location: 'Chengdu, China'
language: en
# Disqus
- author - Your name.
- author_title - Title to your occupation.
- avatar - Your avatar image link.
- location - Where you live in.
- disqus_shortname - Your Disqus shortname.
English and Simplified Chinese are the default languages of the theme. You can add translations in the languages
folder and change the default language in blog's _config.yml
language: zh-CN
A nice place to show yourself. You can add your own information in your site's _config.yml
EarthShaker knows on what screen size you are browsering the website, and reorganize the layout to fit your device.
EarthShaker uses Fancybox to showcase your photos. You can use Markdown syntax or fancybox tag plugin to add your photos.

EarthShaker provides 7 built-in widgets:
- player
- recent_posts
- category
- archives
- tag
- tagcloud
- links
All of them are enabled by default. You can edit them in widget
EarthShaker provides access statistics of your site and every article by using busuanzi
- default - Download Fancybox and Font Awesome.
- fontawesome - Only download Font Awesome.
- fancybox - Only download Fancybox.
- clean - Clean temporarily files and downloaded files.